Friday 29 November 2019

100 Word Challenge

Can you finish this story in around 100 words!  The words in the story starter don’t count. If you want to see a bigger picture, click the link.  Can’t wait to read your posts!


  1. For a thousand years,he had been sleeping now he is awake
    the ground began to shake a colossal monstrous hand witch had been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier emerged from the earth there was almighty groan

    He picked up the tree and threw it away and dug himself up with his giant mighty hands.Then he saw something moving,it was another beast and they stared at each other and started playing with each other.Then suddenly they started fighting each other because they tripped on each other.One of them punched and the other one ducked and they started having one intense fight. Suddenly then a hunter heard something so he went to explore and found the two beasts fighting.Then the hunter tried to stop them but they just ignored him so then the hunter killed them.

  2. Sleeping Giants!! By Maya.M

    There was an ALMIGHTY GROAN... AS THE GIANT ROSE FROM THE GROUND, he shook the world and ripped off the tree that grew on him. The giant was rough, with black stones. He was ginormous!! Very scary too. This giant was very grumpy. He crushed down trees while he was walking. Meanwhile, 10 year old twins, Patrick and Caroline were taking a walk with their mother to the park where the stone giant woke up. They were not aware of what was happening in the park. As Patrick, Caroline, and their mother, Amaila walked peacefully into Port Credit park, they heard another almighty groan. Caroline assured her mother and brother that they were just hearing things. But then they saw the mighty giant!!! Caroline, Patrick, and their mother ran for their lives!!! The twins and their mom couldn’t call their dad because he was on a work trip. They sprinted and sprinted until they got to their house. Meanwhile in the park the giant had fallen back to sleep for another thousand years. Patrick had said to Caroline and Amaila, “ I found out that the giant wakes up every thousand years! We won’t be here to see that happen again!”

    The End!

  3. First one arm came out, and then a second arm sprung out from the ground. A giant emerged from the ground and was clueless. "Where am I?". He reached into his pocket to find a scroll which said "To learn about your past you must find 3 people who will guide you to your homeland and you shall receive the power to stop the great giant war." He was thinking " Who put this inside my pocket?". He tried to walk but his legs were still stuck in the ground. He heard thumping and it seemed like something was coming closer. And then it happened.....

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  5. For a thousand years,he had been sleeping. Now he is awake
    the ground began to shake a colossal monstrous hand witch had been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier emerged from the earth there was almighty groan…..

    One arm came out then the next, and suddenly the ground ripped apart tiny pieces of dirt flew everywhere,and 8000 km from milton (russia southern) earthquakes began. The giant the big one he, SALAM now woke up…….. And saw something ...BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!! The FBI came and were coming Salam said “OMG these guys are shooting at me!” specks of dirt flew up around him. He said “wHy ArE U shOoting At mE I’m InnOceNT sToP!?” BANG! BANG! So salam got Ready to face them. They charged at him and Salam used giant hand and scooped them all up and crushed them “AHHH” okay its sunday gotta sleep for another 1000 years.

  6. For a thousand years, he had been sleeping;now, he was awake. The ground began to shake. A colossal, monstrous hand, which had been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier, emerged from the earth. There was an almighty groan. “Ahh, what time is it’’ said the man . As he look on in confusion. He spotted a very normal man. He walked up to him and said. “Hey, what day is it, I feel like I was asleep for a long time’’. Well it is December 2 2019’’ “ Are you joking, last time I woke up was 1019’’. They looked at each other weird. “ I am going to keep an open minded what has happened for 1000 year” The man who probably holds the record for longest nap ever taken said. “Well they were…” He never had the chance to finish his sentence because a meteor destroy earth but did it destroy it’s population.

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  8. TOMMY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?3 December 2019 at 19:39

    “Rah who has awaken me from my eternal sleep” looks like a building crew built a apartment on top of his face and it collapsed and hit his head and it really hurt now thIs beast has awoken and it uses the 4 most powerful element air water fire earth legend has it when this beast awakens it first make the earth shake and no fire no water and tornadoes going everywhere then a anicgent man put it to sleep with the forever staff he killed his self for the world but sense no one has seen it four days of no water and the ground shaking we thought we were going to die but then a strange man that ha…..d the FOREVER STAFF came everyone was so happy then the giant verse the young man fought for hours then he smashed the staff on the floor it used the giants magic againest it then he made a ball made of earth air fire water then BOOM then he vanished and that was the last we saw of him and the giant to now we call him the “honey come down for lunch” “okay” ha cliff hanger.

