Friday 25 October 2019

How Scary!?

In class, we will be working on sentence structure, catchy introductions and using descriptive words to add excitement and convey feelings. Last week we worked on describing meaningful events  in our lives using the five senses, but I think we need some more work at it (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste).

Let’s talk HALLOWEEN!!  In a six sentence paragraph (opening sentence, four supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence), use descriptive writing to describe your or someone else’s point of view as they walk through a TERRIFYING haunted house. Eg. I smelled… I saw…. I heard…  

Use as many powerful adjectives as you can to make this writing exciting and BONE CHILLING!


  1. SALAM WASS UP Y'ALL25 October 2019 at 17:07

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  3. How scary!

    Once upon a time there was a boy who loved Halloween,he was going to see a haunted house.When he arrived he was super super excited but when he went in it smelled really weird and disgusting.It smelled like sardines for some reason and then the lights turned on. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Then there was blood and skeletons on the floor so they went to the next room.Ahhhhhhhh they saw the nun jump and she scared them like crazy.When they got out of the house the kid burst into tears.The End.

  4. MAYA WUSS UP PEEPSS ✌✌✌✌✌26 October 2019 at 13:11

    A spooky story! By: Maya!

    Hey peeps! This story is about the bone chilling story about the time i was in a haunted house with my friends.
    One day I was riding my bike around with my friends until we saw a house. From the outside it didn’t look like a haunted house, but it was abandoned. So we went inside to explore when it looked like a normal house until out of the closet came a creepy vampire! I’m not saying the vampire from Sesame street. I’m saying like, really creepy. Then he chased us up and around the house with venomous spiders everywhere in the attic! I nearly got bitten by a spider! So we sprinted outside in the sun. The vampire turned into ash! My friends and I celebrated from killing the vampire. After we went back in with our phones so we know if there is anything creepy or dangerous. While i was walking around, PENNYWISE WAS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!!! While Pennywise was chasing me around with an axe, I was also texting my friends for: HELP!! My friends came in a flash! We worked together to grab Pennywise’s axe and we killed him. After we rode our bikes home.
    THE END!!!

  5. One day on halloween night me and my friend went trick or treating and we went to his mansion it was old and to be honest it was scary my friend said lets go but I refused but he begged me so I went a butler said please go in and help yourself so I did and then creek and SLAM went the door my friend thought it was a joke so he yelled please let us out this is not funny then he quit then I felt something I said to my friend this is not funny he replied it was not me then i looked back it was.…...a...zombie we ran and ran then popped another zombie then another it so scary we ran to the basement I found an old flashlight it worked then bang bang bang we thought it was the zombies but then crk crk crk we thought it was the wood but then the…….butler was there it had no head then we bursted out of the room then we hide in the washroom the we felt a deep smelly breath I turned around it was a little creaby doll is said want to play hehe we ran and the doll chased us it said again come on let’s play come come let's play
    Hehe then we ran up stairs to the master bedroom then a little horn came of like a clowns horn then me and my friend said at the same time you gotta be kidding me then the clown from the movie IT chased us on and on with all the scary monster got us in the corner then one by one they ki………...THE END want to play

  6. I had dared my friend Lily to go into a very scary haunted house. After accepting the challenge she came out and told me all about the haunted house. There were scary ghost sounds and there were vampires,zombies,ghosts and it smelled old and dusty.also right under your ankle it felt like there were crawling mice but really it was the wind blowing very hard on to her she walked inside .The door shut behind her . Then there was wind blowing against her hair . Then she felt like monsters were pushing her. the zombies asking for help and it looked like they were coming out of the ground. As soon as she thought she saw the exit it was actually a mirror room and her reflection was bloody hand prints that's all she could see bloody hand prints.T
    hats after she figured out the very difficult mirror maze she finally made it out .She made me promise that i will never dare something like that again .ha ha ha .

  7. Welcome to the milton public haunted house, there is so much to do! Spooktacule rides! Insane math challenges! And my personal favorites. The Mad mode area. And the zombie combat arena. Come to Bing Bing drive 156.{Please don’t try to find it} And call 111-666-999 to get your tickets. Along with your death waver.

