Thursday 21 November 2019

Spread Some Awesome!

Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 10.54.47 AM.pngLook at the quote to the left.  Your task this week is something a little different, it’s time to spread some awesome.  Do one thing this week that spreads some major awesome by drawing a name in class (keep it to yourself… shhhh!), and writing a letter to that person in your blog post, listing 3 reasons that make that person really awesome. They can be anything- but think about character traits- what this person shows and does that makes them unique, special and well, AWESOME! You will write your blog post in a letter format. 

Here’s an example
Dear _______, 
Did you know how totally awesome you are?! Well, you are! Here are three reasons that make you so great and appreciated. 

  1. You are a great listener. You make people feel as though they are very important in the way you listen to them and show that you care. 
  2. You are a hard worker. You use your class time super well and are always focused! It’s inspiring. 
  3. You are inclusive. I love that you always invite people to play with you at recess and are friends with everyone. 

Thank you for being your awesome self. We appreciate you! 

I can’t wait to watch everyone spread awesome and see how it ripples into our worlds! 


  1. Dear ______, did you know that your awesome?Well,you are!
    1.You are an awesome and cool friend
    2.You help your friends when they are sad
    3.You will help your friend go somewhere they don't know where it is!
    Those are the things that make you awesome,sincerely Muhammad

    1. Dear Jayden...sorry I forgot to put your name! But you are awesome!!

  2. Hey hey hey Sonali,
    Do you ever think “ I’m not awesome at all. im so stupid?” Well don’t think that! You’re awesome in every way!! I can’t list all the ways but i have 3 ways how you are awesome!
    1. You are very happy! Everyday you come to school very happy and stay happy during school too. For example, if we are in gym and you don’t like the activity you still are awesome and never a grumpy pants.
    2. You work hard to finish something like in math. Sonali, you are always a hard worker.
    3. You are funny! You joke around a lot!!

    Sonali, you are a great friend and i hope that you stay awesome!
    From, Maya!!

  3. Yo Selina,
    Has anyone told you how awesome you arehh? Well you are. If they haven't they're just jealous of you that's why no one has told you.And if you or anyone else is doubting that then here are some reasons why you are so amazingly awesome.
    Firstly, you are a great listener you pay attention to people and listen to them.
    Secondly, you are so funny. You can put a smile �� on someone's face when they're having the worst day ever.
    Lastly, you're one of the most hard working people I've ever met. Once your given a task you go on with full force and you put your mind to it.
    Thank you for being your awesome, friendly, wonderful self and for all the haters out there BACK OFF!!!You're a star!!✨✨
    Sincerely, Ifiemi

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  5. Dear Salam,

    Has anyone ever told you that you are awesome? Well, you are!! Here are 3 awesome ways that make you amazingly AWESOME!!

    You’re funny and playful! You make other people laugh
    You work really hard. Especially in check-in’s, you don’t bother anyone!
    You’re nice and respect you’re peers and other people around you.

    Those are the reasons that make you totes awesome!! Thanks for being nice, friendly and, well, of course… awesome!! #AWESOMENESS!

    Sincerely, Sonali

    1. i'm all of that lol

    2. mann i still did not get mine

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Humza,

    Everyone knows how awesome you are, but just in case you forgot, here are three reasons why you are so cool!
    You’re kind! You’re nice to others and are inclusive and welcoming to everyone. You show that you care and make others feel good about themselves, like how you were compassionate towards me.
    You’re good at drawing and have a lot of talent which I think is neat. Your drawings are superb and they tell interesting things about you.
    You’re energetic and make life as well as our classroom more alive and fun. You help us to see the bright side in everything.
    I hope you realize now how awesome you really are. Thanks for being you, never change!


    1. Thanks Ayesha for saying kind words about me your awesome!

    2. Well, you are awesome!

  7. Dear Zoreen,
    Did you know that you should be voted the nicest person on the planet? Yes it is true, I have seen you help people multiple times. Don’t believe me? Well here are some things that you do that make you kind.

