Thursday 10 October 2019

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

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If you have not read it yet the book “Wonder” has an amazing lesson in it, that is to “choose kind.'' I believe in the power of these words and how that story really makes all readers want to be a little more kind and accept each other for our unique differences. 

I think it is time we explored kindness and throw it around like it is going out of style. Saying kind things, something as simple as “I love your new haircut” or “cool shirt bro” really can change someone’s day. 

For your blog post this week, explain to your peers and I what kindness means in your own eyes. What is kindness? How can you be kind? What are some ways that you can show kindness? Let’s scream it from our blog posts how much kindness means to us and share how we are going to “choose kind” each and every day here at EVP and in 5-1!!


  1. What Kindness means to me:Kindness means to me that we should compliment others and stand up and support them

    How I will be kind:I will be kind by supporting people when they need it and stand up for others when they are bullied, even if a 7th and 8th grader is bullying them.I will help others if they need help.I will compliment others on their shirt or anything!

  2. 1. Kindness means to forgive people and give them another chance, kindness means to me is that even if someone is being a bully or unkind you should never never take revenge and think it throw and yes it is hard not to take revenge but still try your best

    2. I will be kind by not being mean or trying to take revenge and you more positive words and don’t make fun of any one in any way.

  3. Kindness is unimaginable beauty to me. It powers us to do outstanding stuff, that's how I see it. A world of no violence, no arguing, helping others, not hurting others.Just imagine that. Put that picture in your mind. Isn't it beautiful? That's what I believe. This thing can happen if we act with kindness and love humanity. It will help us in many ways I tell you.

    Now how can we do it?
    There are many ways to show kindness:
    ◦ Opening a door for someone
    ◦ Helping someone when they get hurt
    ◦ Encouraging someone
    ◦ Standing up for someone
    ◦ Not hurting someone (even if they hurt you)
    ◦ Apologizing
    ◦ Not make fun of anyone
    ◦ SMILE!!!!!!!

  4. salamπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†11 October 2019 at 15:34

    I think kindness is something everyone has and can do. Even saying complements is being kind. If you said something like "hey dude.... cool haircut man" well,congrats you just said something kind. It's not like people were just born mean. I mean if you be nice to them first then they'll be nice to you. if that dosen't work well then just be nice anyway. below are some ways that we could be kinder to one another.....

    1) don't say rude stuff (e.g swearing,roasting e.x)
    2) help out others
    3) encorigigng others
    4) if someone is sad then try to make them happy.

    if we do all this then we are kind to one another LETS ALL BE KIND!��������������������

  5. Kindness is a way to show respect. Even one compliment can make someone’s day! If you say something like, “Hey, nice shoes bro.”. That’s one way to show kindness. Yeah, I know not everyone can be nice to people but, if you will be nice in the first place, then they’ll be nice to you later on :). I mean, imagine how it would be like if everyone was nice to each other, this world would be amazing, I tell you.

    Here are some more ways to show kindness:

    ◦ Incourage and believe in people who feel like giving up
    ◦  Help someone if they are hurt
    ◦ Help your elders to walk or cross the road
    ◦ Don’t hurt other people’s feelings even if they hurt your feelings
    ◦ Don't bully anyone
    ◦ SMILE!!!!!!

    Now, follow some of these and show kindness and respect other people!

  6. Kindness is showing respect to others. Even if you say one
    compliment to someone it can make their day! If you says
    things such as “nice shirt” or “cool shoes” are ways of
    complementing each other. I know not everyone is nice
    to each other, but the thing is if you are nice to them then they’ll
    be nice to you later on in life! Imagine a world where everybody
    is nice to each other, that would be amazing wouldn’t it?

