Friday 1 November 2019

The Chase!

You have all been doing such a good job adding more detail and description to your writing. For this weeks blog post I would like you to continue to add those great details, but also work on perspective. 

This week you are to write either from the perspective of the snake or iguana. Watch the video snake vs iguana to help give you some ideas on what to write about. Please write one paragraph from the perspective of your choice. Use descriptive writing to describe feelings and events that have happened leading up or after the chase. 

**Warning, the video is very intense, you will be on the edge of your seat the whole time**


  1. I was in the desert and a large snake was coming towards me I wasn't sure if it was trying to hunt me. But then it came closer it was going to strangle me but then I ran as fast as I can more snakes appeared from the dark spaces in the desert than I ran evan faster I climb the humaguse rocks but more snakes came throw the spaces between the rocks. A couple snakes squeezed me but I got away finally escaped and went back to the other agunas. I survived luckily!

  2. Lucas

    I was In a desert of rocks and I see a snake he looks suspicious I see him going towards my tail I get a little frighted and it jumps at me and luckily I jump and start running other snakes start chasing me I tryed to doge one of them but sadly I got cuaght I try moving but then I slip out and I go for the run I jump and I escaped


  3. I was In a desert of rocks and I see a snake he looks suspicious I see him going towards my tail.I get a little frightened and it jumps at me and luckily I jumped and start running other snakes start chasing me I tried to dodge one of them but sadly I got caught.I try moving but then I slip out and I go for the run.I jump and I escaped.That Was A good One.

  4. MAYA HELLO ✨✨😜😎✌2 November 2019 at 09:59

    Snake vs Iguana BY Maya
    Perspective of the Iguana

    I was peacefully watching the beautiful sunset in the desert. The desert can be beautiful but at the same time dangerous with all sorts of dangerous animals. I didn't learn this until a snake nips me on my tail. Nips from a snake on your tail can hurt very badly on an iguana. I ran to escape the majestic snake but suddenly, 3 more snakes start chasing me! I start running again to get away. Then 2 more snakes start chasing me with the other snakes. They all catch up to me and strangle me. It looks like the end of my life. Goodbye sweet world! I push and shove to get out. Yes! I got out! I ran to the top of a small rock hill and dodge a snake trying to bite me. Then i jump up to the Iguana Rock Hill. Another great escape! That was a close one!
    The end!

  5. By Ayesha
    Snake vs Iguana; Who will win?
    Perspective of the: Iguana

    I was standing in the sonoran desert when I saw a snake. I knew that snakes didn’t have very good eyesight, but that they could detect movement. I stayed as still as possible, only moving my head to see where the snake was. Suddenly, the snake lashed towards me, and that's when I made a run for it. Suddenly, many more snakes came out of their burrows or the spaces under rocks that was their home, many thinking that I would be their next meal, but I didn’t cut loose, just kept on going, thinking that maybe, I could survive. Then, all of a sudden, the snakes, who just to let you know, were boa constrictors, strangled me. I twisted and turned, until finally, I was free. I kept on running, there were some pretty big rocks, the home of my fellow Iguanas. More snakes poured out of the cracks and slithered after me, I kept on running, some of them tried to bite me, but I dodged them and kept on going. I leapt from rock to rock, knowing my life survived on my skill of running. I was a good jumper, and was able to leap across the spaces, but the snakes fell down into the darkness. I kept on running and didn’t look back until I got to the safety of my home. A near miraculous escape, one that could've put an end to my life.
    The End

  6. One day that day when I was born I was walking to my mom then I heard something a hsss a…..snake! Tons tons of them I tip tod then they heard me I ran and ran they almost got caught then i slipped in time then I siked 3 snake then I came to my family the end hssss