  8. The night I enter the haunted house, on a very cold night indeed. Owls were hooting, When I enter, I smelt dead racoons and skunks. There were symbols all over the walls. I had a spine chilling moment. Then rats came running towards me. Then I smelled the scent of wet dogs. I diden’t look back and ran all the way home. I was safe, for now at least.

  9. Hi, I'm Ayesha, and I will be telling you the bone chilling story of when I walked down a creepy, seemingly haunted house. The day was October 19, 2018, when I was only 9 years old. I was walking down the side of the road after I had gone to a nearby store that sold birthday supplies - my sister’s birthday was in a few days and I had been working on her gift. As I walked down the street, my hands empty, my gaze fell upon a big, all black and abandoned house. Now, I love creepy things, so I opened the door and let myself in. There was a large corridor and a black, grand staircase winding up to the second floor. There was a strange smell in the air, something that crossed the smell of sardines and rotten eggs, it was worse than a skunk smell and I knew how stinky those sprays were because one time my best friend got sprayed, anyways my hand immediately went up to my face and I plugged my nose. I walked deeper into the house and it got darker and darker, which was weird because it was still daytime - 3:00 pm. Suddenly I saw some bats fly by and that was when I got a bit scared. Suddenly I heard a noise, I freezed and somehow the smell didn’t affect me and my hand dropped quietly to my side. Then I saw something, something pointy, gray and sharp - It was an axe !!! Then a man appeared, he looked young, maybe in his twenties, but that wasn’t what scared me, what made my blood run cold was that he was holding the axe and heading straight for me!!! To be continued…. DUN DUN DAAA!!! Ok ok, I felt bad, so here’s the rest of the story - As anybody would I got freaked out because if you know anything about me is that the only thing I’m afraid of is serial killers. Anyway I bolted out of the corridor and up the stairs,I entered a small bedroom and noticed that the window was open. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew that if I didn’t take that escape route I would be DEAD. I could feel my heartbeat then, so I did what I had to do and jumped out of the window. Thankfully I had jumped from many high places before so I landed on my feet. I could hear noises from the house but didn’t look back and I kept on running until I got to my house. So that was the story of how I nearly died by a serial killer in a weird creepy haunted house I had never seen before. The End.

  10. For halloween I went to a haunted house with some of my friends.I was super excited I didn't think it would be that scary. But when we got there it was terrified we were walking causley in the haunted house and to bloody zombies started to chase us. Then it started smelling horribly then we heard rattling noises me and my friends screamed and ran AAAAAAhhhhhh! Then we went into a room there were two giant snakes coming to use so we all ran out of the building.and went strait home and then realized everything was a dream!

  11. It was Halloween night and I was heading out for a frightful night.I am walking to get candies to get my bag full. I was with my friends and we got to a house on the corner and I said to my friends let’s go up to this house! They said no but I’m like why are you scared? They did not answer me and then I went up cause, I saw a fake person on a chair. I went up and that person said boo and then I got scared and I ran. My friends laughed and took me back up to get the candies and said thank you a left and my friends laughing and then I laughed too..... this was my friends uncles house.the end.

  12. So once i was walking downtown.It was super cold and dark, i was walking and walking, till i saw a dark alley way.It stank like garbage and terrible smelling rats.I walked in the alley (which was not a very good choice but since i'm curious why not?). There i saw a dark house,i saw a stray cat there,it walked in the house.Sooo i decide to walk in to to see if there were more cats, (again a Terrible decision).So i walked in and it was instant regret as i turned around the door slammed shut i screamed “AHHH”, and (TERRIBLE DECISION) i would down a long hallway around there were old paintings.There eyes would follow you wherever you go.It smelt like dead people.I felt goosebumps and it was super cold,and out of nowhere i hear footsteps,i look back and someones chasing me so i run,with total fear, i ran and ran to the back door.Then i got out threw the the back yard.It was cold but i survived.THE END :D
    So once i was walking downtown.It was super cold and dark, i was walking and walking, till i saw a dark alley way.It stank like garbage and terrible smelling rats.I walked in the alley (which was not a very good choice but since i'm curious why not?). There i saw a dark house,i saw a stray cat there,it walked in the house.Sooo i decide to walk in to to see if there were more cats, (again a Terrible decision).So i walked in and it was instant regret as i turned around the door slammed shut i screamed “AHHH”, and (TERRIBLE DECISION) i would down a long hallway around there were old paintings.There eyes would follow you wherever you go.It smelt like dead people.I felt goosebumps and it was super cold,and out of nowhere i hear footsteps,i look back and someones chasing me so i run,with total fear, i ran and ran to the back door.Then i got out threw the the back yard.It was cold but i survived.THE END :D