    You help people out. Yes I have seen you do this a huge amount of times. I like that because you help people to the best of your ability. And you can keep people on track.

    You are empathetic to all of the people on this earth. You are kind by relating to them.

    I see you like to make people laugh. That shows that you care that people are happy.

    That is why you are the kindest person in the world. You should be voted the nicest person on earth.


  8. Dear Tommy,

    Did you know that you are super awesome and I am going to tell you why. First you are incredibly nice and that is so great. The second reason is that you are really honest and that is wonderful about you. Also you are confident and that is very cool about you. So Tommy you are awesome!:)

    Sincerely Zoreen,

  9. dear muhammud


    1. you always talk to me! It feels so good when you let me pitch in!

    2. our alike hobbies! we read the same books and i like how you let me trade!

    3. our fun jokes! together we have so much fun!


  10. Dear Lucas

    Did you know that you are awesome if you didn't then you are and these are three reasons why you are awesome.

    The first reason is that you make people laugh by making jokes and pretending that you are someone from a movie or from a play.

    The second reason is that you are kind to others by being nice and sharing your things and you are also trying to have fun in everything you do.

    The third and final reason is that you are fair and you let others do or be what they want for plays or to play games and others.

    That is why you are awesome.

  11. Yo yo yo malaika,

    Has anyone told you how awesome you are!?
    Well, here are reasons why you are super cool!!

    You are friendly and also pretty funny, and you are kind!!!
    You forgive and be kind to all of peers around you!
    You always help peers in need and never interupt miss.bourne

    That is just a few reasons why you are awesome!!!

  12. Dear,Kaden
    Here's three reasons why you're so cool! And Kind!

    1.Your sweet and kind,you help people and when someone needs a pencil you gave it to them,you are really good at it when it comes to inviting people to play with you at recess.

    2.Your very helpful ,you help people sometimes even like when someone needed a pencil you gave it to them!

    3.You work really well in class.and when we do projects you are engaged in what we're doing!And you listen to everyone's ideas!
    Thanks for being helpful,kind,and wellworking! We all appreciate your kindness!

    Selina Sohail

  13. Dear,Kaden
    Here's three reasons why you're so cool! And Kind!

    1.Your sweet and kind,you are really good at it when it comes to inviting people to play with you at recess.

    2.Your very helpful ,you help people sometimes even like when someone needed a pencil you gave it to them!

    3.You work really well in class.and when we do projects you are engaged in what we're doing!And you listen to everyone's ideas!
    Thanks for being helpful,kind,and wellworking! We all appreciate your kindness!

    Selina Sohail

  14. Heeeeeeey Aayan. Whats up dude. Has anyone told you how cool and awesome you are! Well probably many people but I just want to clarify a bit more. So I will give you 3 reasons why you are so awesome!!!!!

    -First things first, you are very kind!! You say great words to everybody it it cheers them up!

    -Second, you are hilarious! Everyone laughs at your jokes and their extremely amusing!

    -And of course you are very respectful to others. You share, you give, and many more!

    Thanks for being a great person!

    -Jood C:

  15. Dear: Akbar

    1.You are really good at sports and are a very fast runner.

    2.You are very kind to me and everyone in the class.You help everyone in the class as well.

    3.You always play with me during recess

    That is why I think your awesome!

  16. I still didn't get mine��

  17. Hey Zain,
    Did you know how smart and awesome you are? Well, you are! Here are some reasons that make you so awesome and smart!
    1. You are a hard worker! You use your class time well and you are smart and focused!
    it is very inspiring!
    2. You are very inclusive!I like the way that you are always open minded you always
    invite people to play when they are lonely at recess and try to be friends with
    3. You are a great listener. You make people feel as though they are very important in the
    way you listen to them and show that you care.

    Thanks for being your amazing self! We appreciate you!



    Dear ayesha
    Did you know how amazing and awesome you are ?well you are. And here are 3 reasons that make you amazing!!

    1. You are very hard working and foocused in your work !!

    2.You collaborate with different people ! are a very good reader and are always focused in the book that you are reading.

