Friday 18 October 2019

A moment in time

For your blog post this week, I want you to take us through an important or exciting moment in your life. What happened? What was going on? Why was this such a great moment? 

I want you to use DESCRIPTIVE writing when completing this paragraph. Remember a paragraph is at least 5-7 sentences. I want you to use your best descriptive writing, that means getting your sense involved!! What did you see? What did you hear? Were there any smells? Be as descriptive as you can, use adjectives to really describe your experience and make us as readers feel like we were there with you!!


  1. something exiting that happend to me was when i won my first place trophee at the championships in teakwondo.
    On Saturday december something 2018 I woke up at like 7 AM and got ready as fast as possible. Since the championships happened in scarborough it took a long time to get there[my dad took me]and i fel asleep in the car. When we reached there i saw my teakwondo club going inside the ginourmous building so we followed them , i took my sparring gear bag and some how i manneged to smuggle some snacks in there cause i did not have breakfast vand i was going to be there for like 3-4 hours. when we got inside we went up the staris and i saw like a billoin people there . After we just did like aq opening ceromony an our club got a gift . then they made us go to differnt sections i was in the 8-12 girls cause I was nine.first we did jumping high kick whoever could jump and the pad the highest moved on and who coudent sat down i moved on and i kicked up to 4 fee5 inces but ater that i lost cause im not that tall. then were our patterns which are like movements all in one that u could use for sparring [fighting] i wads really close but i lost which was okay beacuse i knew i was waaayyyyy better at sparring . aqfter a million hinderd miniutes it was my turn for sparrin good thing my coach came just in time. when the judges said the commands in koren [charoyt subinuim kay kanyt shi shat]which ment go i did every teqnice i knew and won so the called me over to the table and asked for my name she also said amazing job.since i won the first round i had to go agian i beat the second girl to i feel bad thouhg beacuse i made her cry a lot. the third girl ended up crying when i did a hooking kick on her so i goot a warning at the end i won . Then they took me to the first second third stand area and i got to stand on the first place thing and a bunch of people took photos after i was done we went to tim hortons and my dad called my mom she fraked out and started crying then she bought a bunch of stuff for me when i got home there was a loooottttt of stuff. Thats what my exiting day was day.

    1. i am always the last one finnaly i am the first one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My Very Awesome (and Funny) Day:
    This happened on this year's summer vacation, Sunday June 30th. 2 families of my cousins from my dads side and my family went to Pinery Provincial Park. We had tons of fun, including celebrating my baby brother's 1st birthday. We also went canoeing, I decided to go with my cousin whose name is Haniah and my uncle and aunt. So we looked at a lot of different canoes, but my aunt didn’t want it to have water in the canoe so we ended up looking at like 5 different canoes but we finally found the right one. Haniah and I tried a lot of different positions but the lady said we couldn't do any of them. At one point Haniah and I both wanted to sit in the front and steer the canoe so we both wriggled around until we got in the right position. My uncle sat in the back and my aunt sat in the middle. Then we started off. It was really fun. I was sitting at the right so whenever we started tilting to the left Haniah would let me row and whenever we started to go right to much she would row instead. We actually did pretty well for a 10 year old and 12 year old. We went really, really, far and saw a lot of cool things. We saw a family who had attached a rope to a branch and were swinging into the water which was probably not such a good idea because we saw trash and seaweed and other very gross stuff in the water not to mention the kinda weird smell coming from the water. They also could have hit a rock in the water and so if you ever go to Pinery it would probably be a good idea not to do that. Anyway, we saw other stuff like a blue heron and fishes and a family camping and flowers and more things like other canoers. My aunt was taking a LOT of photos, she also made us stop for a selfie and we were ok about it and we took the selfie then she said she wanted one of the paddle boats but we couldn’t do it. Haniah and I wanted to do it too, we thought it would be fun especially after we saw other people doing it., anyway at one point she said that she wanted to sit in the front so we rowed over to the edge and switched places so now Haniah and I were sitting back to back. I’m also gonna mention that by this point in time we had been rowing for half an hour so it was fine with us (Haniah and I). Then we continued on and we almost capsized!!! Then once we crashed and got stuck under a fallen tree! We saw my other uncle who is older than my dad but younger than the uncle in the canoe with us. Anyways, he asked to take a pic so my uncle who was in the canoe took the branches off us and we rowed back and fixed ourselves and he took the picture. Then my aunt asked us to take pictures so we took turns taking photos. I took a photo of some water lilies, a blue heron and the landscape/scenery around us, it was sooo pretty! After that we left and hit the edge of the lake twice after my aunt was in the front. We rowed farther and farther, by now we had been in the canoe for an hour and decided to turn around and go back, especially when my uncle reminded us of the time limit. Haniah and I sat back in the front but it was super windy and we kept going back and kept going back so we were getting nowhere. It took longer to get back but eventually we were better at it and got back to the dock. It took another hour and a half to get back because of the wind. After we left we took some photos on the dock and the wind had calmed down. My aunt said she wanted one of the paddleboats again .Haniah and I wanted to do it too but we had other things to do like go to the beach and see the sunset. I saw the sunset and it was beautiful ! Anyway, that was one of the funnest and funniest things that happened to me in my life so far.
    By: Ayesha. Khan

