Friday 27 September 2019

Superman's Brother

Watch this video writing prompt to imagine the story of Superman’s brother, Carl, who left Krypton as a child but ended up on a deserted planet filled with space trash instead of landing on Earth.  First, create the character of Carl in your imagination. Think about his life. 
  • What was his childhood like?
  • How did he spend his days? 
  • How did he survive?  
  • What kinds of skills did he learn in this environment? 
  • How did he use his Superman-like superpowers? 
  • In what ways did his x-ray vision come in handy? 
  • How about his ability to fly?  
  • What did he build on his planet? 
  • What new ideas did he have? 
  • How did he recycle the space trash? 
  • What his coolest invention? 
  • What new discoveries did he make?  
  • What kind of personality did he develop living alone?  
  • Did he ever create imaginary friends? Or maybe make his own robotic friends?  
  • What were his hopes and dreams? 
  • What were his goals?

After creating Carl in your mind, now write the story of the reunion between Superman and his long lost  brother, Carl. Think about the elements of a good story:
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Problem or challenge
  • Events
  • Resolution

Can’t wait to read your stories!


  1. Once upon a time, Carl finished making a giant ship that he was working on for 20 years. He traveled to 1 planet called ¨Earth¨. He saw so many walking talking things just like him. He shivered thinking they were bad people. Then he flew up in the sky and saw another flying object coming towards him. Then he flew faster then the speed of light and punched the object so hard the object zoomed all the way to the ground. Carl was so proud but the minute he looked at it he saw the same thing as him! He was so smart that he found out in an instant what had happend then the flying thing hit him but it just felt like a small pinch. Carl made a robot when he crashed those 20 years ago and it said ¨ I am the best robot ever made¨ then he ran and hit so called ¨superman¨ in the face and superman fought back. Then they stopped and then the justice league came and Carl beat all of them they were 7 people with superpowers and they lost against 1 person with superpowers. They were tired and Carl was as good as new. They stopped once and for all and became friends and they told each other the stories about were they grew up.

  2. 30 years ago...... The planet krypton

    Krypton was about to explode. there was a family of four who was the royal family of krypton. They had 2 sons. they knew that their weakness was Kryptonite they flipped a coin. Whoever got heads would go to a safe planet earth. Whoever got tails would go to a space trash/junk planet. They were sent to their safe planets there was a boom! and krypton was heard from no more.

    The present, 2019 deserted junk planet

    A man with no friends stands in the middle of a junk planet. His name is Carl. that is what the note attached to him said. it said "this young boy's name is carl. he has a brother who will be at earth by the name of Clark in the planet earth"

    The earth, metropolis 2019 a bar

    Clark kent walks out of a bar he is tired. suddenly the super hearing of him senses that something is wrong. without warning someone knocks him into a nearby building. He rips off his clothes now he is SUPERMAN THE MAN OF STEEL! The man yelled "COME FIGHT ME YA SUPERJERK!" Superman blasted him with his laser eyes but the man blocked it with his ice breath. pictures flash along the man's brain. He only remembers seeing his twin once and that was when a coin was was flipped. He says, "my name is Carl and I wish to kill my twin brother I have your powers, I have your weakness! he zapped all the buildings around him and yelled a yell full of awful coldness. Superman said "dear brother why are you fighting me?" the man responded for 30 years I had nothing but junk,nobody but robots and you expect me to be chummy chummy! well take that! he blasted at superman! He dodged it but it hit his hair he could smell it burning. He said OK OK fine I'll just go back and with that he flew off.

    p.s it is salams it would let me post it.

