Friday 13 December 2019

Holiday Traditions

The Holiday Break is almost upon us!! I know over the holidays I look forward to a few different traditions. The first thing I love doing is Friends Christmas. All of my dearest friends come over, we play games and make a fabulous dinner. The evening is full of laughter and sets the rest of the mood for my holiday. The second tradition I have is with my family on Christmas Eve. My mom’s entire family comes together and we have a meal that is typically all or mostly seafood. The rest of my break is spent relaxing, enjoying some winter activities like skiing and winter hikes. 

For your blog post this week tell us about what you love doing over your break. Do you and your family have any traditions that you share in every year? Maybe you have an annual hockey tournament or a vacation somewhere. Who do you always look forward to seeing? I would love to hear what you plan on doing over the two weeks we are apart. Add great detail and really show what you are looking forward to in your writing. Make sure you edit your work before you submit it.


  1. Maya!! Merry Christmas!!πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…13 December 2019 at 16:38

    Holiday Traditions

    The Holidays are here!!! What are your favourite things to do over the holidays?

    Well here are the things I love doing over the holidays :

    1. Over the holidays, my family and I visit a lot of family and a lot of family visits us. It is a ton of fun when a family brings their kids!! Me, my sister Diya, and the kids have tons of fun.

    2. My second tradition is when my mom, dad, grandma, my sister and I go to my other grandparents house on Christmas Eve. My aunt and uncle are there too. My aunt creates a handful of games. Last year we played this game were each team gets a straw and we have to suck up a Smarties and put in the next teammates plate. First team to get all of the smarties in a certain plate wins!!

    3. On Christmas Day my grandparents come to our house and we unwrap PRESENTS!!

    4. Every year my family holds the ultimate Christmas party. We do it with either family or close friends. Everyone brings food, presents, and the adults do a Secret Santa gift exchange.

    Here are some new things I am doing this year:

    1. My cousin brother is coming from Texas, USA

    2. This year we are having a New Years Eve Party with the legendary countdown to 2020!!

    That is how my family and I celebrate the Holidays!

    P.S.: Every year we drink a ton of HOT CHOCOLATE. Also we look for our elf on the shelf everyday.

    1. MAYA WUZ UPPPPPPP14 December 2019 at 09:17

      Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!! ������������

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  4. So first we are going to go to Niagara falls. We are going to stay there for 1 night and 2 days. We are first going to eat then play games. I have saved a lot of tickets. After we are going to go on the ferris wheel at night and see the falls light up. After we come home we rest then on xmas eve we go to a restaurant. Then on xmas we are going to a family dinner with my family and friends of my mom. Then on new year my family is going to do a korean tradition. We stay up late and do the countdown. Then we eat a special food and it means in korean live long stay healthy. We do this every year.

  5. Even though I do not celebrate Xmas, we still do a lot of things during the holiday break. Sometimes we go tobogganing in Scott park, of course I go with my brother and my father. We also make snow angels while we are there. Then sometimes we go to Tim Hortons have hot chocolate to warm our selves up. Then we come home and we watch Netflix.

    After taking a shower,we all get together to play board games like the game of life. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. Then we play carom if we feel like playing it. Whoever wins has to clean up the mess. And after that, we sleep.

    When we wake up in the morning we make chai and we drink it together with my mama. my dady does not drink a lot of chai. After that,we clean the house and we watch Ertugrul { Turkish history }.

    Lastly I also play Lego with my brother. We make many robots, mechs and cars. That is how we spend our holiday.

  6. Every year during the winter break me and my family cooks together and that also counts as our dog Coco she is our taste tester. We cook cakes and we usually cook our dinner together. It's really fun we all do different things like one of us usually chops the vegetables or one of us stirs everything. That is our tradition every year during the winter break and by the way everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS HO HO HO!!