    Here are more ways to show kindness to others:

    - You can encourage them
    - You can not bully anyone
    - You can help your elders to walk or cross the road
    - You can not hurt other people’s feelings even if they hurt your feelings
    - You can help someone if they are hurt

    And last but not least you can…

    SMILE! :)

  7. Kindness is showing respect to others and helping each other out when they need help.

    1.To show respect say hi and welcome them back and treat them the way you want to be treated

    2.You should also help them when they are injured or really hurt

    3.Be Nice and don't say mean things

    4.You should never fight anyone unless we are defending ourselves

    5.Being nice to the teacher by listening to her.

  8. Kindness means to me being nice to everyone and help people, not being greedy and rude. Be kind by saying pleased thank you and hold the door for people.

  9. What kindness means to me is being nice to people and you can be kind is saying “Hey nice shoes” or giving some a hair tie if they need it?

    1. also this just came off the top of my head

  10. 1.Remember there is no small act of telling people how good they are is a very nice thing to do.
    2.Helping others when they are in need is a very good act.
    3.Be friends with everyone and play together.And if you see anyone bullied you stand up for them.

  11. Kindness is an amazing act that does not happen often in this world. Showing kindness is a way of making people happy and it is showing respect. Kindness is very simple, so show some kindness because it might make a person's day better or it might even make your day better. There are many ways of being kind, smiling at a person is being kind and so is smiling back at them. Saying a few kind words to a person might make a person more glad and cheerful. Helping is a great way to show kindness, like for example holding the door for someone. Apologising and forgiving is kind. I just gave you some ways of how to be kind and there are many more ways to be kind. So please be kind, it is a big act to be kind.

  12. Kindness.
    What kindness is to me is to be warm, encouraging, and to be nice, not just once or twice, but all the time! It means to show support when others need it. Saying little things like “good job on your math test” or “those shoes are cool” can make a big difference on someone and how their day is going.
    Ways to show kindness: There are many ways to show kindness like:
    Open the door for others
    Say nice words like “thank-you” and “please”
    Helping others
    Standing up for others
    Being the bigger person and don’t be rude even if you are really mad.
    Complement others
    LITTLE things like these can make a BIG difference. Let's all be kind!

  13. Kindness means to be nice and be good friends. But in my eyes, it more than saying “like the haircut” or “ like the shirt”. It is about listening to your friend. Do you need to be friends with everyone. Heck no. But just because your not friends. Does not mean you don’t be nice to them. At least hold the door open for them. A little goes a long way. Imagine going out and you hold the door open in public for a strange. And he said Thank you, that makes you feel good.

  14. This is how you can be kind:
    - Hold the door open for other people
    - say kind words like: "please" and "thank you"
    - complement people
    - stand up for people when they are being bullied
    - smiling at people will make their day!
    - help people
    - encourage friends and family
    - support friends and family
    These are examples of how you can complement people and be nice:
    - Hey, good job on your test!
    - Nice shoes.
    - Hey!
    - Nice hairstyle you got there!
    Using all of these strategies, you can be kind to everyone. Don't be kind one day, be kind everyday (if you are not kind everyday i'll be watching you...)! So let's be kind all the time and throw kindness around like confetti!

  15. Kindness Ifiemi
    First of all, kindness to me means showing love, being open, being honest, and most especially being nice.
    Secondly, kindness means being generous, and that is giving freely it could also mean being ready to give more of something than is necessary.This is one virtue I believe I have to work on. Being friendly, which means being nicer and being pleasant which also means being humble and patient. Lastly being considerate. Being considerate means being careful of someone’s feelings or being mindful or the way you treat someone.
    Finally, there are many ways to show kindness and funny enough it could be something as small as…
    Saying “hello” or “good morning” to a stranger walking down the street.
    Paying for someone’s drinks or snacks even if you don’t know them.
    Leaving a sweet note for someone
    Pass on a wonderful book for someone when you’re done reading.
    Being welcoming.
    Being encouraging.
    So you see being kind isn’t hard it’s as simple as ABC. So let’s all try being kind and put a smile on someone’s face.