  4. Lucas

    The best moment in my life was when I was in Portugal in a place called Leiria and I woke up and my parents and I were so excited because we were going to see my friends and we were going to meet each other in a place called Peniche.Peniche was 1 or 2 hours away from Leiria where I live and when we arrived in the evening it smelled so nice outside,it smelled like chicken legs with BBQ it was so nice and we had ice tea and burgers, wings and veal sandwiches.Then after we were done we were doing gymnastics with my friends.Then we went to go on some rides,I went with my friends and the ride was called the grasshopper and it went crazy it went up down up down and then went forward up and down twice and then backwards and did the same thing.After that my brother went on a ride that was so tall it was called the mega transformer it's like a slingshot but it goes way faster and they tilt you to look to the ground it’s like 200 FT high.It looked like he was going to throw up.It was the best moment because we spent time with our friends and family.

  5. The best moment of my life is when I was in 2nd grade and me and my family went on a disney cruise than Universal studios. It was a lot of fun we had the most amazing food there was a giant pool but there was so many kids there we couldn't swim. Me and my sister used race on the stairs when went back to our room. After four nights at the cruise me and my family went to Universal for four days! There were so many cool rides there but there was only one open rollercoaster. Rest was inside a building there was a screen that made cool effects. After we went on we went to the pool and swam for a bit the pool wasn't that busy there were only a couple of people there. The whole trip was super awesome.

  6. Maya😎 YO WASS UP20 October 2019 at 13:31

    My best day!

    So today is my birthday(not literally)! I got up, went down for breakfast, and saw my presents on the dining table and reached for them, but my mom slapped my hand lightly and said, "you have to eat breakfast first." I had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Then I read my card and found out I and going to Disney World! After I called my aunt and uncle and yelled," I'M GOING TO
    DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!"Maybe you guys remember me yelling I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!! Even Ms. Bourne was happy!

    THE END!��

  7. One of my significant moments in my life was 2016 when I went to the big apple. NYC, first we boarded a small stubby plane. It takes half an hour of your life to get there. Later we landed and got a subway. When we got to the surface from subway. The streets where roaring and let me tell you something. If you hear this racet from your neighbour. You would call the police. Anyway, surprisingly I halded down a car called a taxi. Then we stayed at a fancy hotel. To be continued. We went to the zoo [Wasn't the central park zoo] Then we went on a stupendous boat to see the statue of liberty. Sadly, are trip came to an end went back. There was way more I wanted to say but I am tired a need a nap, so bye.

    1. There was way more I wanted to say but I am tired a need a nap, so bye.

      that kinda thing gets me off the hook

  8. It was last July I went for a drive with my mom, dad and my sister to Stratford.this is where Justin Beiber was born! And we saw his house. I didn’t no why we went to parents told us we were going to look at buying a house. I saw they did not have a sign and was wondering what was going on.a man answered the door and said you are here to see the need to see the view of the porch and then I saw 2 puppies out back.then I asked if one was for us.and my parents surprised me and my sister with a puppy I was asking for a long time. We named our dog lily.

