Friday 13 September 2019

New Year, New Beginnings

Welcome to your first blog post of Grade 5! Your first task in your weekly homework will be to respond to a blog post. Sometimes it will just be a post and other times I will ask you to comment on a video. We will read through some of your posts on Fridays to share your thoughts with the class.

I can't believe how quickly the summer went by, I was super busy getting the portable ready for this year. I am excited to learn, grow and explore with all of you. I did a lot of reflection this summer about the type of teacher I wanted to be. The goals I set for myself and how I would achieve them to best help you all achieve your goals this year.

I want you to take some time now to think about your goals for the year. Who do you want to be? Both academically,socially and within our school community. What would your promises be for grade 5? Try to think of at least 3 promises. What steps will you take to achieve your goals this year?

Here are my goals for the far
1. Give you all 110% with the lessons, assignments and activities I plan. No short cuts for me, I want everything to be engaging, exciting, meaningful and most importantly fun!
2. Always listen. I want you all to feel like you can come to me at any time. Whether it be with an assignment, or you just need someone to talk to I will always listen to what you have to say and value your thoughts and opinions. Anytime, anywhere!
3. Be Encouraging. I promise to be encouraging of you this year because I truly believe you are all capable of amazing things. I want to be the one to help you figure out what you are capable of and push you to strive for more.


  1. 1.not rushing my work.

    2.get better marks.

    3.try not to get destracted

  2. 1 i promise to do better at drama by focusing at what we are doing 2 i promise to slow down on my work by taking my time 3 i promise to do better at music by practiceing at my house

  3. 3 promise/ 3 goals
    1.Work hard and give effort on math, because I want to be a math teacher.
    2.Make the boys volleyball team, this is because this is good practice because I want to play volleyball in the olympics.
    3.Try and have a growth mindset more often so I can believe in myself more.

  4. Here are my 3 self-promises\goals for the year:
    1. My first goal is to make the girls junior basketball team. I will practice and work hard and always try my best and never give up
    2. My second goal is to keep up my straight A marks in math. I will do so by studying, focusing during lessons and trying my best. I will also ask for help if and when I need it.
    3. My third goal is to try and not get so easily distracted. For me, anything can be fun, so I will try and focus on what I am doing.

  5. 1 Be nicer
    2 Be calmer
    3 Make more friends

  6. 1. Nice and helpfull
    2. Be kind
    3. Be respectful

  7. Jayden
    1)I won’t rush my work and assignments
    2)I will try to do my best in math
    3)I will pay attention in class and not get distracted by others

  8. 1.Be more attentive in science so i can become more better and get better grades.
    2.try my best in all sports so I can make the sports teams.
    3. be more kind to all of my classmates

  9. Tommy by the way
    Promises and goals
    1. My first promise of this year is that I will try not to question the teacher too much. Also by listening more carefully and if I don’t get it then I will talk to the teacher.

    2. My second promise for this year is that I will be more kind. Also I will listen to my partner or my group members. Also I Will included their ideas too not just mine

    3. My third promise this year is that my social learning skills will improve everyday. Also i will be studying at home hard. THIS IS MY PROMISE

    I want to be a kind and friendly person among my classmates. also be the best person I know I can be.
    Also by doing this I will respect if they wish me to go or need alone time this is the person I want to be in grade 5 with my friends.

  10. 1. Study hard every day. No matter if I am tired or bored, I still have to get good marks by studying hard every single day.

    2. Be friendly and kind everyday. It doesn't matter who it is: My classmates, teachers, EVERYBODY!

    3. Don't get distracted while doing work. Then I will rush my work and I don't want to do that. When you rush your work it becomes sloppy and doesn't make sense.
    So those are my promises for this year!

  11. 1. Work hard in math and get better at social studies and science.

