Friday 15 November 2019

The Importance of Empathy

Image result for empathy"
Have you ever had a rough day at school? I bet most of you can answer yes to that question. Think about what helps you on these days. Does having supportive friends help? Being left alone? Caring/kind words? Now think about what doesn’t help....someone being mean to you? Picking on you? Not showing kindness?

As a class we are a community. Everyone here has different feelings, thoughts and experiences. It is important to remember, you never know what is happening in a peers life. Maybe they got into a huge fight at home, maybe they didn’t sleep well, maybe they are really worried about that upcoming test or assignment. 

Have you heard of empathy? What is it really? Why should I show it? For your blog posts this week,  I want you to take a look at this website “Importance of Empathy”. Watch the three videos and reflect on their meanings. 

Think about: How can I be more empathetic to my classmates? What can I do to help someone? Remember empathy is not showing sympathy or saying “I’m sorry”. It is putting yourself in their shoes, how can you help brighten someone's day? How can I be supportive to my classmates and really show a connection to how they are feeling?


  1. The Importance of empathy!!!

    The importance of empathy is

    So we can live a life of friendship.
    No hurting each other.
    Help others in need.
    Try to be understanding.
    Being kind.
    Sharing stuff with others.

  2. 1.I can hold the door open when people are coming in the portable.2.Asking my classmates if they are ok,is everything alright if they look sad may help them.3.If someone drops something I can pick it up for them.Just smiling at someone or saying hi, how are you today ,might brighten someone’s day.

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  5. We can show more empathy by trying to match a bad experience with his/hers experience. You can say “ you're not alone, I know what it feels like” Never start a sentence like “At least” Like “ My parents are filing douvres” “ At least you have parents” You Should start like “Jim is moving” “I have a friend how moved.I got through it. And I think you can get through it”. And also listen and be there for them. And That is how I'm going to show empathy.

  6. Replies
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  7. Maya Majithia 😎🎈✌✨✨17 November 2019 at 11:51

    I have 2 ways how we can show empathy to a peer, friend, or even someone you don’t know.
    1. If someone has been bullied really bad some time ago and it's still bothering them, maybe you can connect to that and say something like, “its ok you’re not alone. I have had this happen to me before too. I feel you.”
    2. Maybe at home a peer had a huge fight with their mom or dad which caused them to feel horrible about it. You can show empathy to them by saying, “If you feel this terrible about this maybe say sorry to your parents or maybe give them a gift that say sorry to them. I have gotten into a fight like this before. Its gonna be ok.”
    If you share and use these strategies we can all be empathetic to everyone!

  8. AKBAR yeh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ✌πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸŽπŸ€’πŸ€”17 November 2019 at 12:02

    Empathy is helping someone by understanding what pain they are in. But it is also feeling how happy someone is. For example, My friend just got a puppy! "I remember when I got my first pet I was as happy as you are right now". Second example, my friends puppy died in the morning. " I remember when my cat died. I was as devastated as you are right now." See, empathy is putting yourself in somebody's shoes. How can I be more empathetic to my classmates? I can help them with their work or their emotions. I will also say "trust me, I never have felt how sad you are right now, tell me what happend?" or " how are you feeling now?". I can help someone by understanding how they feel right now. "Are you feeling good or how are you?".

    That is how I think of empathy: putting yourself in somebody's shoes.

  9. I think empathy is when you put yourself in someone else's shoes. Empathy and sympathy is not the same sympathy is when your saying “oh I'm sorry’” and empathy is saying “I don’t know what to say but I’m glad you told me”. I think empathy is when you try to help the other person feel better if they are sad, angry, mad or if they didn't have a great day. Lets say if I have a bad day empathy would be somone trying to understand and help me. So everyone try to be more empathtic to lighten somone elses day!!

    By: Zoreen:)

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  11. Ayesha’s Amazing Ways Of Showing Empathy :)
    Have you ever wondered what empathy is? Have you been asked at school to do something on empathy, but your mind just went blank? Well, here are a few ideas on what empathy is and how YOU can show it.
    First of all, what is empathy?: Empathy is the being able to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their perspective, like putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Empathy is much more than saying “oh, I’m sorry”.
    How can we show empathy?:
    We can show empathy by:
    Showing kindness and compassion
    Listening and Understanding
    Sharing how you feel *about the struggle that someone else is facing and telling them that you care* “ I understand how you feel and it’s going to be alright.”
    Telling your struggles or your bout *a bout is like a fight*
    Saying “I’m here for you” and/or “We’re in this together now”
    Showing care and concern
    Acknowledging the person's feelings
    Showing emotional support.
    Appreciating them and not judging
    Trying to see what is happening and how they are feeling from their perspective *putting yourself in someone else's shoes.*
    Empathy is much more than saying “I’m sorry” it’s saying “I understand what you're going through, and I’m here for you”.It's knowing how someone else is feeling. Being empathetic could just brighten someone's day.
    -Ayesha :)

  12. sorry I had grammar mistakes and they kept bothering me that's why I deleted my posts so much. :)

  13. How i could be more empathetic in class if someone is having a bad day,is maybe knowing and telling them that your on there side,you know how it is to be builled or how worried you are about that test.Or maybe even tell them somtimes things can spill on your shirt or somthing.