  3. Carl sat quietly at his table, sipping a cup of milk. He stared at the spaceship in front of him. He had been working on it for 10 years and it was finally done. Soon he would fly it to earth, the planet that his brother- Clark Kent- lived on. Suddenly he heard something. He looked up and saw a small figure fighting another figure. Both of them were flying in space. Carl put his newly made mug down and watched the battle. It looked as if the smaller figure- one that resembled him- was winning. He watched and from time to time he stood up, wanting to join the battle as well. He used his monoculars and looked at the suit the man-who looked like him was wearing- a blue costume with red trunks, red boots, and a flowing red cape. A yellow belt is around his waist, and there is a large red letter "S" written within a yellow shield, which is outlined in red on his chest. Carl had been working on a suit as well. He looked at the suit. It looked exactly like the one the person-the one who looked like Carl- was wearing. Carl quickly put on the suit and flew up to the battle. He flew behind the villain. He had heard the costumed man call him “Batman”. Then he shot his laser eyes at batman and batman screamed. He looked at superman and carl, then snarled and then flew away. Superman looked at Carl- wearing an identical suit and said “Who are you, why do you look, like me and why do you have the same suit as mine”.”My name is Carl. I don't know why we look similar and I got this suit as a baby.” He looked at super man once more and continued” I was born on Krypton and my twin brother Clark Kent and I went to earth. But there was a big fight and I got sent to that deserted plant”. “ My name is Clark Kent and the same thing happened to me. So does that mean we’re brothers?” Carl looked at Clark again and said “ yes, yes we are”. Then he motioned for Superman to follow him. “Come” he said and then he and superman flew to the deserted planet. The 2 brothers chatted for a while but then Clark said ”how about you come back to earth with me? Carl nodded and The 2 brothers packed Carl's bag. Carl swung the bag over his shoulders and the 2 brothers headed of to space. This time they stayed together.

  4. Characters: carl, superman, groot, citizens
    Settings: JUSTICE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS, then gotham city then to a deserted island

    Hi I’m the narrator I’m here to tell you a story once upon a time there were brothers and that came from a different plant and one landed on a plant called earth are home plant and other named carl landed one a deserted plant that was filled with trsh no animals no humans or aliens so 10 years past then quickly 20 years came by and then carl found out that he had super powers like ice breath heat vision flight super strength and even able to breathe without any air so he went to search for his brother and quickly he quickly came to the plant earth and he could not find his brother wait wait wait up a minute he was in spanish no wonder he can’t find him he has superpowers but not a super brain okay inof with the chit chat back to the story and so he finally found his brother and he was like a brother and Superman was like wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay prove it okay he brasted him with heat vision your your yes yes a culon of me yes wait what no please I don’t what to hit you please believe me please I even got you a gift and you can make him your pet his name is Iam groot i am groot groot groot okay thank you but I will still have to defeat you and put you in to jail okay fin so we start with a fight brother this is going to be fun hehe they fly to the sky like there was no tomorrow and they fought a fiorios fight all the citizen were screaming go superman go and then to hours later all the citizen were screaming out for help and all the other DC superheroes were well there on vacation so superman saw this and he said to himself that should go to a deserted island so he went to a deserted island and so superman won and his like brother please don’t do this please sorry but die he showed a picture of him when he was a baby and he was like so you really my brother sorry brother I was so selfish and and didn't think no I’m sorry for not showing you this picture in the first place so they talked about themselves and so they went to superman's place and superman was like by brother what do you mean i am home and then Batman appeared and jump kick carl in the face never mind i’m going to the trash plant aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    THE END by tommy

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  7. Characters: carl, superman, groot, citizens
    Settings: JUSTICE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS, then gotham city then to a deserted island

    Hi I’m the narrator I’m here to tell you a story once upon a time there were brothers and that came from a different plant and one landed on a plant called earth are home plant and other named carl landed one a deserted plant that was filled with trash no animals no humans or aliens so 10 years past then quickly 20 years came by and then carl found out that he had super powers like ice breath heat vision flight super strength and even able to breathe without any air so he went to search for his brother and quickly he quickly came to the plant earth and he could not find his brother wait wait wait up a minute he was in spanish no wonder he can’t find him he has superpowers but not a super brain okay inof with the chit chat back to the story and so he finally found his brother and he was like a brother and Superman was like wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay prove it okay he brasted him with heat vision your your yes yes a clone of me yes wait what no please I don’t what to hit you please believe me please I even got you a gift and you can make him your pet his name is Iam groot i am groot groot groot okay thank you but I will still have to defeat you and put you in to jail okay fin so we start with a fight brother this is going to be fun hehe they fly to the sky like there was no tomorrow and they fought a furious fight all the citizen were screaming go superman go and then to hours later all the citizen were screaming out for help and all the other DC superheroes were well there on vacation so superman saw this and he said to himself that should go to a deserted island so he went to a deserted island and so superman won and his like brother please don’t do this please sorry but die he showed a picture of him when he was a baby and he was like so you really my brother sorry brother I was so selfish and and didn't think no I’m sorry for not showing you this picture in the first place so they talked about themselves and so they went to superman's place and superman was like by brother what do you mean i am home and then Batman appeared and jump kick carl in the face never mind i’m going to the trash plant aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    THE END by tommy

  8. One day Carl decided to visit superman.carl came whereing garbage and came with his garbage cat.But superman came looking in his suit.they both had a good time but then thay started to argue.and through garbage at echother.later they got over it and than Carl left back to garbage land and thay both lived happily ever after.