  7. One nice sunny day, I was just chillin’ in the sun, when I heard a noise, something like, “Hisssssssss..”. It was a snake, it slithered behind me and right on to my tail, but, I ran. Then a bunch of other snakes were hiding in the rocks, waiting for the perfect time to get me, but, I ran as fast as I could!! One snake got me, then all the snakes started to wrap me, but only one side of me was tightly wrapped, so I wiggled my way out and ran as fast as I could, I was like a lightning bolt⚡️! I jumped up the rocks! As I was jumping, a snake almost bit my tail. I kept jumping.. and onto the highest rock I went and met my friend, she’s also an iguana.
    That’s my story how I almost got eaten by snakes. :)

    By Sonali

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  9. Salam πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚3 November 2019 at 16:00


    We were waiting for delushious Prey to come and eat.something,looks like a rock,Sits in the middle of the desert My brothers lift their heads out of their holes and I slither toward it. We see that it is an iguana. YUMMY!!! I circle it carefully not to attract it but nevertheless,it sees me. It starts to run knowing that we want it for dinner! I slither as fast as I can and I'm just inches away from it when I stick out my tongue! It outruns mr and I rush to climb the hill now. There’s A gap in the hill the iguana jumps right over it but unfortunately,I fell down. I kept on falling until everything just went black. DUN DUN DAAA!!!!!!

    THE END!!

  10. I'm the first to do the perspective of the snake kids

  11. It started as a normal day but only I was very hungry because I haven't eaten a big hearty meal in days. Suddenly I saw an iguana having a good time basking in the sun. I decided to make an attempt as I got closer to him, I was very careful not to make a single sound I was keeping a closer eye on my pray I was slithering in a hot steaming gravel suddenly he senses my presence and he took off in this intense moment my fellow snakes joined me in a remarkable chase we work together as a team giving the iguana hard time to escape. We even tried forming a death trap but that day was the luckiest day of his life as he got away from the swarm of snakes on hot pursuit race without a scratch.

  12. “Bye honey” I said to my wife Phyllis. “Bye dear” she responded. “Bye daddy” said my baby girl Pham. Oh by the way, my name is Phil. And I’m about to have the scariest moment of my life. I had to walk to work today because the family car broke down. But then I felt like someone was watching me. After that I knew a snake was coming. Snakes and iguana haven't got along with each other. It started with, well let’s just say a 6000 lb iguana fell on a snakes head and was mildly injured. After that, snakes and iguanas have not have a good history. I was stagnant. I heard him slithering towards me, I knew the moment I felt him I was going to book it. When I felt his rotten breath on my scales, I ran. Then snakes came out from every direction. Subsequently when I got to the rocks. I tripped and after I was squeezed by many snakes, I was able to get out. I jumped over a crack but then I noticed a snake was on my tail. I jumped over the next crack. The snake was too close for comfort. But luckily he fell into the crack. I was safe for now. I walked into the office and my friend Bill said “How was your commute”. I took a deap breath and told him everthing.

  13. Me and my friends are going through a forest to reach my house faster when i almost tripped over a over sized stick and then we continued.The stick though was actually a snake and even though it has bad eyesight it is good at tracking movement and immediately starts following us,it slithers through sticks and grass and makes its way over to us and as soon as it was going to launch an attack we made it on the road so it slithers onto the road and was again ready to attack when a car comes over and flattens it but it manages to survive but another car comes and another and another because we were on pringle which alot of cars come by.

  14. Perspective: Iguana

    One hot and sunny day, I was relaxing in the nice warm sun until suddenly I heard a noise kinda like a `hisssss”. Behind me I could hear the sound coming towards me and it was a snake, the snake had slithered over my tail. I ran as fast as I could but then a bunch of other snakes were coming out of the rocks and coming after me too, so I ran even faster and then one of the snakes got me and started wrapping me up and more snakes started wrapping me up too. So I squeezed my way out and started running like a lightning bolt⚡️! I jumped up the rocks! But as I was jumping snake almost bit my tail, I kept jumping until I got on the highest rock. Up there I met my friend who also is an Iguana!

    That is the story of how I almost got eaten by snakes!

