Friday 8 November 2019

A Letter For The Future

Watch this video:

Kid President has some amazing messages for us in his video “A Letter For the Future”.  As you watched this, I hope you were thinking about what you can do to help out to make the future a better place.  He’s right; we do hear a lot of negative things from the news but as young people, the future is in your hands!

For you blog post this week, write three ways that you plan to help make the future a better place.  You have right NOW!


  1. I will make the future a better place by
    1. Help others.I will help others when they need help in any way

    2. Doing positive stuff.I will do positive stuff like listen to people when they tell me to do something,only if its a good thing though

    3. Standing up for others.I will stand up for others when they are getting bullied or abused, even if the person is older than me.

    Those are the three ways I will make the world a better place.How can you make the world a better place?

  2. This is what i plan to do to make the future/world a safer/better place:

    1. Make homes, cars, food, water, schools , and hospitals and doctors affordable and avalible for everybodY.

    2.Make sure people are being treated nicely and LIKE PEOPLE!

    3.Stop climate change so humans live forever!

    4.Pizza and sushi. Make sushi and pizza available for Everybody!

    5. Stop world wars!

  3. I would make the future a better place by:

    1.Making electric cars with unlimited battery
    2.I would make robots to teach humans to be nicer
    3.I would also make food prices lower

  4. Salam man!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ9 November 2019 at 17:02

    What i would do to the future:
    1) make everything that uses things to harm the environment e.g cars,trains,planes and smoke factories e.x and replace them with things more eco-friendly.

    2) make food and shelter available to everyone I TOLD YOU IN AN EARLIER BLOG POST THAT I would like this to be available to everyone and I will act as I say.

    P.s there are over 7 million people around the world that don't have homes.

    3) I will build things that help the public travel more efficiently. (e.g flying cars teleporters stuff like that) NOW that would be a good decision.

    That's what I would do to help the future be a better place!

  5. Dear future,
    I have some things that you need to take care of. One of those things is to treat people like you want to be treated. I wanted to be treated equally, nicely and like an actual person. And if you are over 18. You should vote to make your voice heard, that is how you would affect change. Also education. Make sure to vote for people who invest in education. Don’t vote for someone who takes things away from education. That is what I want changed for the future.

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    2. Sorry missed very a important word from my letter

    3. Sorry missed very a important word from my letter

  8. Dear Future,

    There are some things that I need to tell you. Some people say that you are going to be very gloomy, dark, and violent. I think the exact opposite. I would like to challenge those people by contributing today to make you , future, a better place tomorrow. Here is what I will do.

    1. First I will stop pollution by buying products that come in recyclable and reusable packaging.

    2.I will write to the PM of Canada and MPP of my area to make policies that help reduce carbon emissions that come from factories and vehicles.

    3. Lastly, I would persuade people to give charity to organizations like Islamic Development Relief Fund so that people who are displaced and suffering from hunger can have a decent living.

    Well if we start to contribute right now, probably by 2025, the world will be exactly how I imagined it.
    " Do not take nature for granted or you will regret it!"

  9. AYESHA :
    3 ways I plan to help make the future a better place :)
    Some people say the future won't be a good place to live, that the Earth will be dead, humans would be rude and life would be miserable- I believe the opposite of that.
    Here are 3 ways I plan to help make the future a better place :)
    1: Help stop climate change. Climate change is a major environmental issue, which I hope
    to resolve. We need the Earth so lets make this world a better place everyone!!
    2: Help WORLD peace so that everyone is safe in their own homes , can live a happy life and that we can appreciate MORE in life. *you should appreciate more in life *
    3: Help raise money for the poor and donate to charity as much as I can. A Lot of people don’t have a lot of money so some of them can’t get a good education and good living conditions (they don’t have basic necessities of life) - donating to charity helps a lot.
    “If we all contribute, our future generations, including us, - will have a better life”
    Ayesha. K :)

  10. I have a lot of things to say to make the future a better place not litter on the ground and in the bullying and fighting cause it is not good.3.make food for a neighbor like soup or chicken and a meal.

  11. Dear Future,

    Hey future , hows it going , I dont think its going to well, is it? Ive got billons of questions that I need to ask you and lots of predictions Ive made. But lets save that for later, for now I want to help save the this planet so that the future wont look too bad. Why do I think that the future might look bad? Ive heard from the news, youtube, and even I can just go outside and predict that the future wont be too great. I can tell you many reasons why I need to help you out from now because it would be too late if I help out in the future, it would just be hard. Im going to give you reasons why I should help make the future a better place. Pollution is the first thing ever I would help you out with. People are just lazy and dont put the garbage in its place, they just throw it on the ground. I have to admit it I do it to sometimes but just think about it you have to throw your garbage in the right place just try it at least once or twice. Climate change is another reason, we need to stop this, because its making the earth unhappy , this is our home we cant lose it! My last reason is war. Why? Why cant we just bulid peace with eachother? We want to live happyly in our homes. So lets build peace! Thats all my reasons, now onto step 2, lets try to do them so we can save the future!

