Friday 13 December 2019

Holiday Traditions

The Holiday Break is almost upon us!! I know over the holidays I look forward to a few different traditions. The first thing I love doing is Friends Christmas. All of my dearest friends come over, we play games and make a fabulous dinner. The evening is full of laughter and sets the rest of the mood for my holiday. The second tradition I have is with my family on Christmas Eve. My mom’s entire family comes together and we have a meal that is typically all or mostly seafood. The rest of my break is spent relaxing, enjoying some winter activities like skiing and winter hikes. 

For your blog post this week tell us about what you love doing over your break. Do you and your family have any traditions that you share in every year? Maybe you have an annual hockey tournament or a vacation somewhere. Who do you always look forward to seeing? I would love to hear what you plan on doing over the two weeks we are apart. Add great detail and really show what you are looking forward to in your writing. Make sure you edit your work before you submit it.

Friday 6 December 2019

Make your friends HUNGRY!

Bitmoji Image
For your blog post this week, I’d like each of you to think in your head about what your favourite food in the whole world is!  Picture that food in your mind, how it looks, smells, tastes, sounds when it’s cooking. Have you got it? Good. Now here’s the challenge, can you write a descriptive paragraph that doesn’t mention what your food is but describes it so well that your classmates can guess what it is?  The world of food and wine website has some great words that you can use to help you in your challenge!

Here’s an example:

 “It’s colour is burned a deep amber hue,  the outside hard, crunchy, almost black with flavour. The smell is powerful, smokey, and tantalizing. As I take my sharp knife and cut through the bark, the heat rises out in steamy tendrils. I pour the thin, vinegary barbecue sauce into the glass bowl, with the piled up meat. It’s rich, meaty smell hits my nose and I use my knife and fork to cut through it. The taste is strong, meaty and delicious and as I put it on the bun, I cannot wait to bite into it!

Friday 29 November 2019

100 Word Challenge

Can you finish this story in around 100 words!  The words in the story starter don’t count. If you want to see a bigger picture, click the link.  Can’t wait to read your posts!

Thursday 21 November 2019

Spread Some Awesome!

Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 10.54.47 AM.pngLook at the quote to the left.  Your task this week is something a little different, it’s time to spread some awesome.  Do one thing this week that spreads some major awesome by drawing a name in class (keep it to yourself… shhhh!), and writing a letter to that person in your blog post, listing 3 reasons that make that person really awesome. They can be anything- but think about character traits- what this person shows and does that makes them unique, special and well, AWESOME! You will write your blog post in a letter format. 

Here’s an example
Dear _______, 
Did you know how totally awesome you are?! Well, you are! Here are three reasons that make you so great and appreciated. 

  1. You are a great listener. You make people feel as though they are very important in the way you listen to them and show that you care. 
  2. You are a hard worker. You use your class time super well and are always focused! It’s inspiring. 
  3. You are inclusive. I love that you always invite people to play with you at recess and are friends with everyone. 

Thank you for being your awesome self. We appreciate you! 

I can’t wait to watch everyone spread awesome and see how it ripples into our worlds! 

Friday 15 November 2019

The Importance of Empathy

Image result for empathy"
Have you ever had a rough day at school? I bet most of you can answer yes to that question. Think about what helps you on these days. Does having supportive friends help? Being left alone? Caring/kind words? Now think about what doesn’t help....someone being mean to you? Picking on you? Not showing kindness?

As a class we are a community. Everyone here has different feelings, thoughts and experiences. It is important to remember, you never know what is happening in a peers life. Maybe they got into a huge fight at home, maybe they didn’t sleep well, maybe they are really worried about that upcoming test or assignment. 

Have you heard of empathy? What is it really? Why should I show it? For your blog posts this week,  I want you to take a look at this website “Importance of Empathy”. Watch the three videos and reflect on their meanings. 

Think about: How can I be more empathetic to my classmates? What can I do to help someone? Remember empathy is not showing sympathy or saying “I’m sorry”. It is putting yourself in their shoes, how can you help brighten someone's day? How can I be supportive to my classmates and really show a connection to how they are feeling?

Friday 8 November 2019

A Letter For The Future

Watch this video:

Kid President has some amazing messages for us in his video “A Letter For the Future”.  As you watched this, I hope you were thinking about what you can do to help out to make the future a better place.  He’s right; we do hear a lot of negative things from the news but as young people, the future is in your hands!

For you blog post this week, write three ways that you plan to help make the future a better place.  You have right NOW!

Friday 1 November 2019

The Chase!

You have all been doing such a good job adding more detail and description to your writing. For this weeks blog post I would like you to continue to add those great details, but also work on perspective. 

This week you are to write either from the perspective of the snake or iguana. Watch the video snake vs iguana to help give you some ideas on what to write about. Please write one paragraph from the perspective of your choice. Use descriptive writing to describe feelings and events that have happened leading up or after the chase. 

**Warning, the video is very intense, you will be on the edge of your seat the whole time**

Friday 25 October 2019

How Scary!?

