Friday 4 October 2019

What are you thankful for?

With Thanksgiving weekend upon us, it is a time to reflect and show our gratitude for all of the amazing things each and every one of us have in our lives. Here at EVP we are so lucky to be part of a community where we have our basic needs, feel safe and come to a great place where we get to learn and have fun. 

For this week's blog post I would like you to watch the Kid President video on thankfulness. Then I would like you to write about 3-5 things that you are thankful for and why. Why are these people/ideas/things so important to you?

I don’t want you to think about your video games and toys. I want you to really think about what you are lucky to have, that maybe other people in other parts of the world may not have experienced. This week, really dig deep and share with us what you are thankful for this year.


  1. I am thankful for having a house to live in. I am thankful for the food that I eat more than 3 times a day because some countries don't have that much resources. I am thankful for the peaceful and happy country the we live in because some others might live in a wartime condition. I am thankful that I have and most importantly, good health and a family to live with. I am thankful for all the things I have and have done. I am thankful!

  2. Things I am thankful for
    My family- the reason I am thankful for my family is because they have unconditional love and support. No matter the obstacle or problem you face, your family will always be by your side and they will always show support no matter what.
    Food- The reason I am grateful for food gives us the energy to do things we love, and allows us to care and feel for less fortunate people. It gives us a heartbeat and keeps us energetic.
    Protection- I am thankful for protection because some people don’t have it and we are lucky to be safe and don’t have to worry of getting killed, because that is happening in some places.
    Water- I am thankful for water because without it I would get dehydrated and sick and eventually die.
    Good Health- the reason I am grateful for good health is because even if your health isn't great, it could be worse and you likely still have some working parts to be thankful for

  3. I am thankful for living in peace because some people don’t have that and it is hard to live without that. I am also thankful for having love and care from my family and having education because every child needs that! Also that I have food, water, and warmth and you need that to survive so I am thankful for everything I have!

    By: Zoreen

  4. 1 I am thankful for family and friends. Because without them you'll be lonely
    2 I am thankful for having food and water on my table because they are part of the things that keep us alive
    3 I am thankful for education because without education we will know what we need to know to survive.
    4 I'm thankful for home and shelter because without it we could all die.
    5 I'm thankful for electricity because without our it there won't be light or most likely nothing to do and people with be most likely anger and riot

  5. 1 having family why you say because sometimes you will get lonely and family can really understand you and give you the love you need.

    2 peace why you say because with no peace that means that there would be a war going on right know and all the kids and family will not be very kind to another.

    3 I what to be thankful to EVP and the students that are there that they are kind and working hard and respectful to another and that even I might be knew that they still respect me thank you EVP students and teachers.

  6. 1.That I have food on the dinner table, So I can eat and survive.
    2.That I have an education, so I can make a life out of it.
    3.That I have a loving family, so I did not have to grow up in a non functioning family.
    4.That I have a roof over my head, so I did not have to be on the streets with nothing.

  7. Connor

    1.I am thankful for having a roof over my head because not all people have a house.

    2.I am thankful for a mom and a dad because not all people have a family to take care of them.

    3.I am thankful for having food to eat because not all people have food to eat.

  8. I am thankful for…

    1. Food - because if we did not have food we would not be able to survive
    2. A Home - because it gives me shelter and some people in the world don’t have
    3. Family - because not all people have family to take care of them
    4. Peace - because some people don’t have peace and it is hard to live without it
    5. Education - because it will help me get a job later on in life

  9. I am thankful for water ‘cause if we didn’t have water, then we would be dead. (‘cause 75% of our body is made out of water)
    I am also thankful for food, ‘cause then we would starve till death.
    I am thankful for my family because, if I didn’t have them, then there would be no one for me to stay with. :(
    I am thankful for kindness\happiness because if we didn’t have kindness\happiness then our lives would be sad and depressing.
    I am also thankful for my home ‘cause not all the people in the world have shelter.

  10. Jayden
    A house that keeps me warm and cool and keeps me safe.
    Food and water so I can live.
    My Family that I have.
    That I’m healthy and don’t have anything wrong with me.
    I’m able to go to school and learn so I can get a job when I’m big and make money.

    -I live in a peaceful environment.
    -I have a home that helps me in the cold and hot days.
    -I have access to good education which will help build my career and make me a better human being.
    -I have my very own room to do stuff and create my imaginations.
    -I enjoy different food around the world that keeps me healthy.
    -I have a wonderful family that supports me in my life.