    Sincerly, Jood •^•

  12. Ifiemi:)πŸ‘€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰✌✌😎😜12 November 2019 at 16:59

    I can help the future by:
    Showing kindness
    Looking for solutions to solve problems

  13. Please read mine

  14. 1 I would make a change in the future by being president and ending all wars and just peace.
    2 I would help getting rid of pollution and to do that I would make a trash dumper that makes trash to ashes
    3 I would get rid of weapons and guns so no murders or suicide happens

  15. I think we should help to save our future because we need a lot of help. Like have you ever been too lazy to put your garbage in the garbage bin I mean that's our home ,if we damage it we will have nowhere to live. I have littered to but we have now to fix it. Second thing is we should have peace in the world, no fighting, no bullying, and no WAR. If we don’t have peace it hurts humans, it hurts animals and it hurts the earth. Be kind to everything we still have time to save our planet so let's do it!
    By: Zoreen

  16. And merry christmas everyone!!!

  17. Dear:Future Tuesday November 12 2019

    I wonder what it’s like in the future is it not too good or is it amazing. Anyways I have a lot of questions for you.Like what type of knew Gadget do you think you will have or have right now? Is there going to be new technology? Are they going to be new internet things and knew companies?I'm so excited for the future. See you there bye.

    1. And i will make the future a better place and i will achive that by cleaning the earth,spreding kindness,and letting people have fun.

  18. This is what I plan to do to make the future/world a better place:

    1. Stop climate change so humans can live longer!
    2. Stop world wars!
    3. Treat people LIKE PEOPLE!!!!
    4. Throw kindness around like confetti!
    5. To make homes, cars, food, water, schools, hospitals, and doctors affordable and availible for everybody.

    And last but not least……

    MAKE IT AWESOME!!!! ����

  19. A letter to the future
    Dear older me,

    I’m writing this letter because I wanna know how it is in THE FUTURE. Like, is my life gonna turn out horrible? Is it gonna be freezing cold? AM I GONNA STAY AT EVP?!?!!!!! Well, I hope stay! So, how is the future? Wait, IS THE WORLD GONNA BE ALL DEPRESSING AND SAD?! I don’t want it to be to depressing and sad.. ;-; Right now in the present, it’s really nice, I moved to Milton from Calgary, I went to my new school and made new friends, oh, and also have this really nice teacher, her name is Ms. Bourne. She’s really sweet and kind!

    So, older Sonali, that’s how the present is, WRITE BACK TO ME PLEASE! or else… dun, dun, DUN!!
    ThE eNd!! :)

  20. So,If I were to plan a way to somehow make the future a better place I would, try to show everyone how bad it is littering and polluting the oceans! I would try to plan what new tech would come out.And last but not least to WARN people of global warming and knowing what might come next………..DONE!

  21. My 3 ways to make future a better place are

    1. Tell people not to waste drinkable water and encourage people to use re-cycle water in the house like watering the plants, doing house work such as washing dishes, laundry, washing cars etc and use drinkable water for drinking and cooking only.

    2. Use less plastic bottles because they are not good for the environment,use glass,steel or aluminum bottles only.

    3. I will introduce ( A Good Deed Day) in wich we can help each other by doing something as small as giving them a hug or pay their bills,do their grocery,take them for dinner,or give them money so they can use it where it's needed etc so the world can be a better place to live with love and harmony

  22. If I can change the world then I would 1 make a letter to the prime minister and ask he or she to stop cutting trees or to cut a tree and plant another one somewhere.2 I would help others when they need help like if they drop any thing.3 I could by homes how do not have homes.

  23. To make future better for people i will encourage on make recycling more useful use less plastic. i will also ask people to treat other the way they want to be treated and be kinds and helpful to everyone

  24. to make future better i will stop world hunger by donating more food to the food bank.i would plant more and more trees to save our populated air and at last i would plant more food farms and make food cheaper and affordable to other country also i would encourage on stopping the war in other countries by forgiving our enemies.

  25. swara hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii@iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii14 November 2019 at 20:28

    My 3 ways I will make the future a better place :]

    1.Tell everyone to recycle plastic like making it into something new like a plastic bag into a flower

    2.Try and show everybody how bad it is to littering/polluting the oceans

    3.Try not to waste drinkebel water by reuseing it like watering the plants with it.


  26. Dear Future,
    One of the things I would change in the future would be to make the world more peaceful and change the tranquillity of the world.People are disturbing others in unpleasant ways and by rude sentences.Another thing I would like to change in the world would be to take away the amount of poor people in the world.I would donate to them because they don’t have the essential things you need in life.Finally I would make sure everyone in the world is educated.Education is an very important essence in life and I would love to give everyone the chance to go through what it’s like to have education.
    Sincerely, Malaika

  27. The three ways to make the future a better place would be 1 trying to make the world more eco friendly because polluting is only killing ourselves 2 encourage to make peace instead of attacking each country for minerals or natural resources your country does not have 3 encourage to recycle most things they use to stop pollution even more.

  28. our future is determined by ourself. We should change it because
    we should know that earth will be worser than it is now.

    1 not hurt others
    2 help others
    3 stand for what is wrong to you

  29. Hello future,
    When I grow up I want to be a doctor to help everyone feel better. I also think people should laugh more so I want to try and make someone laugh everyday. I also want to volunteer to help kids that are not happy be happy and maybe start my own group for that.