    2. I want to make friends and be nice to everyone in our class and school.

    3. Finish all my work in class and hand in my work on time.

  12. 1.I will improve and will listen and finish on time on math and everything in school

    2.I will improve on not talking in class and I will focus on my work

    3.I will also work really hard

  13. 1. I will try to not read unless we have to.
    2. I will try to finish my work and give it to the teacher on time
    3. I will try to cooperate with my partner and do our work together

  14. Aayan. R

    My 3 goals this year

    1. Don’t get distracted when the teacher is talking. Whenever the teacher is talking about something that I am not interested in I always see myself reading a book or something else. To not do this I will keep the book somewhere else then my desk. I will try to make sure I understand what she is saying.

    2. I will bump up my work. I am always doing level 3 work. Though it is good but level 4 is better. The way I will achieve that is by doing the bonus work and revising my work before submitting.
    Getting good grades. The way I can get good grades is doing the two things above and improving on my spelling and working hard in mathematics too.

    3. I will try to participate in my school activities for grade 5 and hope I make through the tryouts.

    I hope I can achieve all the above goals by the end of this year and I hope I can my parents and school proud of me

  15. 1. This year I want higher grades and I plan to achieve those by studying more and looking over my work when I’m done.
    2. I want to make more friends this year, which I will do by playing and interacting with more kids during recess.
    3. This year I want to contribute more in school activities, such as sports and gym.

  16. 1. This year I will improve on my writing

    2. Also, I will try not to rush on my work

    3. Lastly, I will participate in more clubs like volleyball and grade 5 soccer.

  17. 1.I will study hard every day. No matter if I am tired or bored, then I can get good grades from studying everyday.
    2.Be Nice, Kind, and Friendly everyday. Treating Others The Way They Want To Be Treated, it doesn’t matter who it is : Classmates, Teachers, and well EVERYONE!!!
    3.Trying not to get distracted while doing work, and not rushing through it beacause then it will all sloppy and not neat, and hoping to hand my work in on time.
    I will study hard every day. No matter if I am tired or bored, then I can get good grades from studying everyday.

    Those Are My Promises For This Year!

  18. One of my goals would be to have Fewer questions because I ask a lot of questions.

    Another goal of mine would be not to rush with my work.

    the last goal would be to be more responsible.

  19. One of my goals would be to have Fewer questions because I ask a lot of questions.

    Another goal of mine would be not to rush with my work.

    the last goal would be to be more responsible.

    by mazin

  20. my first goal is to be more attentive so i don'miss instructions
    my second goal is to not rush with my work
    my last goal is to contruibute in different activities and not get distracted while the teacher is talking

  21. my first goal is to get better in writing.

    second goal is to pay attention in class during my class work.

    third goal to get better in reading so i can read more faster.

  22. My first goal is to always listen carefully and write nice and faster.

    My second goal is to pay attention to the teacher and put away all my distraction.

    Third goal is to get better at my math's problem solving.

  23. Ifiemi Marcus
    1) To me running across Canada takes courage, strength and having the mindset that you can push through anything you put your mind to.
    2) To do this you'll be risking everything leaving family, getting hurt, leaving friends and your home. Because you never know what could happen.
    3) The journey Terry took has massively benefited lots of people. Because of him we got closed to finding a cure for cancer.
    4) Terry's journey was an impact on many people. He been an inspiration. I trust not only in Canada but all over the world. Terry Fox is a hero who will be remembered

  24. 0 It will take my family's life to run across canada
    0 I will risk my life to do this
    0 I think terry fox had a cancer with his bone
    0 I was very inspire rashan all and sad

  25. 1.A LOT of practise and time
    3.Alot by a lot of people donating and running for the help of cancer
    4.Yes i felt really sad

    1. also i will not read mine.out loud. BAIIIII

  26. 1. It would take me a very LONG and HARD time and EFFORT

    2. I would risk my health , time and LIFE.

    3. Terry made a VERY big DIFFERENCE , He raised more then 700 million dollars

    4. I think that was a VERY good person and he had a VERY good personality.

    1. PLEASE PICK ME TO R E A D ........... PLEASE!

  27. Once Apon A time there was a guy named carl and he wanted to go to earth but instead of landing on earth he landed on a derserted Island and he lived In Krypton so Yeah and how did he live well ill tell you he had to hunt and stuff and also build a shelter it took him a long time And he didnt have any so He Made an imaginary freind then built a space ship and went to earth and he made it and saw this guy with a red cape and is saving the day from a bank robbery then they meet each othe r then carl says you look familior to me and then they have a epic battle then superman says your my brother so then they stop fighting and they started to live a good life

