Friday 6 December 2019

Make your friends HUNGRY!

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For your blog post this week, I’d like each of you to think in your head about what your favourite food in the whole world is!  Picture that food in your mind, how it looks, smells, tastes, sounds when it’s cooking. Have you got it? Good. Now here’s the challenge, can you write a descriptive paragraph that doesn’t mention what your food is but describes it so well that your classmates can guess what it is?  The world of food and wine website has some great words that you can use to help you in your challenge!

Here’s an example:

 “It’s colour is burned a deep amber hue,  the outside hard, crunchy, almost black with flavour. The smell is powerful, smokey, and tantalizing. As I take my sharp knife and cut through the bark, the heat rises out in steamy tendrils. I pour the thin, vinegary barbecue sauce into the glass bowl, with the piled up meat. It’s rich, meaty smell hits my nose and I use my knife and fork to cut through it. The taste is strong, meaty and delicious and as I put it on the bun, I cannot wait to bite into it!


  1. My favorite food is heated on a pan and on the top it turns brown and the sides are white.The food can have butter and syrup,nutella or banana and it smells so good. It smells better than anything and the sound of it cooking it sizzles .WHAT IS MY FAVORITE FOOD!!!!!!!!!

  2. Maya馃崟馃崝馃崯馃尛7 December 2019 at 13:00

    Blog Post
    Make your friends hungry!

    When my favorite food is being made its color starts off as a beautiful light brown colour with a mixture of mouthwatering ingredients. This food is awesome because you can add a lot of ingredients! You can choose the flavor and ingredients! I love when my food is being made in the oven; it smells heavenly! When the food is done cooking, it smells even more heavenly than before! After you can decorate the food with yummy icing, and candies of your choice. I love when you can choose as many candies as you want! After decorating I get to dig into my food! In the end it has a final mouthwatering, heavenly smell. I can’t wait to dig in! The best part is when you can share the food with family and friends.

  3. This food is frosty and so good you can save it in a freezing place but it would not last long. Because when you buy it you celebrate something that is so fun happy and joyful.
    You are the star on this day then it’s time to eat they're going to sing you a song. When it’s over friends cousins brothers and sisters will eat the frosty good and when your done they’re will be no left what is this food.

  4. My food is grainy white, multi shaded brown, and red. It has a very interesting taste. It is a mixture of things and is from Singapore. And it is served delightful and warm. It has a variety of vegetables. Also, it is made by experienced chef and has a very tangy and juicy taste. You can add lemon juice and sauces. Most of the time, it fills you up and it will make you float if you smell it. It is topped with yummy marinated chicken. It is very tempting to eat.[Just to let you know.... There are no samples!].

  5. The tender muscles are steamed in a rich broth of fresh carrots, celery, tomatoes and garlic. The oven fries are golden. You pour the mouthwatering broth into a bowl over the crispy shoestring fries.

  6. The tangy taste light flavor and the ingredients are rice, cucumber, different seafood and alot of people have it with soy sauce. A Lot of people like this food but sometimes people don’t like raw foods in there food. It is more soft than crunchy it can be spicey. Can you get what my favourite food is?!!!!!
    By: Zoreen:)

  7. Make your friends HUNGRY!!!
    There are not very many ingredients that most foods require, but they are all delicious once you put it together! Also, you can eat some of the ingredients before they are baked if you want to. Some people eat it before it is even fully made! Before it is made, the colour is a light skin colour. The smell has a rich, mouthwatering sweet scent. You can find the ingredients at any grocery store, or you can buy it instead of making it. I like to do both, because it is a fun and you can use your hands and get messy. The ingredients are brown or white (or both !!) sugar(s), butter, vanilla, eggs, flour, baking soda and salt. Then you have to put all the ingredients together. Then you add add a special ingredient that many people love and it has a physical change when you put the food in the oven. You put it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 190.556° degrees Celsius. Before it goes into the oven, it will be a bit stiff, but when you take it out, it will be soft and have a rich, golden brown look. The food will be hot so you must let it cool. When you take a bite, the delicious food melts into your mouth and it will be rich in flavour. It tastes so sweet, deductible and you would want to have more! I pick up my delicious tasty food and the rich flavour hits my nose and I take a big bite. Can you guess what my food is??
    By: Ayesha

  8. as soon as that first bite touches your lips you have finally expirenced the taste of all mankind....... it has white rice on the outside and on the inside there are all sorts of varites of things. it is originally made in japan and (HINT:WASABI) it is usually eaten with tradinal soya suase what is my food???????????????

  9. Make Your Friends HUNGRY!!

    In this food there is a hint of spiciness, or sometimes it can be really spicy or medium. There are some nice fresh, juicy vegetables in it as well. It sizzles while it is cooking. It’s a little chewy and a little soft. It is best to eat hot or it might get a little dry.. ._. You can eat it as a meal, or a little snack. It can be served fancy or, it can be served simple. It also might be messy while eating, so you better have a napkin around! You might have to slurp it up.

    That is how I describe this food!

  10. Start with something plain and add something orange that is melted and put it on a hot stove and cook it to make it gooey and crispy. You will get a soft melted breakfast, lunch and dinner treat.