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  9. One day Carl was living in a trash planet so supermen came and supermen was mad cause Carl lives in a trash planet so they cleaned it up so Carl can have a nice place to live but Carl was sad cause he was lonely so supermen made him people so he won’t be sad and that’s the end.

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  11. 25 years ago on Krypton, Clark (aka superman) and Carl both got put into their own spaceship. Krypton was about to explode! The both of them escaped the planet safely. 25 years later.. or should I say 26 years later.... On the space trash planet, Carl was celebrating his 26th birthday. He was all alone on his planet. He felt bored and sad to have NO friends. To make himself feel better he pretended that he ruled the planet. He was positive that he had a brother, from a very brief memory from 26 years ago. Carl did not know his brothers name. Carl and Superman are twins. Meanwhile on Earth Superman was celebrating his birthday too. Unlike Carl Superman had friends on Earth he could celebrate it with. But then the crime alarm went off. Superman was a bit upset that he had to fight crime on his birthday. After he and the Justice League finished the fighting the crime, Superman said, "Today I will throw out the junk." Everyone agreed. On the space junk planet Carl remembered that he saw shadows of people flying over and dropping off more and more trash. He often wondered who where those people where. He didn't know that who ever was dropping off the garbage was his brother. As Superman was flying towards the planet he wondered what was on the planet. Or who... Superman got on the surface of the planet, and in front of Carl's house. Superman knocked on the door. Carl said " hey I feel like i know you. Oh yeah your my brother. You sure look like the guy who also got in a spaceship before my home planet Krypton exploded!" Then Superman cried, i had a brief memory like that! BROTHER!!!!" Soon they introduced each other: "Hello I'm Carl!", and "Hi i'm Clark aka Superman on planet Earth." Then Superman asked if "Carl, can you live on earth with me and help me fight crime
    Are you wondering what Carl said? Well he said yes! Superman and Carl flew back to Earth and spent some time together!
    THE END!������

  12. Characters: Carl, Superman, Spengler and Miko
    Settings: Earth, Space Trash Planet and Space

    Carl, Superman’s brother, built a rocket ship that he had been working on for 7 years (because ever since he was little, his goal was to go to space). He went to space, but when he was coming back to Earth, he didn’t land there, he landed on a Space Trash Planet. Carl said, “Where am I? What is this place? What am I going to do here?! Why does this place have trash all around the place?!”. Carl couldn’t go back because his rocket ship was broken because he had crashed! He wondered, “Hmmm, I don’t have any food in the ship.. I’ll look for some food here then.”. He found something that looked like food and ate that. After a few days he said, “I feel gross after not taking a shower, well I’ll have to live like this.. forever..”. He would try and find some cool stuff, ‘cause you know, this is space!!! One day, Carl found a little robot thingy-ma-jiggy. It was rusty and really old, he pushed a button, then the robot turned on! The robot thingy-ma-jiggy said, “Hello human, my name is Spengler.”. Carl replied, “Hi Spengler, my name is Carl.” Carl spent his life finding and eating garbage and hanged out with Spengler. A few days later, Carl was playing and jumping around with Spengler, when Carl jumped up, he couldn’t come down, he wiggled and pushed him-self to go down, then Carl realized that he could fly!! Carl would fly around and have fun. One day, he found some cool stuff and decided to make another robot. The robot had a HUGE eye, to REALLY short arms, big hands, a square head, rectangular body, 2 antenna thingy-ma-jiggy, 2 short legs and 2 small feet, oh, and a thinga-ma-bob to control him. The robot’s name was Miko. Miko, Spengler and Carl became the best of friends! A few years later, Carl was playing with his robot friends, when they had a staring competition, Carl looked right through Miko! Just like Carl discovered that he could fly, that’s how he discovered that he had x-ray vision! Years later, Carl knew that he had a brother and really, really wanted to see him again ‘cause it was like 19 years after he left Creepton. So, Carl used his x-ray vision to look for his materials for his rocket ship (that’s how his x-ray vision helped him). Carl built his rocket and this time, he flew back to Earth, and landed in Creepton. He met Superman and Superman met Spengler and Miko. Then they lived happily ever after. THE END!!