  13. A Stormy Night by Ifiemi
    The wind is howling strongly, rain beating heavily against my room window.”Pit, pat, pit, pat, pit” that was the sound over the rain beating against my window. It seemed to get louder every minute. I squeezed my eyes as tight as possible. Since I couldn’t sleep and I was thirsty I decided to go downstairs for a drink of water. By the time I got downstairs I heard glass shatter in the upstairs hallway.

  14. miss Bourne can you please help me correct this error in my paragraph "over the rain" it's meant to be "of the rain beating.

  15. HOW SCARY!! (⊙o⊙)

    Once upon a time it was a dark halloween on Lasania street. There was many trick-or-treaters in their splendid/horrible costumes. Believe it or not, one kid was dressed up as a underwear!!! Now 1 hour before this scary night, Max was video calling his friends planning their route to earn 10 TIMES the candy they scored last year.


    Max was at the front of the school waiting for their last friend. They
    were 4 people in total."IM HERE IM HERE!!" the last one called.They looked in the direction where they heard it. "JONNY!" They shouted.


    So now we see our friends: Max, Yoko, Johnny and John going on their halloween hunt, or are they getting hunted? Which is what you would think when they get to mMs Bloomers house. "𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖓𝖊"Yoko said
    "more like Ms Pooper" everyone giggled. "Well should we go?" said Johnny. "No way!" Max said."Ha lo-" "What?'


    the end
    or is it?

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  17. Hi there, Im Malaika, and are you ready for a petrifying story? Well you better be, cause Ive been working at this for 2 years straight. Anyways it all started on the day before Halloween. I’ve always wanted to go to one of those haunted houses, the fake ones. But of course I wanted to go to a haunted house with a friend, and I chose Jessie. Jessie and I really like creepy things so I thought it’d be excellent if we went together.And don't worry we already asked our parents and they said yes. After that, Jessie and I met up at her porch so we could go to the haunted house. At her porch I searched up the place we were going to, and then Jessie glanced at my phone.”Monster House?”Jessie said while glancing at my phone.”Yeah it sounded interesting so I thought we could go there” I said. Jessie and I were going alone because it wasn’t too far from our homes. Finally after taking the bus to “Monster house” we’ve finally arrived. ”Wait, are you sure this is the right address?”Jessie said while disgustedly gazing upon the house ”yeah….Im sure”I said. ”Don't worry its not like its real and we’re staying here forever” I exclaimed.”Alright, lets ring the doorbell so we could see the owner and make sure of things”Jessie said. Jessie and I slowly stepped up the staircase while it squeaked, and I rang the doorbell. “Why’s it not working” I said repeatedly clicking the doorbell. “Must be an old house” said Jessie. After that I found a note on the door. “What’s written on that note?” I said. “Step in” Jessie read, to which I fearlessly replied, “why not”. We pushed the door open and crept our way inside. “Did you hear that?!” Jessie said, the odd sound was coming from a room around the corner. We tip toed towards the noise, biggest mistake… a strong nasty smell started the closer we got, as soon as we peeked around the corner, there it was… a scary clown was waiting for us, with a big smile and balloons, staring right at us! The clown took a step towards us and Jessie and I looked at each other then ran back the way we came and out the door to the bus stop as fast as we could. Out of breath, Jessie and I looked at each other and promised to never go in a haunted house again. As soon as the bus arrived, we hopped in and took our seats, however the scary part about the bus ride? There were two balloons floating in the back with our names on them. The whole ride was silent and scary, but thankfully we didn't see that clown again, and hopefully we never see him again. The end.