  14. How can I be supportive to my classmates and really show a connection to how they are feeling? How i could be more empathetic in class if someone is having a bad day,is maybe knowing and telling them that your on there side,you know how it is to be bullied or how worried you are about that test.Or maybe even tell them sometimes things can spill on your shirt or something.

  15. Salam’s blog post:)

    Empathy is putting yourself in another’s shoes. Let’s say that I'm having a bad day and I had a fight with my brother. You could say “yo i feel sorry for ya” but that’s sympathy and we are talking about empathy. (let’s try not to get off track again) what you SHOULD say is that “brah,I know how ya feel I fight with my brother a lot too and he’s pretty annoying” see what I mean? Feeling sorry for someone is one thing but being empathetic is another.

    That’s what I think empathy is and we should try hard to do it too!!!!! :)

  16. EMPATHY TO ME is going through what others have gone through not like saying i am so sorry for you if YOU WERE then you've gone through what they gone through because it does not make sense to know if you haven't felt it. Instead you can say i know how this feels.

  17. Showing empathy is being able to relate to someone not trying to make them feel better by only looking on the bright side, but little do you know that by trying to look on the bright side you’re not helping them. So here are some ways you could show empathy to people around you. First sit down and talk to them try to tell them you understand what they’re going through and try to relate with them but to do that you have to tap into your emotions try to support them by listening to them and lastly if they need help try to figure out the problem bh listening and trying to help them figure out the problem and helping them solve it.
    I hope this will help you show empathy to others and be nicer to them. Remember empathy isn’t the same thing as sympathy. ����������

  18. Empathy is feeling with the heart of another.Empathy is not saying “I'm sorry'' or `` I feel so bad for you” that's sympathy. Empathy is not JUST saying words, it's also acting out. What I mean by acting out is:

    Showing kindness

    Showing respect

    Hug! :)

    Talk to them to make them feel better

    Listening and understanding

    Tell them a story that's also as bad as theirs so that they won't feel alone in this situation

    I hope you now understand what I mean by acting out. Try to feel how they feel, like put yourself in their place. Let's show some empathy more and not “It's going to be ok dude, stop overreacting” it might not be ok, lets try empathy not sympathy. Hopefully you guys can try to do some things to help a person when they are having a bad day, it can help brighten someone's day. C: :

  19. Empathy in to put you in their shoes like if someone got
    bullied and you got bullied also then you should know how they feel or just say that you understand them and sometimes you actually feel what they feel .Also you can try to make them feel better .I would try to imagine how they would feel.but it would be hard.

  20. Empathy is about putting yourself in another person’s shoes.If someone’s having a bad day you can say, “I feel so sorry for you!”. But that’s not really, totally right. You could say something like, “I know how you feel, I feel like I am you and feeling the same exact thing, you know what, I have fights with my friends and some time’s they don’t talk to me and then I get lonely and play by myself.”. And then you can hug them! ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Now, that’ll make them feel much better! Or, maybe, if something really bad happened, like, their dog died, then you can tell them a story that’s just as bad as that.
    That’s what empathy means to me and I hope that everyone can be empathetic to each other!

    By Sonali ^-^

  21. Ways to show empathy to a peer, friend or even somebody you don’t know:

    1. Maybe at home a friend or a peer has gotten into a big fight with their parents or a
    sibling that has caused them to feel upset and horrible about it, you can show
    empathy to them by saying “if you feel upset and terrible about it maybe you could
    apoligize to your sibling or parent, you can also make them a sorry gift of just a gift

    2. If someone has been bullied a lot and it is still bothering them, you could try
    connecting your feelings with them and say “it’s ok you are not the only one who
    has been bullied”. This has happened to me before, it’s ok “I feel you”.

    If you share and use these strategies we can all be empathetic to everyone!

  22. Empathy is feeling is same as the other person who is in pain or in difficult situation. i think being there for your friend in lonely and difficult time is empathy helping them go trough it making them comfortable or just talking to them about.