  9. My most amazing day in my life!!!

    My most amazing day in my life would probably be my 8th birthday. So, I woke on a December 31st morning (which is my birthday), and it was freezing outside!!. I went downstairs and ate a HUGE stack of pancakes with a bunch of maple syrup and some berries on top. Brushed my teeth then blew balloons with my brother. Then we hung up the decorations and chillaxed on the couch and watched TV. Then we ate lunch. After that, I helped my mom with some stuff (cause’ I like to..). Then my friend came to my house early, so we play and did random stuff. Then, me and my friend had to get ready for the party. After like, half an hour, all the guests arrived. Me and all my friends went downstairs to the basement and played. After that, we had some snacks. Then, we played this really fun game where we had to put a straw in our mouth and there was a bowl with marshmallows or skittles and there was an empty bowl and we had to try and put as many skittles or marshmallows as we could into the bowl and who ever got the most in was the winner, and the winner was… me! I got chocolate for the prize! Then we cut the cake, the flavor was chocolate. After a few minutes, we had dinner at like 10 pm. Some people left after dinner. After that, we celebrated New Year's then we danced! Then my friend’s that stayed over for a sleepover got changed into our pj’s and went to my room and got snuggled up. After that, we just talked about stuff and couldn’t sleep until 4:55 am.. Then we woke up at like 11:30 am and ate brunch I guess..? Then we played and opened some of my presents. Then they all had to leave and say goodbye.

    That’s my most amazing day!!


    The time I scored my first goal.

    Now there are various ways I can put this up but I will specifically
    talk about M.Y.S.C which is my current soccer club. Ok so we were having our third last game (7th game of the season) on a wet and muddy field which was slipping a bit. Our team was winning for the first half prior to the fact that in second half neither teams were scoring. By the time someone moved the ball to the half field, the ball was either under pressure or out of play. We were kind of scared because the other team was one point behind, but then one kid was able to pass the midfield and passed the ball to the other kid who was already at the defender field. The kid launched a attack and I drop down. When he reached the net, many people tried stealing from him he couldn't even shoot! Then luckily he saw a open space behind him to only pass. So then he passed right to me with the team a metre behind the ball. Then I finished it right off!!! GOOOOAAAAALLLL!!!! And loud clapping and cheering was the only thing I could hear.


  11. The best day of my life would be when I went to visit the house of commons and the senate in ottawa. now you see, I was very intrested in social studies (and still am) so I was very exited. the tour guide said whoever got the most questions on ottawa crrect they would get a speceail prize. I wanted to get that so I tried my hardest......And as you expected I DID IT!!! so I asked the tour guide "hey what's the prize? and y'all know what it was? actually you don't becuase you were'nt there. anyway...I got to see the H.O.C in progress and all the peaple wre there (of course this happened a year ago so Adam was not) but I even saw justin trudeau!!! and that was the best day of my LIFE Y'ALL

  12. We have all had moments that were great in our lives and I also have had many important moments in my life and some I don't even remember! Here is one moment in my life that I remember very well. I woke up excitedly because my bestfriend and I were having the same birthday party! I was excited all day long and I couldn't wait until it was time. It felt like years waiting for the birthday party. After a couple of hours my mom was getting the decorations, the food, the cake, the candles, the plastic plates and cups, the picnic blanket and the badminton rackets. The birthday party was located at a park. When we got there I greeted many relatives and my best friend. Right after my mom, my best friend and I played badminton. After my bestfriend and I wandered off and talked. What is that I smell, food? I ran back to the table with my best friend and ended up seeing cake. It smelled yummilicious. It was all pink and sparkly. I was very impatient to eat the cake. We put the candles on and sang the happy birthday song. I was turning 6 at that birthday party. I directly took a bite out of the piece of cake and it was truly yummilicious. While I'm typing this I'm literally dying of hunger. Anyway I had two slices of cake. After that we all went to watch cute dolphins. They were incredibly cute. We got some ice cream and of course it was yummy. Then we took a little walk. And then it was the worst time of the party, you guessed it, leaving. I didn't want it to end but it sadly did. It was nice talking to you back in time. By: Jood

