Friday 20 September 2019

Terry's Journey

Terry's Journey (click the link)
Take a read through all the stops and journal entries Terry Fox wrote during his marathon of hope. I would like you to reflect on his journey.

Consider these questions as you respond:
1. What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada?
2. What would you risk to do this?
3. What effect on cancer research do you think Terry’s Journey has had?
4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey??


  1. 1.What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada? To save the environment.
    2. What would you risk to do this? I would risk my life running across Canada
    3.What effect on cancer research do you think Terry’s Journey has had?
    I think the effect on cancer research Terry’s Journey has made people more aware which has helped raise money for cancer research.
    4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey??
    I felt sad for those who have suffered cancer but at the same time it made me more confident of myself and what I can do can change the world, just like Terry did.

  2. 1.It would take me wanting to raise money for the poor.
    2.I would Risk my life without my family and maybe get killed by a car.
    3.he raised money for cancer reasearch and he was never forgotton becuase peopole started terry fox run and to raise money. 4.My fellings
    After I read the blog post i felt happy becuase he raised money for cancer and also felt sad becuase terry died.

  3. 1. What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada? To raise money for the poor.
    2. What would you risk to do this? My life.
    3. What effect on cancer research do you think Terry's journey has had? I think the effect on cancer research has made more people know what people are suffering from and now, people have also started the Terry Fox Run and raise money.
    4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey?? I feel happy that Terry raised money for osteogenic sarcoma (the cancer Terry had) and other types of cancer. I also feel sad that he died and couldn't make it all the way.

  4. Connor

    1.To run across Canada raising money for the poor would take time away from family and friends, a physically fit body and strong mind with a great support team. It would also take help from the media.

    2. I would risk time away from loved ones, possible injury to your body and a lot stress.

    3. I think terry’s effect on cancer research has been phenomenal because of all the money he’s helped get and all the support about cancer knowledge. Also he’s helped people with cancer have hope.

    4. My thoughts about his journal are that he got disappointed in some spots because some people did not donate.but in some spots he was happy with the 4 wheel chair people and running with the kids.

  5. 1. What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada?

    something that just does not effect me but lots of people.
    to raise money for the poor, to cure a decease and to unite everyone.

    2. What would you risk to do this?

    raise awareness in people,help earth,unite everyone for a mission

    3. What effect on cancer research do you think Terry’s Journey has had?

    a very strong effect, strong enough to unite a whole country. he raised loads of money just for cancer

    4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey??

    that he was able to unite those regardless infected or not. he went to the places that did not care of cancer(about the marathon of hope) and united them.

  6. I think I should have bravery and Hope to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada. Because running on grass Canada is a lot of miles like terry fox he had a lot of bravery and hope that he could do this but he couldn't make it all the way he made a long way but the cancer stared again.

    I would risk Everything for cancer research because other people will need it and I would help them a lot by doing this.

    I think that terry fox’s journey has made a big difference in cancer research because he made it easier for us to help for cancer.

    I just want to say thank you for all he has done for us.


  7. 1) I think that a challenge that would take me across Canada would be world hunger. I've read that a lot of countries even our own have that problem and I would like to raise money for causes like that.

    2) I would risk everything that I own even get killed along the way I will try to solve that problem.

    3) Terry's journey had made over $30 000 I read so that must have made a big difference in cancer research and what happened to him must have made everyone not just in Canada but a LOT of places more aware of cancer research.

    4) I felt happy that Canada has proud symbol of Terry fox and people continue to run for his foundation. On the other hand I kinda feel sad that he came as far as Thunder bay and then he died along the way.

    I also want to say thank you to the people helped Terry fox along the way and of course, Terry himself

  8. 1 I think that if I would run across the country it would probably be for global warming,it doesn’t seem like a big deal but since all the ice caps are melting the animals can’t stand on something and will die to drowning and global warming affects us too

    2 I would risk anything if I could raise awareness for global warming

    3 Terry fox has done a lot to help find a cure to cancer,not only did he raise a lot of money during his run his journey has inspired everybody and people are still raising money for cancer

    4 I feel happy to say that terry is a symbol for canada and how far he made it but sadly his cancer started again and didn’t finish what he started.

  9. 1. I would try to raise money for awareness like cancer.
    2. I would risk my own safety.
    3. I think that terry sets an example for us and he helped a lot in cancer research.
    4.Terry had helped us a lot and I hope someone would finish his journey.