  28. Once upon a time Carl superman's brother had to leave his planet krypton with his family but they only had to shipes and and only 1 person could fit in 1 ship so Carl and Superman took the to ships and everyone else died. Carl and superman were going to to earth but Carl didn't make it so he ended up on a deserted waste planet. He only found 1 little girl their her name was Kalah. They both made food by eating space trash, and they tried for years to make a rocketship to go to earth. But then Superman came to the waste plant and took kalah and Carl to earth and they lived happily in earth.

  29. Carl was a very curious boy. He was alone and he always wanted to have a friend. That's why he made a robot named Buddy so he can talk to him and be his friend . From the beginning of his childhood he used to do everything by himself, for example look for food, protect himself from danger, his alien friend taught him how to recycle things and make them useful so he used to make new things out of old trash. He uses his x-ray power to look for the stuff that he needs to fix his spaceship and he uses his flying powers to gather all the useful trash and recycle them.He always wished that one day he could go to planet Earth and reunite with his brother.

  30. Carl as he was a child wanted to meet his brother but near birth they were seperated by the attack on their planet by now he has the opportunity to meet him again.He was so excited almost too excited because that his planet doesn't have much but since he has found where his brother lives he can meet him and learn all about him and his planet.Come on carl said he couldn't wait but his imaginary friends didn't want to come so he left himself.When he arrived he was expecting superman (clark) at the meeting point but instead he saw a lot of destruction where he was he looked up to see something that destroyed it but instead saw superman and luthor fighting he tried to help but he seemed weakened but the fight ended quickly with superman getting a loot of fame.After a long time carl finally managed to reach clark and superman said he totally forget but carl forgave him.Soon both of them meet in a shady store at the connor, when they settled in carl immediately went on superman's case about how he had to live alone for years and he doesn't even care that he could finally meet him again and that he gets so many privileges and carl was waiting for this moment to take superman's place and carl was stronger so he took superman's place by locking him away.Carl was then defeated years later by superman in the sun,carls power was weakened because he did not have a sun so that weakened nut carl was left with a warning and left earth. The End.

  31. Let me tell you a story about Superman and his brother Carl. A long time ago Carl left planet Krypton in search of Earth, but ended up on a Space Trash Planet. Carl was so lonely so he spent his days rummaging through the space trash to find pieces of stuff so he can make himself a nintendo switch. Soon after he finished building his Nintendo Switch he started playing Super Mario Brothers. Carl survived by finding aliens and eating their alien food (aka. Carrots and peas). Since Carl needed to stay hydrated he drank alien water (aka. Lemonade) and he said “it was delicious!”. Some of the skills Carl learned while he was on the space trash planet was gravity boarding (which is skateboarding but on air), and Carl also learned how to be a spy. Carl had used his superman-like powers to fly away from the person he was spying on, and to use his x-ray vision to look through people for some random reason. Carl had been so lonley ever since he left Krypton so he had a lot of time to spare making things. He had already made 1 house, a car that is run on garbage, a TV, and a plastic pig. Carl had a new idea to make a time traveler so he could go back in time and land on earth like he had wanted to, but as much as he had tried he still could not find a way to build it out of garbage. He was sad his new idea did not work out. Carl did not want to recycle the space trash because he liked to use it to make things. Carl’s coolest invention was his car that he made that runs on garbage.

  32. I think we should all try to be kind because it's right and being rude hurts people. Being kind is simple but harder than you imagine because being disrespectful is easy. Being kind is simple because to be kind you can simply compliment someone by saying hi nice shoes. So everyone will appreciate you if you will be kinder and others will treat you the same.