    By: Zoreen:)

  7. SWARA DESAI H E L L O : ) : )15 December 2019 at 22:16

    every year in March me my mom and my sister go to India for my moms art exhibition. First when we reach India we ussaly visit our relatives and our grandparents houses. next we go to the exhibition there we get to see different artists and there amazing paintings. After we come back to Ahmedabad we like to travel a little bit of India like last year we went to Rajisthan. After that we come back to our grandparents house pack our things and go back!!

  8. Lucas Merry Christmas πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…16 December 2019 at 17:23

    The traditions I do are: go to my grandparents house and see my uncle Ricardo, stay over for lunch or dinner. We also go to my church for a Christmas play,then we go to our other grandparents Christmas party. Lastly we go to our grandparents church and see our cousins and play with my awesome uncle and cousin Deviant and Jordan and open presents on December 24,at midnight. We do have a tradition at our house too, we watch Christmas movies as well and have popcorn.

  9. My ChRiStMaS bReAk!!! :) :D

    A few days into Christmas break, me and my brother decorate our Christmas tree.Then, on Christmas we open our presents, then me, my dad and my brother go ice skating, (well not every year, but almost every year) but sometimes just me and my brother go. Then we have a family dinner. After, on December 30th, we celebrate my friend's birthday at his house or somewhere outside. We have A LOT of fun! We laugh, have challenges, dance, sing and all that fun stuff. After all that, we go home at about… 12:45.. Then, on New Year’s Eve, we celebrate my birthday & New Year’s Eve. Our family friends come over, we have games for the adults and the kids. Then we have cake, and food :p!! We play more, the adults talk. Then after, it’s 12:00, ThE aDuLtS hAvE cHaMpEnGe and get CrAzY!!! We dance to songs, we also sing songs. Then, almost everyone who came, sleep at our house, so basically we have a HUGE sleepover, but me and my friends stay up REALLY late, our highest record is on my 8th birthday, 4:55 A.M! Then, in the morning, we brush our teeth, eat breakfast and then we open some of my presents! Then my friends leave and me and my family clean up after the party and sleep for the rest of the day.

    That’s my winter break!

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  11. My family and I get gifts for each other parent by and the kids make . We put our Christmas tree and decorate it
    And on Christmas, we go out and eat and on Christmas break, we go out for snowshoes, skies, snowboarding, walk in the snow play games talk to friends and play in the snow I do hwk and play with my sis and go to my cousins house and al my other cousins are there we get to spend some time together and we play a big game of hide in seek and we hide around the house and sometimes we play videos games and me and my favorite cousin annoy are bigger cousin (boys) we take pictures for memories. Thea's are what me and my family do on Christmas and Christmas break.

  12. A holiday tradition for are family is that we invite friends and family over for a nice Christmas party. I also get to see my Grandma and Grandpa and I get to spend Christmas and also with my aunt and Nana. And we go to Christmas town (MountusBerg). And my favorite part is playing with my toys and a very nice Christmas dinner.

  13. Zain
    My family doesn't have any traditions but we do it every time so I call it a tradition. Every winter break me and my family always go somewhere,either to our cousins or somewhere else like america or Greenland. We also usually go skiing/snowboarding so that is also a tradition.

  14. Jayden
    We go every Christmas Eve to visit family and have a turkey dinner. We always open new pjs to wear. We spend Christmas Day with my family, my dad usually makes a yummy breakfast, we open up our presents.
    One thing we do is hide two pickles in the tree and the person that finds it opens the first present.
    I hope there is snow so I can go sledding and I’m going to learn to ski and snowboard this year.