  16. What does kindness mean? Kindness is when you complement somebody
    or help. exc. HEY I like your style or ARE you okay? Everybody should spread kindness and open there eyes to kindness. ps. I fractured my leg and i am on cruches so i might not come to school

  17. I think we should all try to be kind because it's right and being rude hurts people. Being kind is simple but harder than you imagine because being disrespectful is easy. Being kind is simple because to be kind you can simply compliment someone by saying hi nice shoes. So everyone will appreciate you if you will be kinder and others will treat you the same.

  18. Kindness to me is being nice and almost everything is kind.You can be kind by saying thank you to the teacher after there done there block or pered and if it is your homelonetecher you can say thank you and bye at home time and trust me most of the time it make there day. Thes are olny some of the ways you can be nice.
    1. Smile and make someone's day a little sweeter.
    2. Look for ways you can promote peace.
    3. Just listen.
    4. Being nice
    5. Invite someone new into your friend tribe.
    6. Send out a kind email or card.
    7. Give someone a genuine compliment.
    8. Help clean up, without being asked, help someone out in a practical way.
    9. Hold open the door for the person behind you.
    10. Encourage a friend or family member when they are uncertain or
    11. Make peace with someone that has hurt you.
    12. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.
    13. Let someone into your lane while driving.
    14. Pay for the person behind you in line.
    15. Give your time to a friend or someone who needs it.
    16. Say Thank You and Please everyday without fail.
    17. Meditate on loving kindness: "May you be happy, healthy, peaceful, and free from suffering, and may my actions in some way contribute to the happiness, health, peace, and freedom for all.
    18. Say "I love you" a little more often to your family and friends.
    19. Pause before you speak, and choose words with positive intention.
    20. Help someone get some rest (watch their kids, run an errand, bring them dinner, etc).
    21. Pick up litter you see thrown about even if its not yours.
    22. Remove complaints and curses for one week.
    23. Gift something meaningful to someone: loan a book, bring flowers, drop off cookies, whatever suits your fancy.
    24. Make a donation.
    25. Give up your seat, or for that matter, move your yoga mat in class, with positive intent.

  19. Zain
    What I personally think kindness is,is appreciative and respect mainly because when you say thanks for holding the door you’re being appreciative and kind to the person and when you say nice shirt your respecting the person and being kind.Those 2 words make up for what kindness means to me.How you can be kind to somebody can happen in many ways but to someone you dislike or annoys you can be hard to be kind to but in my opinion to someone you dislike just don't say anything and i'll explain why.First thing that happens is probably you want to get them back at something they did to you and if you do and this goes back and forth this will start a fight but not saying anything doesn't start a fight and can change how you like someone.Examples to be kind is just saying complements such as nice shirt or cool haircut etc.That wraps up my blog post for the week.

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  22. Kindness is something special you show by helping others or by giving them something that they will like (not soooo expensive)you should give them something YOU made .It is good to be kind. It will make you and others feel good and it will carry on if you help someone. they will kind is the most wonderful thing because it will soon make the whole world nice to be kind.Rude will hurt you and others so be kind.

  23. Kindness has lots of graceful meanings.Kindness means to be friendly, caring and to take responsibility of other peoples feelings, but at the same time to not forget to be kind to yourself. Kindness is generosity, consideration,helpfulness,cooperation and lots more.You can be kind by helping your mother or father carry groceries,holding a door for someone,dropping compliments everywhere,saying “thank you” or “your very welcome”.Anyone who is rude can change and dont forget that. Remember being rude back is only going to make it a lot worse than it already is.Don’t be rude or a bully just so you could fit in with the “cool kids” because they are not cool, you are, because you are kind or you have KINDNESS. Now,I hope you remember what I said and always remember, BE KIND NO MATTER WHAT!

  24. kindness means showing love and respect to one another like complimenting someone and when they feel sad asking them if their ok kindness also means being humble and patient we can also be kind by just smiling to a stranger. You could help people to like if they have a lot to carry you can offer to lend a hand.
    BY swara