    Thanks for being amazing!!

    sincerly swara

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  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Dear Jadalyn,

    You know that you are awesome.If I exaggerate it is because you do not talk that much so I got my info about you by over hearing your friends. Let's begin:

    1. You are not rude and you do not scream,I say this because I have never seen you being impolite and loud with anyone in class.

    2. You don't hurt your friends feelings, also you are empathetic to them.You always put yourself in your friend's shoes and advise them.

    3. Lastly, you have a growth mindset because you never give up on your work and always keep on trying.

    That is why you are so valued in class.

  22. Dear _Jood______,
    Did you know your awesome,if you don't well you are and I’m gonna tell you three reasons why your awesome:
    You are funny because of your mimiks
    You are well behaved cause you listen all the time
    You are also helpful and kind to others by helping others in need,for example helping with math.

    That is why you are awesome.

  23. Dear ifiemi,
    Do you know how awesome and nice you are and if you haven't realized here are three ways you are!!!
    1. You always are being kind to people or helping them out when they fell sad 😞
    2. You preserver,No matter what you keep on trying to complete something that you can't
    3. You are very empathic not sympathize,you always try to help out when you can or even can't

    Now do you understand how awesome you really are and keep it up


  24. Dear connor 1.did you know your are very nice in many ways and this is one of them that is being nice by and helping kids and me to give stuff.2.In my 2 one i will say you are nice setting byside me and will not kick me and hit me caues i am being not nice but i am being nice to you and that is why you are nice to me.3.In my last one you are nice caues you dont fight and others but mostley you dont fight and that is it.

  25. Mine is still not posted!

    1. It seems like I don't belong in this class!

  26. Dear Zayan,
    do you know how totally awesome you are?
    well here are three reason: your love of fortnight
    2.your good at drawing and three how good of a friend you are.Thats three reason on how awesome you are
    Sincerely Connor.

  27. Dear swara
    Did you know that you are so awesome and here are some reasons why

    1 you are so nice and you are so inclusive and you are such a great listener to class mates

    2 you are so positive and you are never negative

    3 you are so good at drawing and making everyone laugh and always be so helpful when people need it
    Thank you for being your awesome self. We appreciate you!
    Sincerely Tommy


      thanks tommy

  28. Dear Maya,
    Did you ever realize how awesome you are?!Here are 3 reasons why I think your are totally AWESOME.
    1.You are humorous. Every time I talk with you I at least have to have one good laugh.
    2.You spread empathy.You greet people with a nice and funny smile.
    3.You are kind and caring.If someone was hurt you would come over and help them.
    Those are some of the reasons why I think you are AWESOME.
    Sincerely, Malaika

  29. Dear salam
    Thank you being my friend this year at school you are awesome in so many ways but I have to give 3 reason for
    now are so kind and helpful. are good at soccer may be you can help me learn few tricks. are good at swimming and you are funny.
    Thank you

  30. Hi Conner
    You are such a awesome guy are so kind for likeing all my drawings.
    2.your such a fast runner.
    3.and your so awesome becouse your always realy nice to me.
    Thank you for being my awesome friend

  31. hey Mazin are so kool you know a lot about our country (Pakistan) are realy fun to play with. are also good at soccer.
    hope your having good time on your vacation can´t wait to see you back at school.
    your friend

    1. dear Nimrita
      you are awesome because you help everyone in class. also your realy good at drawing because i like to draw as well and last how you like animals since you had so many different pets.
      thank you

  32. dear Nimrita
    you are awesome because you help everyone in class. also your realy good at drawing because i like to draw as well and last how you like animals since you had so many different pets.
    thank you

    1. Thanks but I don't have any pets!

  33. Dear:Rayan

    You are one of the most awesome friend on earth. And I can prove that these are three reasons why you are so awesome. Number 1 you care for others you pick them When there hurt and you make them happy when they are sad .Number 2 You stand up for people like if someone is getting bullied you stand up for them .Number 3 Spend time with others if someone wants to join your game you let them join.
    These are the three reasons why you are awesome sincerely mazin