  13. “ Come on we don’t have all day” Carl said to his robotic friends, or you could even say his minions. As they set their teleporter to Superman Secret Layer. They prepared to leave. Carl got his robotic friends into the teleporter box as well as his inventions and a suitcase of clothing. Then he got in, and he shut the door behind him. “Okay, here we go”. Carl said. “ Did you want to stay” one of his friends said. “I kinda want to stay” Carl said. See Carl is very in between things. Like he wants to go, but he kind of wants to stay at the same time. Then they took off. As the whooshing sound got faster and faster! Then it stopped and silence fell upon us. Then, I open their doors to the outside world, then a big strong man was waiting at the front. “Who are you?” said Superman. “Its me your brother” Carl said calmly. “ I thought you were killed serving in the army” said Superman. “That’s what they told you, see I was abducted then abandoned on a trash planet. But I learned to” Carl was cut off with the sound of an alarm. “We got a problem” said Superman. “What's wrong?” said Carl. “We are under attack” said Superman. “I might need help” Superman added “I can help’’ said Carl. “Plus I have robots and gadgets” added Carl. “Okay, Let’s go” Superman said pumped up. After 20 minutes, they had our gadgets ready to go. As we went to war, the city of Metropolis was being overwhelmed by Lex Louther . But Lex Louther had been over power by the Metropolis 3000. It was a device invented by the inventor 80000. On their way back. Carl and Superman had a good bonding experience. But hey, they haven’t had one for 65 years. But who's to judge, Carl decided to stay and his minions are now full time friends. And now Carl’s super name Is Superman 2. And now they fight crime together.

    THE END.

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  15. "Hurry up!" Carl said. He was too exited to go back home that he forgot all about the fact that the robots he made were his friends not his servants. What will it look like? How much people will be there? All of these questions raced through his mind like a bullet. "We finished", a robot said. "Whoo Hoo!!" Carl jumped. He and his robots were building a ship and from Carl's calculations it would go to earth!.
    He and his robots boarded the ship. "Ready...checking............check. starting in 3...". Carl checked his seat belt. "2...", he felt wiggly. "1...",he inhaled very hard. "Go!!!" for one second there was silence, then the thuresters opened!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! it went. His body stuck to his seat, soon he cooled off.

    "We have reached our destination", the computer said. Carl went out of the ship. He saw a man in a weird costume that came running and blasted his ship."HEY!" he said. "Why did you do that!" Carl replied he blasted him though he missed. "WAIT A MINUTE You are Carl!!" Superman said "oh brother! You are Superman" Carl said. To make things short they had a great bonding time.

    The End.

  16. At a Friday afternoon, Carl was thrilled to meet his brother Superman. Carl was packed and ready to go from a deserted planet to earth by his flying ability. Superman had excitedly waited in a cafe to see his brother. Once Carl arrived at earth he searched for the cafe in the map he invented. It took thirty minutes for Carl to get to that cafe. But when Carl first entered the cafe, Superman looked at who opened the door and ran to Carl to hug him. After they met and hugged and all that stuff, they ordered some donuts and sat down to chat. Superman and Carl have never been so exhilarated in their life! After Carl and Superman talked about how their life has been so far, Superman asked Carl, “Would you like to live with me in Krypton?” “Sorry Superman, I cant but I can stay for only one week.”, said Carl. Superman talked to Carl about his teammate and how Carl could join to fight the criminals. After Carl talked about the inventions he made, Superman had gotten a text about an evil person robbing very important jewelry. Before Superman left off for his mission he asked Carl if he wanted to help and Carl said yes. Carl got to meet many of Superman’s teammates. Superman thought that it would be easy to get the robber but turns out that the robber had powers that are strong that Carl got injured in his leg. Superman was angry, so he used his strongest powers to defeat the robber. After the fight was over Superman healed Carl’s leg. Carl thanked Superman and they both headed back to Superman’s place and Carl stayed for a week with Superman.
    The end! C:

  17. Once upon a time in the year 2054, Carl had finally finished his trash made robot."Finally i have finished the robot." said Carl.He had heard that there are "humans" just like him!He grabbed his robot and headed for Earth.When he got to earth, he saw so many people like him!Just then, he saw a robber fall to the ground.Then Superman came and saw Carl.Then Carl thought that Superman was an enemy.So he punched Superman in the guts, throwing Superman super far back.Superman flew and punched Carl in the head.Carl punched Superman inn the guts super hard while flying making Superman go back with Carl.Then Superman remembered Carl when they were little."Carl brother" Superman said painfully."Brother?" said Carl.Then Superman got up and hugged Carl.Then Carl and Superman both agreed for Carl to stay in Earth. THE END.