  9. There was an almighty groan... both hands pushed out of the ground and there he was the big friendly giant. The giant said hello. People started running and screaming and all the giant wanted was to be friends. He didn’t know why everyone was scared of him. He saw some kids playing at the park and went up to them and asked them to play. They were not afraid of the giant they played. The giant took the kids to the big hole in the ground where he was, the hole wasn’t there and when the kids turned around the giant had disappeared. To be continued

    1. This comement. Has been romvord

    2. LET ME DO IT PrOpErLy

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  10. There was an almighty groan… AAAAAAAHHHHHHH Boom Boom the land rattled people were screaming and running. Yaawn I woke up after a thousand years then more people ran away from my direction so I ran after them thinking whatever they're running from it must be big, scary, and bad. So I ran as fast as I could then looked back there was nothing there so then they were running away from me! So I realized that I was the bad person. So I looked in a mirror and I saw me but, then I realized that I was Donald Trump!! So then I ate everyone and I got so full I took a tiny nap for a thousand years!:)

    The End!!!!

  11. .. one hand emerged, then the other hand emerged from the ground, then the whole body emerged from the ground. There were some birds a people nearby, they flew or ran away because giant had frightened them. There was one kid who was amazed by this humumgus creature. The giant said”, “Hello, what’s your name?”, the kid replied by saying “My name is Kayla, what’s your name?”. The giant said that he forgot his name. The giant started chasing the kid around the hole, they kept playing. But then the giant slipped in the hole and the hole sealed back up.

  12. And then an arm appeared with a whole tree and roots the ancient legend came true and the giant was emerging and as a it finally came out a man walking by and saw everything.The man immediately called the cops who called the military which came with helicopters and trucks but they wouldn't leave a scratch and the giant proceeded destroying everything when the man who called the cops found a scroll beside where the giant emerged and it said to kill the giant you must wield the excalibur,he went got the excalibur and killed the giant.The end

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  14. Then a hand emerged. Big and colossal, where everybody on it flew to Neptune. The myths were true! All of it! Next came the body, flying straight forward. That threw everybody else to Andromeda. Now we know that giants are big, but this one is colossal. He was as big as the distance of Tsar Bomba. That big. Making 1 billion out of seven billion people fly! Then many people called the police. The conterys police were shocked to have so many people call! The police rushed to the scene but before I tell you what happened next you should know the fact that for giant’s time takes forever. So when they came, he was asleep again.
    (117 words)

  15. For a thousand years he had been sleeping now he was awake the ground began to shake,monstrous hand,witch had been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier,emerged from the earth.There was an almighty groan...

    People were confused as alarms went off.the monster grabbed the tree and ate it. People were still confused as to what it was.then it hit Trudeau,he went to his library and look in the ancient books. It was Larry, a horrific monster put away years and years back.Trudeau told the town.They had to take it down once and for all.They gathered the town in a small closed up area,like a airport.Trudeau blows his whistle and there came, the military they lowered Larry with food then they tied him up put him in a box where he suffocated and died.

  16. There was an almighty groan… Here on BBW news reportings the mysterious monstrous. He’s beginning to rise up and, oh how big is he! Its seems as hes getting irritated of the tree on his hand so he yanked the tree off his hand. As we are reporting this situation we hear screaming in the background so run for your live people watching this! Robert fix the camera! Ahem, so the monster is walking toward everybody very slowly, as you can see. But the question that we have been wondering about is how did he wake up? What made him wake up? Robert, did you get that on camera?! He got cut! “RAAAAAAAAAAAA” tears fell down his face as he slowly sat down. Is that.. girl going toward the monster? LITTLE GIRL STAY AWAY PLEASE! These are very dangerous! Is she not listening to me or can she not hear over that yelling and crying of the giant? She is coming closer to the giant, the closer she got the slower she walked.. but what was she about to do? She patted his knee tippy toeing. “Huuh?” the monster realized the girl and he put his hand out for her to go onto his hand. She put her hand on his, he suddenly stopped crying. Wow. “Hahahaha” the monster laughed. Looks like he wanted a friend. On BBW news, thank you for your time.

  17. There was an almighty groan… Here on BBW news reportings the mysterious monstrous. He’s beginning to rise up and, oh how big is he! Its seems as hes getting irritated of the tree on his hand so he yanked the tree off his hand. As we are reporting this situation we hear screaming in the background so run for your live people watching this! Robert fix the camera! Ahem, so the monster is walking toward everybody very slowly, as you can see. But the question that we have been wondering about is how did he wake up? What made him wake up? Robert, did you get that on camera?! He got cut! “RAAAAAAAAAAAA” tears fell down his face as he slowly sat down. Is that.. girl going toward the monster? LITTLE GIRL STAY AWAY PLEASE! These are very dangerous! Is she not listening to me or can she not hear over that yelling and crying of the giant? She is coming closer to the giant, the closer she got the slower she walked.. but what was she about to do? She patted his knee tippy toeing. “Huuh?” the monster realized the girl and he put his hand out for her to go onto his hand. She put her hand on his, he suddenly stopped crying. Wow. “Hahahaha” the monster laughed. Looks like he wanted a friend. On BBW news, thank you for your time

    1. Sorry posted it two times -_- -jood

  18. Is today the day that the groan wakes up omg,calm down .Anyway I was running as fast as I could but the groan thing got me and looked at me with a weird face it was like he didn't know what I was but he wasn't that mean and I mean that he was mean but he didn't eat me so I think that is nice he did eat the bench I was sitting on but I waited to see if he would go back underground to take another nap but no anyway I have to go bye.