  12. 1 I am thankful for food 2 I am thankful that I have the opportunity to live in a house 3 I am thankful for good health 4 I am thankful for freedom 5 I am thankful for opportunity to have a education

  13. 1. I am thankful to have a home
    2. I am thankful to have food to eat
    3. I am thankful for having awesome parents
    4. I am thankful for being a Muslim
    5. I am thankful for having education

  14. One thing I am thankful for is my family because they support me in every way and they help me in a lot of ways. The second thing I am thankful for is my teachers. They help me in my learning and help me make new friends. The third thing I am thankful for is my school because it is the place where I learn and get my education and also meet my teacher. It feels like my second home.The fourth thing I am thankful for is all the things around me and my life.Because if i did not have a life i would not live.The fifth thing i am thankful for is my house because if i did not have a house then I would be living on the streets and trust me i don't want that.But just a reminder is that some people live on the street so we do have to give them money so they can get a house to.By:Mazin

  15. 1. I am thankful for having eyes to see.
    2.I am thankful for having a house to live in.
    3. I am thankful for having shoes so I don't have to walk on hard rock and get hurt
    4. I am thankful for having 2 loving parents and 2 loving siblings so I don't have to be alone.
    5. I am thankful for having healthy food so I am nourished.

  16. i am thankful for having ms.Bourne as a teacher. you all are lucky. From Rocco p.s Jeremy sais hi

  17. I am thankful for having ms. Bourne as a teacher. from Dylan.H and Rocco

  18. 1. i am thankful for having a family because the are always there for me no matter what happens.

    2. i am thankful for having a house to go too everyday because it protects me from danger out side.

    3. thank to god (Allah) for proving me everything that i ask for good health,food,cloths,drinking water there are some kids in the world who got get these thing properly.

  19. 1.i am thankful for water because if we don't have water we won't be able to leave on earth and in some part of the work they have very limited amount of water left.

    2. i am thankful for clothes which covers me in such cold weather that we have and they keep me warm.

    3. i am thankful for my parents for proving me food,house and teaching us what right or wrong

  20. SELINA YO WUTUP!9 October 2019 at 19:55

    I am thankfull for a nice shelter and town to live in im thankfull for my food that i thankfull for a good education and im thankfull for theh earth and its nature last i am thankfulll for a family

  21. 1. I am thankful for my caring family because they give me food to eat and they give me a nice home to live in.

    2.I am thankful for living in a nice home because it is so warm and cozy and it keeps me and my family safe.

    3.I am happy I have have parents that take very good care of me they give me good things eats, they give me good books to read and they love and care for me very much.

    1. I am most thankful for many things I am most thankful for my family, friends and a school to go to .I am thankful for a home to live in also for food and water.I am also thankful for happiness and to be alive in this world and that I am health and that I don’t have any that problems will affect my body in any way I am thankful for that I am very special that I am here that i most of the things I am thankful for.(i did more than 3 sorry)


  22. 1- I am thankful for food and water because some people dont have the food and water.
    2- I am thankful to go to school to learn because some people can't afford to go to schools.
    3- I am thankful that my family and I are in good health because some people sadly don't have great health :c.
    4- I am thankful that I have a house because some people don't have a shelter.
    5- I am thankful that I have parents and a sibling because without them I feel lonely

  23. I have a lot to be thankful for, but I will only share a few or else this would be too long!
    One of the things I am thankful for is for living in Canada, because it is a safe country, that cares about diversity, and the citizens with health care and education. We have freedom and good laws in Canada and lot's of protection and safety from the bad stuff that happens around the world. Another thing I am very thankful for, is the family I live and connect with everyday because I spend endless time with them and we support each other through difficult times, and laugh very hard through the good times. My family is the most expensive thing for me. I thank God everyday for making me fortunate enough to have my whole family.
    Education is very important in the world, and I am so lucky to have access to free education, when there are people around the world who don't know how to read or write, and cannot go to school because they don't have enough money. I am happy to have the opportunity to have a teacher like Ms. Bourne and go to a school like EVP. Many things we use everyday are important and we should remember to be thankful for those things, like clean water, fresh food, roofs over our heads and clothes in our closets. In my religion every day after praying, we remember three different things we are thankful for, and I think that is very important to do. These are just a few things I am thankful for, and especially with what we see and hear online and on the news, this year we should really be grateful as it could be a lot worse.

  24. My Blog Post

    Things That I'm Thankful For

    1.I’m thankful for my family because they protect me and they care about me and I care about them.

    2.I’m also thankful for food and a house to live in because a lot of other people don't have food or a house to live in.

    3.And last I’m thankful for education because I can fulfill my dream to be a hockey player.

  25. i am thankful for having clean water beacuse some countries dont have it
    i am thankful for a meal that i eat more then three times a day
    i am thankful for having a roof over my head beacuse some people dont have a home
    i am thakful for a loving family who supports me beacuse without them i would be lonely
    by swara

  26. I am most thankful for many things I am most thankful for my family, friends and a school to go to .I am thankful for a home to live in also for food and water.I am also thankful for happiness and to be alive in this world and that I am health and that I don’t have any that problems will affect my body in any way I am thankful for that I am very special that I am here that i most of the things I am thankful for.(i did more than 3 sorry)

  27. These are the things i am thankful for:
    -A loving family to take care of me
    - Food to eat 3 times a day
    -My parents each having a job
    -An education
    -a life
    -A safe place to live
    -no natural diasaters
    -doctors and nurses