  13. Zain
    The moment i'm going to be talking about is when my baby cousin was born not when I was because nobody remembers.My baby cousin who is now 1 and a half is named amana and lives in saskatoon now to the moment.We knew that the baby was coming soon so we had to rush to the hospital (we were late because my dad had something to do) and luckily made it in time.The area was how you would think a hospital is like white walls,lots of rooms and then we found the room we were supposed to be in and walked in.For the next hour or so nothing much happened but doctors and nurses helping we waiting and yeah but after some time I had to go to the washroom and when I came back there was my cousin we comforted her mom and made sure the baby was alright and then came home she went to bed easily and he next day my cousins went out to buy her things and we came back to ontario later.Personally that wasn't the best moment in life but it's hard to judge what is and what's not.

    1. I was on my moms account by accident so it says my mos name

  14. This story is about when we went to wonderland. We drank and ate junk food all day! It was so fun because we went on a lot of rides! The only bad thing was that our feet hurt a lot because we walked so many times! Though this story will be about one ride, the fastest ride I ever went on! I don't remember the name though. Me and my sister waited SOOOOOOOOO long in the line to get on it. When we finally got on, the employee asked us if we we're ready. We all screamed yes. My sister said I would scream since it would be fast, but I doubted her. When the ride turned on, it started going slow and I said "see?", but I must have bad luck or it was just a coincidence, because after I said that, the ride went SUPER SONIC FAST! It kept going up and down and I fell like throwing up and I kept screaming! When the ride turned off, I felt so dizzy, but I was happy I at least survived the ride! That was an exciting moment in my life.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think that the best moment of my life was when I was on an airplane. And let's be honest the best part was I got to sit beside the window seat at first I was a little scared but after I noticed that the window seat is the luckiest seat you can get I was not scared at all I'm not even scared of heights anymore. And the first sandwich that I got and then the airplane was so good that I was shocked by how good it was. And I even had cake. So the only thing that was bad was that they had bad turbulence but luckily I slept and I couldn't feel half of the way. It was such a great moment because it was fun and I always dreamed of flying over the clouds.

  17. One of the most memorable moment of my life is when I was visiting Huston Texas and my family took me to NASA. I saw so many amazing things and learned cool stuff about space I saw a real spaceship and space center. I got to touch a meteorite and can you believe guys I even touch the moon well not exactly the moon but yes a part of the moon that NASA has in their center. But the most proud moment was when I saw Chris Hadfield's picture with his spacesuit. As you know he is the first Canadian astronaut to walk in space and he is from our hometown Milton.

  18. hi Mrs borne

  19. One of my best moments was at marineland.I don't remember what the ride was called.But we were going up the lift hill that's about 500 meters up a mountain and i thought the ride people were lying to me because i don't like big drops.Anyway this is how the ride goes. You go up the lift hill.then you go around a turn.Then over a loop round a couple quark screws.Then you go into a dark tunnel but right when you think the rides over it speeds up.Then you go over another loop that gives you some air time.then over another loop then the rides over.

  20. My Best Days!

    So today is my birthday(not literally)! I wake up get out of bed and take a shower. I get ready for my birthday by putting on my favourite dress and head downstairs. As soon as I got downstairs I went looking for my elf on the shelf Lizzy. I found Lizzy and she was holding a note that said “happy birthday Nimrita hope you like the gift I got you”, she had a notepad and a sharpie beside her too. The gift that Lizzy got me was a barbie holiday collection doll from 2015, I loved it because she knew I liked collecting them! After I opened my gift I went out for dinner at Locanda on Main Street, it was so good. Then my mom finished making my cake so my family sang happy birthday to me and I went to bed!

    That was my first best day!

    My Second Best Day!