  19. The earth shook people running for shelter as trees and cars began to sprout from the ground. A deep roar was heard across the whole earth “FOOD ME NEED FOOD!!” a mighty giant emerged from the soil. Trees flying. It immediately started to rain cars. The giant got mad and immediately clasped his hands together and hit the ground. The whole earth shook again. “My name is Aliana Torez and I am here live at the scene of the earthquake.” said Aliana. Aliana was a brown haired teenager, with twinkly blue eyes. “This earthquake is like no other. It seems to be caused by this monster.” The giant looks down, he sees Aliana and takes a closer look. Aliana tries her best not to scream with her phone still recording the giant. The giant has a puzzled look on his face. “Food?” The giant asks questionaly. “Food!!!” The giant picks Aliana up. This time she can’t hold it back. She shouts for help, but no one hears her everyone had managed to escape. The giant puts Alaina in her mouth. All of a sudden everything seems to be in slow motion. Before Aliana could get to the belly of the giant she wakes up in shock. It all turns out to be a dream.

  20. Miss Bourne I might have gone a "little" over board in words I hope that's okay


    THE END !!!!!

  22. For a thousand years,he had been sleeping; now he was awake.
    The ground began to shake. A colossal, mostrous hand which has been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier, emerged from the earth.
    There was an almighty groan.

    He woke up and said where am I? Suddenly his tummy starts to rumble then he said I’m hungry, then he started to walk and said where is this smell coming from? He saw people doing a pool party and having some BBQ,he went close to them and said Fe! Fi! Fo! Fum! I’m gonna eat you you gotta run.Then everyone started to run away then the groan ate all of the BBQ and drank water from the pool. Then he started to feel sleepy and decided to rest a little.Then a town mayor called the army and they tied him up took him away and put in a faraway island surrounded by sea water,so he can never come back again.

    By: Humza

  23. Trees all over the park started trembling and falling over, people were running everywhere, playground equipment was fallen over and children were screaming for their mothers. Even the birds were going berserk, plants were totally destroyed. And then it happened, halfway across the demolished playground another hand emerged. All of a sudden screams could be heard as a little boy was now on the hand, trapped and helpless. “Worry not!” called a man, flying into the scene. “I shall save you!!” It was Storm!! He picked up the little boy, out of the monsters grasp and handed him to his worried mother. Storm froze the beast, pushing him beneath the ground, they had been saved. And that was the last they saw of the beast.

    The End

    By: Ayesha

  24. Then an arm came out.then a body.then a head (crawling noise)hi there fellow earth lingʼs my name is tut tut and this is my friend pizza buttox. Now letʼs get this dance Started up and down and up now. And keep doing that what I get some music going. now jump and DIE pizza but ox take them there disgusting me.enjoy the the house to eat some cake for the DEATH run run to live jk jk. now eat chocolate. eat EAT!now letʼs dance. ready(crackle noises) not again......

  25. and the hand grabbed the tree!Then, it grabbed the ground and went up!It had one eye,so it looked like a cyclops.But it was HUGE!For some funny reason,the head looked like a baby's head!I laughed because that was funny,but it grabbed me and when I came closer to it's head...AND THE BABY HEAD BECAME HUGE!!!!It threw me to the ground but somehow I didn't faint!It put its foot in front of me,and stepped on me!Luckily,I ran away from the foot before he hit it. It followed me but crashed into a pointy tower.It roared in pain and started to inflate.It stopped inflating but it was so inflated that it popped!Then I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

  26. For a thousand years, he had been sleeping; now he was awake. The ground began to shake. A colossal, monstrous hand, which had been lying motionless in a seemingly eternal slumber just minutes earlier, emerged from the earth.
    There was an almighty groan..
    Then he slowly ripped the tree out of the ground and emerged and said “my name is corny, and I like CORN!!!!!!”. He came out with his parrot friend and said LET”S HAVE A DANCE PARTY!!!! The thing was there was a lot of kicking in the dancing, any how back to the story he said he wanted some pizza and coca cola so he went to the supermarket to get the pizza and coca cola. When he came back he was very fat and chubby so he decided to get some exercise in so he went to the playground.
    The End!

  27. But he could not get out. He was not strong because he was asleep for sooooooooooooooo long. So he lifted some giant!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blocks of dirt and lifted for a thousand years and come out of the earth everyone Screamed and ran but suddenly The Monster got sad. Why you may ask is because she just wanted friends crying use drops of water in everybody came out and what I what happened and he was right I only want friends hi friend and he lived a happy life and he was an happy happy monster they most happy monster They end