  18. so once i was walking down the street. It was really windy very windy but i kept walking soon it got really dark and i saw a dark ally i got really curious and started walking down the alley which was probley a really bad idea.It smelled horrible and i saw dead frogs on the ground everywhere. When i walked a little more i saw a really big house and a saw a cute kitty walking inside and, i wanted see if there were more kittens so i followed it inside which agian was a bad idea . when i enterd the door slammed rigt behind me i was soooo scared but i kept on walking down the hallway. when i reached to the middle of the hallway......
    the pictures on the sides started turnig around and upside down , and suddenly a clown apperd in front pf me i was soooooo scared. i kept on running but the clown was still behind me then i saw a lever i did no know where else to run so i pulled it and it ..dropped me somewhere that smelled like dead mice but it was the backyard so i ran out really fast and out the alley and i was thankeful i survived.The End
    bye swara

  19. Did you ever wonder if you are going into a HAUNTED HOUSE!? Well if you ever did or your thinking about it right now then this is the story for you let’s begin. It was the day before Halloween and there was a new building near my house. The sine said that the building will not be done until next week.1 day later, It was Halloween! I am so excited I am even dressed like I’m Batman, It was perfect I want outside and the HOUSE WAS BUILT AND IT LEAKED SOOOOOOOOOOOO SPOOKY! So I went to that one first. But when I was about to ring the doorbell I looked behind me and all of the house where GONE! So I had no choice but to go to the house. At this moment I knew I got trapped so I tried to find my way out. There were so many holes and cracks in the house and it was barricaded.
    I was starving and I could smell weird, let’s just say it wasn’t the best. So I explored around the house to see where the smell was coming from. After exploring for a good hour, I found the kitchen. The tables and chairs were made of Metal and were all rusty. There was rotten food and slimy water. That when I realized I lost my appetite and walked away from the scene.
    At this point, I’m just trying to find my way out. While looking for a way out I saw stairs leading upstairs. I go upstairs and see 4 rooms in a narrow hallway. I opened the door on my right and I saw Frankenstein sleeping. I shut the door close.
    Before I could finish going through all the rooms I saw this old chest. It was brown, dusty and looked like it was a hundred years old. Now the only way I could open it was with a key. I got curious and started looking for the key. I went into Frankenstein’s room and started searching for the key. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it.
    I goto the last room in the hallway and that room was full of chesterdrawers. I open all of them trying to find a key. To my luck, I found a key. I make my way to the chest and try to open it. The chest won’t open. Realizing it was old and rusty I thought of using the stick lying around the house to crack it open.
    FINALLY!! I screamed. In the chest was a lamp. It was like the lamp of Aladdin. It was golden but dusty. So I rub the lamp expecting nothing and out came a genie. The genie said I only have two wishs.
    I wished to go back to my home. The genie accepted my request and he said what is your last wish. I wished to have infinet candy. The end

  20. I heard the sound of the rustling leaves behind me and the glacial wind. Friday evening, my friends and I were going trick or treating. I was very exhilarated to meet my friends and eat so much candy that i would get cavitys in my teeth! My friends rushed to me in excitment and said, “Get ready, because we’re about to see the dentist in two seconds already!” we all chuckled. “Wait a minute.. where’s everyone?” , I asked. “ I just recednized that nobody is out yet!” said my friend Mariam. Wooooosh wooosh, I heard the sound of the trees again. “Oh whatever, mabye everyones on another street right now” , said my friends Danyia. “True” , I replied. We continued walking. We rang a doorbell before anyone even opening the door yet we said, “Tri-” we thought someone would open the door when we said trick or treat but then we relized nobody did. “Ok, this is getting creepy, whats going on, and are any of you planning some suprise party because I’ve seen a lot of movies, Im no fool”, my friend mariam said. We were so creeped out that we did’nt even relize what was going behind us… somebody tapped my shoulder. A clown! “RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!” , I said. We ran and ran and ran until Mariam tripped and the clown got her! “ Save your liiiiiiiives!” I ran as I thought about Mariam. Daniya gave up and said, “I cant, I have to save my sister, wish me good luck.” she stopped and the clown got her. She waved goodbye while tears were running down her face. Im all on my owm now, I thought. I got this. I ran and ran and ra- oh! Theres my house. I took the keys out my pocket as I ran. I tried to open the door but the clown got one hand! My palms were very sweaty. There goes my other hand.. I woke up and my head was hurting a lot. Where am I? I wonderd. I saw Mariam and Danyia! “ Wake up! Wake up!” they woke up and replied “Jood? What are you doing here? I thought- they got you too?” “ We have to escape and we have to do it fast.” , I said. There was a door but it was locked. We had to look around for the keys. “Ew, this place has blood all around here.. Gross!” said Mariam. “ I found it!” , I said. We heard foot steps. We opened the door as fast as we could. “ We-we made it.. We made it!” we all said. “I am never going out for halloween ever again without supervison!”, Maraim said. We ran back home happy and relifed.