    So tonight was the big raptors game on June 13 and my family friend Jiya and I went to Maya’s house. We were so exited or the Toronto Raptors game against Golden State! Everybody there was in Raptors gear ready for the Raptors game. We watched the game including all of the ads and it was the best game ever we beat Golden State and became…. 2019 NBA CHAMPIONS! I was so happy I was like screaming everywhere and crying tears of happiness it was so amazing and that also meant I WAS GOING TO THE RAPTORS PARADE!!!!!! So on Monday June 17 I skipped school to go to the RAPTORS PARADE!!!! The thing was that I had to go on the Go Train and wait till I got there and there was a technical difficulty so I ended up on standing there for a long time but then eventually the parade started and I got a FRONT ROW VIEW. I was so close to the bus that I could actually touch it the best part was seeing everyone like Nick Nurse, Nav Bhatia, The Raptor, Drake, Masai Ujiri, Norman Powell, Kyle Lowry holding the trophy, Kawhi Leonard, Danny Green, Fred VanVleet, Serge Ibaka, Jodie Meeks, Malcolm Miller, Chris Boucher, Pascal Siakam, OG Anunoby, Patrick McCaw, Marc Gasol, Eric Moreland, Jeremy Lin, and Jordan Loyd on all 5 buses! It was awesome!

    Those Are The Best Day’s Of My Life!

    1. That is mine above for some reason it called me Anonymous

  21. The best moment of my life was my 10 birthday. It was at the movie theater 8 of my friends came including me and my sister. We all had medium drink and mini popcorn and a mini snack like m an ms or gummies while we were watching the movie
    and that was the only day I didn't have to do hwk .At the movie theater we watched lion king in real life. After that we got to eat ice cream cake and I got my present.That was the best moment of my life.

  22. The day that I love about my life was when I turned 10. It was July 18,2019 3:45 pm, when I came back from school I went on my coach I was sad because nobody on the street knew about my birthday. Then my dad called me for picking my cake meanwhile at my house my friends hid behind the table and balloons were hanging on the walls with so much food on the table. then I got a lit, no cap CAKE!. Then me and my dad went back home and the minute I walked in the lounge of my house I hear SURPRISE! And I fell backwards and then we ate popoeys and pizza pizza. Then we had vanilla custard and the soccer cake. Then we played games and I won some but I did not get a prize so second place got it. The presents that I got were scooter,lego,lego, AND MORE LEGO! Then we played outside and had chai ( tea). What I learned is not everything will go your way.

    THE END!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The most exiting moment in my life was when I went to the Christmas market with my family. The Christmas market was sensational.I felt really thrilled sense I’ve always wanted to go there.I also felt really happy, delighted , merry, joyful, content, graceful and lots more especially when I went on the cool rides like the ferris wheel where I got to see all of the market from up high. The Christmas market smelt so terrific!There were lots of very wonderful and delicious smells I could remember a few of them like bonfire, peppermint/candy canes, hot chocolate, and lots of different booths making yummy treats. The air was crisp, cold, and fresh, the Christmas market was also very loud, I could hear lots of chatter, Christmas carols, jingle bells, and cute choirs singing on stage. The Christmas market was an amazing experience, there were bright colours, lots of people, it was very festive and had the prettiest decorations. Because I went with my family and had a lot of fun, the Christmas market gave me the chance to experience one of the best moments in my life.

  25. The best and happiest moment in my life was that I was coming to canada and living here it was the best day. So first I woke up in the morning it was 9:00 am in the morning and I said bye to everyone it was hard. The plane was borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring and so when I got off the plane and my aunt and uncle was waiting in the airport.I was very happy because I saw my 3 cousins that I have not seen in a long time. Also I had no siblings to play with them. I was very happy to see them I could only talk to my aunt because she was korean. Because she knew how to speak korean and talk in korean. PS the date I came to canada is june 3 2015. Oh and I like Korea it's that I just like new things.

  26. The best moment in my life is when i went to wonderland and i went on my first rollicoaster it was really fun! it was a couple years ago! it was on wild beast and bat!