  15. Salam (merry Xmas to those of u who celebrate it)πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…18 December 2019 at 17:31

    BTW i don't celebrate Xmas so there

    so this is pretty much what I do for my holiday break:)

    "a tradition" for my holiday break is my family always hosts a Xmas dinner and we always invite our family friends and my extened family. we have A LOT OF FOOD and me and my family friends have a traditon that we call the Xmas video game contest. the basic idea is that we have a gaming tournament and my one friend brings his switch,the other his portable yoga CPU and i use my home PS4 and we have a gaming contest. another traditon would be me and my family friends go to rock conserts and watch fireworks at midnight (12:00) on new year's. me and my brother also read a lot and play soccer with my cousins. we're planning a trip to washington then new york then back with my family friends.

    that's how i spend my Xmas break:)

    1. happy holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Jood Happy holidays !!!!!!!!!18 December 2019 at 17:47

    Are you guys excited for the holidays? Well I’ve been looking forward to it ever since Halloween ended! Every year we do fun holiday traditions and sometimes we do something different. And I'm really looking forward to what we will be doing this year. In the first week of the holidays we don't do much but we always find a good movie in the cinemas and I'm really excited to watch two of them that will come out soon, so this tradition is movies, we always watch movies every year! Me and my brother discovered this new and fun activity that is supposed to be done outside in the snow with a sledding board but instead you can just take your bed mattress and slide it down your stairs. This is a really fun activity and it's also one of the new traditions my brother and I made up. Each year, to celebrate the New Year's we shop for a new pyjamas and we are only allowed to wear it on New Years eve. Also another tradition in new years eve, we have some delicious food and stay up ‘till one in the morning and we invite some friends over and have a sleepover with them sometimes. We always go to malls on the holidays and it's pretty fun because we get to eat, shop, and more. In the holidays we always plan to go somewhere like for example niagara falls and this year we might be going to Toronto to this museum by train with our family friends. This year, a new library opened and we’ve been going to that library ever since and they say that they are going to have some pretty fun activities there and we might be going to check that out and of course we’ll be checking some books out a lot because my mom and I like to read books a lot but on the other hand my brother dislikes reading but my mom forces him to read some books, so that's another new thing we’ll be doing this year because it's a new library. I’ve always noticed some people sledding at the parks because they have some hills and I suggested to try that this year and my mom agreed with doing that so we might be doing that and I'm really exhilarated to try that this year. Lastly I’ve been wanting to do some baking and I'm going to try that this year and I'm looking forward to that. So, that's about it, I'm really looking forward to doing these activities and have a happy holiday. :)

  17. Ayesha
    Holiday Traditions:
    Hi, so today I will be telling you about some of the things I do over the winter break that I always look forward to. Although I don’t celebrate Christmas or any other holidays over the winter break, there are some things that my family and I almost always do over the winter break. They are always exciting, fun and amusing. I am always looking forward to this beautiful season and time of year. Here are some things I do and like doing over the winter break that I always find joyful and ecstatic!The first thing is that my cousins come over for a sleepover (they live close by). I always enjoy spending time with my cousins who are like sisters to me. They bring a sense of joy and and happiness with them and we always do the most fun things. We always bake cookies, do science experiments, tell scary stories, play board games, go to the movies or watch movies at home. It is always so much fun and it is a great way to spend quality time with my family, cousins and siblings. I can’t wait for this year's sleepover! Another thing I do every winter is go ice skating. I love skating because it is so much fun and I love gliding on the ice and doing jumps, twirls and turns! My sister and I always skate together and it is one of the times we love to play with each other. We have races, play tag and hide n seek, it’s so fun! This year, we are planning to go ice skating at celebration square, which I never did before because we (my sister and I ) always skate at an indoor ice rink. I also go to my cousin's house (in America) or they come to us. My family usually sees my cousins in America during the winter break. Whether they come to us or we go to them, we always have a blast! We are always doing cool things and one thing my cousin (Haniah) and I do ( I mentioned her in an earlier blog post) is make a small new movie. We have done news reports, adventure movies, comedies, sci-fi and this winter break we are going to do a horror movie! I can’t wait!! My other cousins also come over which is so much fun.
    We also just spend time with each other. On the last 2 days of winter break, my family and I just hangout with each other. We bake cookies, make traditional food and watch movies together and I am always so happy and excited.
    Go tobogganing! It is so much fun and I always like being out in the cold, cold and laughing with my friends and family. Last year, we went down a huge hill and this year, I hope we’ll go down an even bigger one! We are going to go back to Niagara Falls and see the winter falls again. The falls are so beautiful and cool in the winter !!!!! Niagara Falls is about a two hour drive though…
    Although I have a blast each and every winter break, there are a few things that I will be doing this year that are new and that I want to do this year, that I hope will become traditions too.
    This year, my family is going to visit many close family friends who I’ve known since I was very young.
    I also really want to go snowboarding or skiing this winter with my sister because it is so much fun.
    So those are some of the exciting and fun things I do every winter and always look forward to. I can’t wait for winter break!! What are you looking forward to this winter? Happy winter break Yall!! (:

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  19. Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy your winter vacation just like I do with my family. Every year we have a tradition to go to the indoor water park at Niagara Falls for two days and one night we stay at the hotel, we play in the arcade and for a whole entire day we enjoy the indoor waterpark. In the waterpark I enjoy going on the slides but the best of all they have an outdoor swimming pool that's water is hot! The next day we go for breakfast to IHOP I have these delicious pancakes with some juice. Then After that we go to the arcade and play games there, it's the best we play pool and we do bowling we also play air hockey my favorite. Those are some of my most favorite thing to do when i go to the waterpark at niagara falls I mostly love it because I can spend time and have fun with my family.

  20. Hi, Today I will be talking about the upcoming winter break. I don't celebrate Christmas, but I will still have lots of fun this winter break.

    We are going to Dr Seuss Exhibit in Toronto
    and celebrate my sister's Birthday

    We will also go tubing at Lake Ridge Ski as prior
    to us going to a trampoline park too

    We will also go and bake cupcakes and cookies for our neighborhood

  21. Ifiemi
    My family has different Christmas traditions. ;)^_^����
    Here are some of them.
    Usually we set up a tree(obviously)
    We make a whole feast and keep i tin the fridge.
    My mum makes scones and brings them hime.
    We go to friends houses.We eat alot at friends houses
    Make chapman.(red cocktail)
    Go to church.(Where I usually sing in my church children's choir or just sing)

    Send friends and family Christmas messages
    make letters for friends and family.
    Go out together.

    New Years ��✨������
    Make letters for friends and family.
    Go to church.(Where I usually sing in my church children's choir or just sing)
    Celebrate in church
    Talk to my friends
    Send happy new year messages
    Sing songs with my church in general
    Do a count down in church
    watch TV(optional)

    These are some of the thing s I do with my my friends and family also friends I consider family. One of the most interesting or most exciting things I look forward to all year.I love Christmas and new Year in fact the holidays in general.
    So that being said I want to wish you a merry xmas and happy new year✨����������������

  22. Over the holidays I look forward to:
    going to my grandmas house,Christmas obviously going to my cottage and chilling on my iPad.Some traditions IΚΌm looking forward to are Christmas partyΚΌs at my cousins house and at my grandmas house.Thats what IΚΌm looking rowers to this break.

  23. Every year on Christmas break we do secret santa with my family friends,or cousins. And we also celebrate my older brothers birthday on jan 1 so we have cake and stuff like that sometimes even a party

  24. Nimrita Happy Holidays yall'!!!20 December 2019 at 09:29

    Over the holidays I am looking forward to:
    Celebrating my birthday with my family and opening my birthday presents, decorating my gingerbread house, finding my elf on the shelf every morning, tracking Santa on Christmas eve, playing games on Santa tracker, making my family Christmas breakfeast, then going through my stockings with my family, then opening my big presents!!! Celebrating new years and calling Sonali on her birthday!!
    Those are some of my Christmas traditions for this year!

  25. I I'm going vacation to Pakistan , Saudia and Dubai!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm mostly looking forward to meet my cousins. Because it has been three years I haven't met them, We're going to have so much fun and the Burj Khalifa this is the first time I'm going to see it is going to be the most fun tripp I really wanted to go in a plane we're going on Emirates. So I'm looking forward to it