    1. Setting:Earth,Trash planet
      Characters:Carl, Superman, Robber, People

  18. one sunny sunday morning semed like a normal day but carl didnt know what was going to happen!!

    superman a superhero we all, know has been looking for his brother for a very long time and today is the day.
    superman found a carls special bracelet that were given to him and his brother at birth. superman was smart and built a a machine so he could track down his long lost brother.
    He saw that carl was in a wierd deserted island so he set of to go and find him. When he reached there it looked dirty and he could,nt see anything besides a small little sqare shaped house.he ran to see what was there and when he opend the small door he saw a he looked strong and smart he was building a gadget. when super man entered carl felt weird and his necklace started to glow he sudenly realised who was there. carl got up and ran to superman and he hugged him. carl was quit superman was loud but they both loved inventing and the sat down superman asked a lot of questons and carl even showed him his robot friend that he made. At the End of the day superman took carl back home
    and they celabrated him coming back

  19. He spended his days planning how to get the garbage of the planet and trying to learn new powers. He survived by making rotten food into good food and cooking it with his Laser eyes. He learned how to make rotten food into nice food and how to study by himself and how to do arts and crafts. To cook food and make new friends. To find new tunnels and to find treasure. His flying helped hem to meet his brother and to get to planet earth. Robots a house and furnisher were things he had made. He had the idea to fight his brother and to see how much power each brother has. He recycled the space trash with has laser eyes. His coolest invention where robotic things. He found caves, treasure, and metal.that you don't always have to have friends and you can just make friends or have imaginary friends. I think he was creative and made robotic friends and also made imaginary friends. His hopes and dreams where to meet his brother and his parents. His goals were to meet his brother and go back to earth. Once Upon a Time Superman how does long lost brother Carl. So Carl decided to go to earth and meet his brother Superman. So when he went there Superman would be surprised that he finally found his brother when he found his brother's enemies came and started to fight Superman and his brother. But they were too powerful. So Superman and his brother won and saved the day.

  20. *Yawn*

    "Alright it's time to get to work," Carl said exhaustedly.

    "Alright Carl," said Dexter the robot.

    Carl headed to the washroom to get fixed up and ready to get to work. Carl and Dexter other headed to the soon to be fixed broken spaceship and got to work. While they were both working, Carl could hear a foul noise that sounded like it was saying his name.

    "Did you hear that?" said Carl.

    "Hear what?" asked Dexter.

    "Nevermind, just keep working." said Carl.

    Ten minutes later, a loud crash erupted and startled Carl and Dexter.

    "I knew it!" said Carl.

    "Shall we go see what is making that loud noise?" said Dexter.

    "Sure, let's go." said Carl.

    When Carl and Dexter were heading towards the foul noise, it just kept getting louder and louder. Until they both stopped and hid behind a large pile of space trash. Carl took a little peak and saw a floating red cape, Carl stood up and said "Who would dare trespass and disturb a man's property?!"

    Suddenly, a shooting beam shot directly towards Carl and he dodged it with his flying ability.

    "Oh my, you startled me there." said Superman.

    "Who are you and why are you trespassing our property?!" said Carl.

    "Our?" said Superman.

    "Yes, OUR. Come out, Dexter." said Carl.

    Dexter rolled directly beside Carl making a squeaky sound from his robot wheels.

    "Wow," said Superman. "Is this one of your inventions?"

    "Well, yes." said Carl uncomfortably.

    "Hi there, my name is Superman, very nice to meet you." said Superman.

    "Pleasure to meet you as well," said Dexter.

    Then it was just awkward silence. "So, we haven't had breakfast yet. Would you care to join us to have toast?" suggested Carl.

    The three of them headed to the little cottage made out of space trash. Carl uses his laser eyes to cook the bread and made it into toast.

    "Wow," said Superman. "I can do the same thing. Just like my brother, he has laser vision as well."

    "Wow, what a coincidence. I have a long lost brother as well, and he also has laser vision." said Carl. "So I guess you are here looking for your brother?"

    "Well yes actually, I miss my brother very much and I need him to come back to Earth with me, because there is a very big problem and I need his help to fix it." said Superman.

    "What's your real name?" asked Carl. "If you don't mind me asking."

    "Clark Kent." said Superman. "What about you?"

    "Carl Kent." said Carl. "Another coincidence. We must be related."

    After they ate toast, Superman asked Carl if he could step outside to have a little chat.