In class, we will be working on sentence structure, catchy introductions and using descriptive words to add excitement and convey feelings. Last week we worked on describing meaningful events  in our lives using the five senses, but I think we need some more work at it (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste).

Let’s talk HALLOWEEN!!  In a six sentence paragraph (opening sentence, four supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence), use descriptive writing to describe your or someone else’s point of view as they walk through a TERRIFYING haunted house. Eg. I smelled… I saw…. I heard…  

Use as many powerful adjectives as you can to make this writing exciting and BONE CHILLING!

Friday 18 October 2019

A moment in time

For your blog post this week, I want you to take us through an important or exciting moment in your life. What happened? What was going on? Why was this such a great moment? 

I want you to use DESCRIPTIVE writing when completing this paragraph. Remember a paragraph is at least 5-7 sentences. I want you to use your best descriptive writing, that means getting your sense involved!! What did you see? What did you hear? Were there any smells? Be as descriptive as you can, use adjectives to really describe your experience and make us as readers feel like we were there with you!!

Thursday 10 October 2019

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

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If you have not read it yet the book “Wonder” has an amazing lesson in it, that is to “choose kind.'' I believe in the power of these words and how that story really makes all readers want to be a little more kind and accept each other for our unique differences. 

I think it is time we explored kindness and throw it around like it is going out of style. Saying kind things, something as simple as “I love your new haircut” or “cool shirt bro” really can change someone’s day. 

For your blog post this week, explain to your peers and I what kindness means in your own eyes. What is kindness? How can you be kind? What are some ways that you can show kindness? Let’s scream it from our blog posts how much kindness means to us and share how we are going to “choose kind” each and every day here at EVP and in 5-1!!

Friday 4 October 2019

What are you thankful for?

With Thanksgiving weekend upon us, it is a time to reflect and show our gratitude for all of the amazing things each and every one of us have in our lives. Here at EVP we are so lucky to be part of a community where we have our basic needs, feel safe and come to a great place where we get to learn and have fun. 

For this week's blog post I would like you to watch the Kid President video on thankfulness. Then I would like you to write about 3-5 things that you are thankful for and why. Why are these people/ideas/things so important to you?

I don’t want you to think about your video games and toys. I want you to really think about what you are lucky to have, that maybe other people in other parts of the world may not have experienced. This week, really dig deep and share with us what you are thankful for this year.

Friday 27 September 2019

Superman's Brother

Watch this video writing prompt to imagine the story of Superman’s brother, Carl, who left Krypton as a child but ended up on a deserted planet filled with space trash instead of landing on Earth.  First, create the character of Carl in your imagination. Think about his life. 
  • What was his childhood like?
  • How did he spend his days? 
  • How did he survive?  
  • What kinds of skills did he learn in this environment? 
  • How did he use his Superman-like superpowers? 
  • In what ways did his x-ray vision come in handy? 
  • How about his ability to fly?  
  • What did he build on his planet? 
  • What new ideas did he have? 
  • How did he recycle the space trash? 
  • What his coolest invention? 
  • What new discoveries did he make?  
  • What kind of personality did he develop living alone?  
  • Did he ever create imaginary friends? Or maybe make his own robotic friends?  
  • What were his hopes and dreams? 
  • What were his goals?

After creating Carl in your mind, now write the story of the reunion between Superman and his long lost  brother, Carl. Think about the elements of a good story:
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Problem or challenge
  • Events
  • Resolution

Can’t wait to read your stories!

Friday 20 September 2019

Terry's Journey

Terry's Journey (click the link)
Take a read through all the stops and journal entries Terry Fox wrote during his marathon of hope. I would like you to reflect on his journey.

Consider these questions as you respond:
1. What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada?
2. What would you risk to do this?
3. What effect on cancer research do you think Terry’s Journey has had?
4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey??

Friday 13 September 2019

New Year, New Beginnings

Welcome to your first blog post of Grade 5! Your first task in your weekly homework will be to respond to a blog post. Sometimes it will just be a post and other times I will ask you to comment on a video. We will read through some of your posts on Fridays to share your thoughts with the class.

I can't believe how quickly the summer went by, I was super busy getting the portable ready for this year. I am excited to learn, grow and explore with all of you. I did a lot of reflection this summer about the type of teacher I wanted to be. The goals I set for myself and how I would achieve them to best help you all achieve your goals this year.

I want you to take some time now to think about your goals for the year. Who do you want to be? Both academically,socially and within our school community. What would your promises be for grade 5? Try to think of at least 3 promises. What steps will you take to achieve your goals this year?

Here are my goals for the far
1. Give you all 110% with the lessons, assignments and activities I plan. No short cuts for me, I want everything to be engaging, exciting, meaningful and most importantly fun!
2. Always listen. I want you all to feel like you can come to me at any time. Whether it be with an assignment, or you just need someone to talk to I will always listen to what you have to say and value your thoughts and opinions. Anytime, anywhere!
3. Be Encouraging. I promise to be encouraging of you this year because I truly believe you are all capable of amazing things. I want to be the one to help you figure out what you are capable of and push you to strive for more.