  11. I was eating something that is very good
    It was cold, big and cylinder shape. You can feel that cold breeze and the shivers
    On your face as soon as you open the small/medium cardboard box that it comes in . sometimes used for Special occasions and sometimes just for a nice snack mostly used for special occasions .
    Sometimes that cold brain freeze that gives you a big bam into your head.
    It's delicious and mouth watering to look at soft and sweet sugary flavor and the delicious flavors (chocolate,vanilla, strawberry,fruity )there are others i don't know flavor and the coldness melting like ice in your mouth.Mouth watering for me how about you let's find out .now time to guess

  12. This comment has been removed by another author

  13. WHO AM I?

    This food is widely known to Japanese,but it was actually not originated in japan. Yet still it is a favorite food to many. There are many versions of this food and it is a mixture of everything you can think of. It tastes divine yet gustatory also being very heavenly. Most taste honeyed, and every version is lush though. Some are very peppery though. Now this food came from southeast Asia. Any guesses?

  14. Omg!My mouth is watering just to smelling it.Golden strips soft and juicy from inside,crispy and crunchy from outside it taste like heaven in every bite you gotta eat it hot and fresh.

  15. It is cooked in the hot place it has so many colors but I like only one color. The color I like is white the bottom color is red .its pored on a soft bottom. its always cut in pieces because it cant be served in one piece. Any guesses

  16. My favorite food .....
    Its round and fried in oil .It can be decorated in different ways but I like it with chocolate top and filling inside. I get to buy it outside because didnt get chance to make it at home yet. guess what ??

  17. Are you ready to get hungry? Get your tissues ready for your drooling and crying of remarkableness to one of my astonishing dishes. As its cooking the boiling sounds get my attention and I get excited. My tongue already feels this scrumptious taste and the slurping sounds while your abducting or sucking it into your mouth. You can put anything you would like on it, well not everything, just the things that fit that flavor. For example you can put spices, sauces, vegetables and more! In my opinion all these three examples are amazing to put on, but many of you don't like to eat vegetables so yeah… Anyways, when this food got on the table I quickly grabbed my fork and slurped up this food. Oh my! This is heavenly, marvelous, good, celestial food. I would be surprised if no one had had this food because it’s pretty delicious and it's popular. It does not have a strong smell though but lovers of this food would definitely know and sense it from the beginning. Though it might be brackish sometimes if you add a lot of this sauce, (No I am not telling you what this sauce is) but it's still great tasting. Of course, this is a mouthwatering food. Some of the spices can be pungent which is a great thing because it makes it more yummilicious. I’ve given you a lot of information about this food so can you guess it yet?

  18. Ifiemi:)=) wassssssuuuuuup11 December 2019 at 19:45

    My chocolaty goodness, my soft moist texture. It's brown color. Though I am a wonderful desert most people might unfortunately mistaken me for poop��������. I can be filled with chocolates that melt and pour out like lava when cut. There can be anything on top to give me a sweet taste. My bitter sweet flavor can be tasted when bit into me. On top of my swirly head more can be put from candy to little sugary beads.
    Now I'm done.
    I might have said to much.
    Now it's up to you.
    It's time to guess my sweet little chicklings.
    I have said enough.
    Now you must tell me.
    What shall I be?

  19. My food is creamy and drips in hot weather.It is cold and appetizing!It gives me an appetite and also to others.It is super appealing and ambrosial.It is super delicious and can be sold in a store or a truck.It comes in flavors like (i'm going to tell you ones you probably didn't know exist)cotton candy,bubble gum, and icing on the cake.

    guess what it is,you probably will know.
    By Muhammad


    THis is a really easy yet delicious food to eat . Its crunchy on the outside and divine on the inside. Its perfect for when your trying to eat healthy, beacuse this dish is heavenly when you bite into it the vegtables crunch while the rich sauces melt into your mouth, once you see this dish you can not resist not eating it. It is certintly a mouthwatering, juicy , crunchy and savory dish that you ca not resist

    CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IT IS ?????????

  21. Zain
    When the mystery food is being prepared, I can smell the strong and mouthwatering apitizing smell. I can hardly wait until this meaty food is prepared with rice!When the food is finally prepared, I look at it longingly.The food which is made up of yellow coloured rice, potato,juicy meat look so tasty together, I can't wait to dig in!
    Finally, I use my spoon and pick up a piece of meat and rice and dig in I immediately taste rich flavours clashing and the divine delicious taste,I can hardly wait until I take another bite!
    If needed here's a hint,The food name starts with a b

  22. Make Your Friends HUNGRY!!
    It nice creamy and moist and a nice deep dark bold brown, it’s fudgy, chewy, scrumpshios and when it gets baked it turns to a deep dark, dark brown. It is sometimes served with vanilla bean ice cream on top, and if you really want you can put some nice and warm chocolate sauce.
    Can you guess what I am????

  23. My favourite food is...I can始t tell you but I can describe it here始s how
    it始s tastes.mmmm that cheeses is so perfectly perfect and that noodle
    is so cooked perfectly and with that ketch up delicious.Heres how it
    looks bagel and orange smells like does Nima make
    a sound when it始s cooking but it hasn始t to boil in water.Then you put it
    in a bowl.

  24. This food will make you hungry sadly I can't explain it.It's too good I cant even explan it but I will try it has a nice Orange texter a nice juicy chicken and you eat it with a bread kind of bread where you would never get it is do good I could eat it for years. You could eat it for years I wish it was in front of me right now so I can taste it in front of everybody and you could try it to.