    "Sure." said Carl.

    "So, Carl, if you really think about it, we are probably brothers."

    "What?!" said Carl. "Oh, another one of your silly jokes."

    "No seriously, think about it. We have the same powers, we have the same last name, and we kind of look alike." said superman.

    "Well, there's only one way to find out." said Carl.

    "A battle." said the two of them.

    So the two brothers had an epic battle but none of them could win. They were both equally strong. "So we really are brothers." said Superman. "I missed you buddy." He hugged Carl tightly.

    After fixing the ship finally with Superman's extra pair of hands, the three of them headed to Earth and saved Earth, then lived happily ever after.

  21. Carl was a very curious boy. He was alone and he always wanted to have a friend. That's why he made a robot named Buddy so he can talk to him and be his friend . From the beginning of his childhood he used to do everything by himself, for example look for food, protect himself from danger, his alien friend taught him how to recycle things and make them useful so he used to make new things out of old trash. He uses his x-ray power to look for the stuff that he needs to fix his spaceship and he uses his flying powers to gather all the useful trash and recycle them.He always wished that one day he could go to planet Earth and reunite with his brother.

  22. Once Apon A time there was a guy named carl and he wanted to go to earth but instead of landing on earth he landed on a derserted Island and he lived In Krypton so Yeah and how did he live well ill tell you he had to hunt and stuff and also build a shelter it took him a long time And he didnt have any so He Made an imaginary freind then built a space ship and went to earth and he made it and saw this guy with a red cape and is saving the day from a bank robbery then they meet each othe r then carl says you look familior to me and then they have a epic battle then superman says your my brother so then they stop fighting and they started to live a good life

  23. Let me tell you a story about Superman and his brother Carl. A long time ago Carl left planet Krypton in search of Earth, but ended up on a Space Trash Planet. Carl was so lonely so he spent his days rummaging through the space trash to find pieces of stuff so he can make himself a nintendo switch. Soon after he finished building his Nintendo Switch he started playing Super Mario Brothers. Carl survived by finding aliens and eating their alien food (aka. Carrots and peas). Since Carl needed to stay hydrated he drank alien water (aka. Lemonade) and he said “it was delicious!”. Some of the skills Carl learned while he was on the space trash planet was gravity boarding (which is skateboarding but on air), and Carl also learned how to be a spy. Carl had used his superman-like powers to fly away from the person he was spying on, and to use his x-ray vision to look through people for some random reason. Carl had been so lonley ever since he left Krypton so he had a lot of time to spare making things. He had already made 1 house, a car that is run on garbage, a TV, and a plastic pig. Carl had a new idea to make a time traveler so he could go back in time and land on earth like he had wanted to, but as much as he had tried he still could not find a way to build it out of garbage. He was sad his new idea did not work out. Carl did not want to recycle the space trash because he liked to use it to make things. Carl’s coolest invention was his car that he made that runs on garbage

  24. Carl as he was a child wanted to meet his brother but near birth they were seperated by the attack on their planet by now he has the opportunity to meet him again.He was so excited almost too excited because that his planet doesn't have much but since he has found where his brother lives he can meet him and learn all about him and his planet.Come on carl said he couldn't wait but his imaginary friends didn't want to come so he left himself.When he arrived he was expecting superman (clark) at the meeting point but instead he saw a lot of destruction where he was he looked up to see something that destroyed it but instead saw superman and luthor fighting he tried to help but he seemed weakened but the fight ended quickly with superman getting a loot of fame.After a long time carl finally managed to reach clark and superman said he totally forget but carl forgave him.Soon both of them meet in a shady store at the connor, when they settled in carl immediately went on superman's case about how he had to live alone for years and he doesn't even care that he could finally meet him again and that he gets so many privileges and carl was waiting for this moment to take superman's place and carl was stronger so he took superman's place by locking him away.Carl was then defeated years later by superman in the sun,carls power was weakened because he did not have a sun so that weakened nut carl was left with a warning and left earth. The End.

  25. Once upon a time Carl superman's brother had to leave his planet krypton with his family but they only had to shipes and and only 1 person could fit in 1 ship so Carl and Superman took the to ships and everyone else died. Carl and superman were going to to earth but Carl didn't make it so he ended up on a deserted waste planet. He only found 1 little girl their her name was Kalah. They both made food by eating space trash, and they tried for years to make a rocketship to go to earth. But then Superman came to the waste plant and took kalah and Carl to earth and they lived happily in earth.