  23. Ways to show empathy to a peer, friend or even somebody you don’t know:
    1. Maybe at home a friend or a peer has gotten into a big fight with their parents or a
    sibling that has caused them to feel upset and horrible about it, you can show
    empathy to them by saying “if you feel upset and terrible about it maybe you could
    apoligize to your sibling or parent, you can also make them a sorry gift of just a gift

    2. If someone has been bullied a lot and it is still bothering them, you could try
    connecting your feelings with them and say “it’s ok you are not the only one who
    has been bullied”. This has happened to me before, it’s ok “I feel you”.

    If you share and use these strategies we can all be empathetic to everyone!

    By: Nimrita

  24. Ways to show empathy to a peer, friend or even somebody you don’t know:
    1. Maybe at home a friend or a peer has gotten into a big fight with their parents or a
    sibling that has caused them to feel upset and horrible about it, you can show
    empathy to them by saying “if you feel upset and terrible about it maybe you could
    apoligize to your sibling or parent, you can also make them a sorry gift of just a gift

    2. If someone has been bullied a lot and it is still bothering them, you could try
    connecting your feelings with them and say “it’s ok you are not the only one who
    has been bullied”. This has happened to me before, it’s ok “I feel you”.

    If you share and use these strategies we can all be empathetic to everyone!

    By: Nimrita

  25. empathy is when you put yourself in some one else shoes. its where you help other people feel better about there stress. for example today at school we had book and fair my friend didn't have the money to buys anything and he was feeling sad and down about it so i told him its OK you can buy it tomorrow or you can always just borrow books from library. so today i listen to the situation and i also made him feel better buy giving him idea too

  26. The meaning of empathy is when you put your shoes in someone else's. I will tell you about the time I got bullied. My friends and I were playing when someone came up and started hitting me without any reason. It wasn't nice and he kept doing this every day and I got annoyed at one point. I told my friends and this was the point where I learned empathy. They stood up for me and I felt free and they helped me. It does not help them at all if they are being mean and by being mean does not get you anywhere as it does not help you to learn anything.

  27. swara gunjan desai hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii20 November 2019 at 21:10

    EMPATHY is putting yorself in someone eles shoes,its where you help and understan others. its not necesserly someone being sad it can also be that thier happy , its all about understanding others.




    1. sorry the last thing was a mistake

  28. Empathy is like a journey through another’s feelings.You comfort them in a pleasing way where they actually feel there presence, and when they feel unique enough to actually accept or fully accept themselves.Basically, you get the ability to get the perspective of someone else.Here are 3 ways that YOU could show EMPATHY!!!
    -Saying that you know how they feel and making them know that there not alone(connecting).
    - you could say that “we shouldnt be thinking about the past,we should be thinking about the present”.But still, be kind when you say it and add a few other kind words along with it.
    -Reminding them about empathy when there down, so an example would be like “hey, dont forget about empathy,or else empathy will be lonely JUST LIKE YOU”.Hahaha just joking,only read the first part when saying it to someone.ALWAYS remember empathy is not just a word, its the light in life.

  29. I will show empathy by
    1.Being kind to my peers
    2.Being an up-stander
    3.Cheering up sad people
    4.Inviting people to my game if they are lonely
    5.Holding the door for others

  30. I am going to show my empathy by
    1.Making someone happy from my jokes
    2.Help others in need
    3.Help other peers if they are getting bullied.
    4.Play games with other if anyone to play with in recees.

  31. 1.I could put my self in there shoes by thinking of a time where they might have happened to me.
    2.I could I could put my self in there shoos then we could work it out together.
    3.lastly I could help them out and ask them whatΚΌs happening and together we could work out the problem.

  32. I would be more nice by using more positive words.If I see someone down or crying I would ask how their day is going if they say “leave me ALONE!” I would give them space and if they say what is going on I would say oh I so sorry and If that does not work I would try to be in their perspective and try to understand and I would give a solution if I can and if I can’t I will come to a teacher that is how I will Empathy.

  33. After I watched all 3 videos,I came to the conclusion that empathy is so much more different to sympathy and this is important to me because I usually thought that empathy and sympathy were similar but I now realize the difference which is sympathy is feeling bad for someone or having pity on them but empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes so if someone is having a bad day,some people would leave them because it'll waste their time but the right thing to do is to realize what they have gone through.It could be terrible things to not so bad but the point is not how bad it was just that it was bad so instead of leaving that person,help her or him out and show support because that means you care and that itself can help someone through the problem.Some ways you can help is

    listen so then you know what to help them with
    put yourself in their position so that you can understand the gravity of this situation
    finally just be nice and kind to help them through this problem