    THE END!

  21. A Spooky Story! By: Nimrita!

    One day on halloween Nimrita and her friends Maya, Sonali, and Swara went trick - or - treating with each other. While they were walking they eventually came up to a haunted house, they decided to go closer and they came up with a dare. The dare is whoever went in the haunted house got a million dollars, so Sonali and Nimrita ran up to the door and Swara and Maya followed after. As they got inside all they could see was pitch black but every two minutes there was a flash of light, but Nimrita remembered she brought a flash light so they used that. They continued walking untill PENNYWISE popped out of nowhere and started following us…. Then bats came out of nowhere and then a bat turned into Dracula and almost bit us. Then came venomous turantulas and tried to bite us but we ran outside as fast as we could and Nimrita and Sonali got a million dollares each and contiued trick - or - treating, but the thing they did not know was that PENNYWISE was still after us holding his chainsaw. We tried to grab the chainsaw from him and we did then we used and cut off his head!!!!

    The End!!!

  22. On Halloween, me and my friends went trick-or-treating. On one street, we saw a big, old house. We thought it was a haunted house, because the fence around was old, and it just looked creepy. We walked in side, first when we walked in, we saw and big wooden staircase. We walked up the stairs, the moment I took my first step it creaked and echoed in the ENTIRE house. As I walked up the steps, I looked at the rotted wood. We made it up the stairs and into a bedroom. We heard a noise in the closet. My friend, Amy opened the closet and froze. There was a vampire in the closet!! Me and my other friend Stacy, walked up to Amy, we were shocked. We couldn’t believe what was in front of our eyes. The vampire looked at us and walked toward me, because I was also a vampire. It started chasing me! I ran down the stairs and the vampire and my friends went after me. I ran into the dining room. The dining table was long and the wood was also rotted. There were also wooden cupboards on the wall that were also rotted. I ran out and into the kitchen I went. The kitchen was big with a stove and a long counter, some cupboards that were about to fall off, a hood fan that was super old and a sink. The vampire came into the kitchen and walked towards me.. I walked back and opened a REALLY BIG cupboard and I closed the cupboard as soon as the vampire walked inside the cupboard. Then me and my friends ran out of the house and went to another street. THE END.

  23. SPOOKY……. If you are scared of CLOWNS, please exit the room as I tell the story about how I was the first to survive the HAUNTED HOUSE. One Saturday night I was with nobody in a pitch-black alley and there was one way to my house through the graveyard. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen when I went in a house in the middle of the graveyard. I thought it would be fun it was until I reached the last room. There were clown toys everywhere! The minute I turned around I saw the door slam shut. I turned back to see pennywise staring at me “HELLO, DO YOU WANT A BALLOON? I ran as fast as I could and Then I felt something grabbing my leg. It was Eddie. I thought he died. Turns out it was that fiend pennywise shape shifting. Of course, I knew that, so I said, “I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD”. “I AM”, Then the ten-foot-tall clown came right behind me. I totally was not scared that's why I screamed like a constipated bat. I ran out of the room and of course Georgie was playing with the BOAT his brother gave him. I ran like JASON to all the fans and I gave pennywise I tight hug……. Of death. THEN there was the joker with a chainsaw “why so serious”. I said “because I hate you” then I jumped on his head and ran back to my house and all my family members were watching it. I screamed and they said, “what took you so long to buy popcorn?” yeah in unison. So, I said “why so serious”. My brother said” where is the popcorn?”. I was steaming furious I could not resist feeling my brother’s cheek touch my fist. My mom heard what I said, and she thought I was lying. I learned never go out at night. P.S. do not let your kids see clowns.