  10. 1. I would try to raise money for cancer research and charity.
    2. I would risk my whole life.
    3. I think it made cancer researchers realize that people can fight cancer and it can also come back.
    4. I realized that cancer can come back and people will help others fight cancer.

  11. 1. It would be very tiring because if there is no hotels he has to run all the way there and holding a bag which gets heavier every 5 minutes is very hard also doing it with cancer in your leg is hard.

    2. I would risk my health, my time, my relaxing time and most importantly my life time.

    3. Terrys journey has inspired many people across Canada and the money he raised 24.1 million dollars for cancer research . so he had made a big affect on cancer research.

    4. Reading his journey was very interesting because I learned the hardships he had went through in his life.

  12. Dedication,development and Perseverance.
    Not running a little bit then giving up. Not playing video games.
    Inspiring people to run what terry fox did and raise money. He raising 24.17 million
    That he died at a very young age 22. And what it was like in his point of view.

    1. 1.Dedication,development and Perseverance.
      2.Not running a little bit then giving up. Not playing video games.
      3.Inspiring people to run what terry fox did and raise money. He raising 24.17 million
      4.That he died at a very young age 22. And what it was like in his point of view.

  13. If I had to run across canada it would probely be for heart diesease as many people are dying[ 610 000 people per year since 2017]

    I would risk my health , my safety ,and everthing i owend to help solve this problem in the world

    Terrys Journey made A LOT on money about 30 000 dollars and this has made a lot of people not only canada think mor about cancer

    I am proud of what Terry did and that he has become a symbol of Canada though and am sad that he died during his journey

    Thank you Terry for what you have done :]

  14. 0 It will take my family's life to run across canada
    0 I will risk my life to do this
    0 I think terry fox had a cancer with his bone
    0 I was very inspire rashan all and sad

  15. Ifiemi
    1) To me running across Canada takes courage, strength and having the mindset that you can push through anything you put your mind to.
    2) To do this you'll be risking everything leaving family, getting hurt, leaving friends and your home. Because you never know what could happen.
    3) The journey Terry took has massively benefited lots of people. Because of him we got closed to finding a cure for cancer.
    4) Terry's journey was an impact on many people. He been an inspiration. I trust not only in Canada but all over the world. Terry Fox is a hero who will be remembered

  16. 1) People who suffer from cancer motivates me because there was no cure for cancer.
    2) My family and friends, time with family and risking my life for cancer/other people.
    3) There were mostly 2 big effects on cancer research: 1. raising 24.17 million dollars for cancer research and making a big impact on awareness of cancer in canada. Today everyone across canada runs/donates for cancer research.
    4) Terry died at very very young age. He died at only 22 years old!
    So today lets thank Terry for how much he did for cancer research!

  17. 1. It would take me a very LONG and HARD time and EFFORT

    2. I would risk my health , time and LIFE.

    3. Terry made a VERY big DIFFERENCE , He raised more then 700 million dollars

    4. I think that was a VERY good person and he had a VERY good personality.

  18. Jayden
    1) a lot of effort, and training to walk for so long for such a long time
    2) I would my family, school, hockey
    3)I think they are looking more to find a cure for cancer because there wasn’t anything to help Terry because of technology
    4) I was happy he raised money but sad that he passed away so young

  19. There are a lot of things I am very passionate about that would be worth running across the country for to raise awareness, like cancer, animals, environment and mental illnesses. I would be risking time with my family, I would risk my normal life but for a good cause. Terry's journey had a positive effect on cancer research because he raised awareness and large donations. After reading his journey I feel very grateful for his commitment to raising awareness for cancer research, and it makes me proud and inspired to help people and the world. Everyone remembers Terry Fox and still do remember him because of the impact he left after he passed away and did something so great.

  20. 1. You have to have the passion, courage and commitment to do it for the good cause.

    2. I will go out of my comfort zone, I will give my time and energy. I can risk my hot wheels collection to help others in need.

    3. Terri Fox was humanitarian and actives. He saw the pain of cancer patients and decided to do something to make a change made a great impact raising money and making awareness for cancer research.
    4. I learned from Terri Fox that nothing is impossible if you put your mind into it. He ran across Canada to help others. So helping others is the most rewarding then anything else in the world.


  21. 1.A LOT of practise and time
    3.Alot by a lot of people donating and running for the help of cancer
    4.Yes i felt really sad