    By Nimrita

  15. It was a hot and sunny day in the desert.I suddenly heard the sound of a hissssssss. I felt something at my back, before I could breathe I took off so quick, jumping over rocks and cracks in the ground without looking behind me I just kept going knowing that there was a snake at my tail.there were so many sounds of snakes behind me I had to move fast.I made it to large crack in the ground and as I jumped the snakes fell in the crack and then I escaped and was free with my family and friends.we were free from the snakes until next time.

  16. one afternoon i heard something moving when i look closes it was a snake.i decided not to move until i felt one behind me. i ran as fast as i could to save my self from all those hungry snake. as i was running i saw more snakes coming out of the rock.but i got cough by few snakes but i didn't stop fight for my life and i got free.again i started to run as fast as i could without looking back and with out looking for whats gonna come a head. with all that running and clamming at last i reached my safe spot with my friend.

  17. Hey miss bourne its finn how's life

  18. PERSPECTIVE: Iguana

    First I heard slithering then I saw it. There was a snake right in front of me! I ran so fast I outran the first snake. But it did not stop there. not one bit. His whole gang of hungry snakes, they slithered and wrapped around me very tightly. But I escaped, then all of them ran after me and then I jumped 2 times I usually jump. I met my friend and the snakes had slithered up rocks that were beside me. snakes are very smart, as I was saying they came then I ran again. I slightly got away and I was so happy when I saw a vulture coming. But at that moment I remembered that I was also prey for the vulture. It made a swoop,I barely doged it. then it came back and ate my friend! Then I saw my family I thought they would help but they selfishly ran away. I made a dive for the lake right beside me. At last, I was safe turns out they couldn't swim as fast as me! Now I know that if I hear slithering I should take a swim.

  19. one afternoon i was sitting in the sun suddenly i felt someone staring at me i looked back there was a snake coming towards me i didn't know what to do so i froze until i felt one on my soon as i felt it i started to run for my life as i was running i notated that snake had more friends over for i decided to disappoint them and run away but due to my short legs and more snake i got caught. before they can have me for dinner i squeezed my short legs out of there long bodies and ran to the top on the rocks as last i was not just food but "i was fast food"

  20. Perspective:Iguana

    One day I was just minding my own business, until I heard something say "Hiss". I immediately knew it was a snake so I froze. It slithered past me but then stopped, then moved again. It went away but I was so scared that I was still frozen! Just then I heard something touch my tail. I immediately jumped and ran fast out of there for my life. Then other snakes came out of hiding places and chased me with their terrifying fangs. They kept chasing me until I lost some of them. I then only had one snake chasing me and it was super close to me! There was a big hole up ahead leading to a deep cave that we had to jump to get to the other side. I jumped and I actually made it! The snake almost got me by the leg but fell in the deep cave before getting my leg fully. I climbed a small mountain where I met my friends and I knew I was safe.


  21. Ahhhh, what a beautiful, sunny day today. I heard a sound that went like hssssss. I moved my head to look at what it was, oh it’s that fool, what do they call it again? Oh, yes, a snake it is animal that makes this hsss sound. I knew that sound was not odd to me and I knew that dirty fool is going to attack me. But I was intelligent so what makes him confident enough to fight me? Hahaha, that made laugh a bit, like, how can a snake fight a precious, clever and strong iguana? It makes no sense to me! It’s coming closer and closer. Holy mcnuggets! It’s trying to bite my tail! I shall run. I ran and ran as fast as I could. There comes his other snake friends. Hmph! What a baby bringing all his friends to protect him. I can fight all of them myself, at once! There are billions of them coming to attack. Why do they have such a wiggly body like that? See, I told you that they are fools! I kept running and running until one snake came out of nowhere and grabbed my body by it’s a wiggly, ponity, gross tail. I definitely need a shower after this. And all of them attacked me and tried to choke me! How do they swirl their bodies to other bodies like that? Eeeeh, eeeeeeeh, I’m free! Thank you, thank you, no you don't need to mention that I am very strong, pretty and clever. I try dodging all the snakes and , oh! I can see my house! I jump to the rocks until I got to my house. I flipped my precious hair and felt success. So if any of you snakes out there are reading this then you should know not to mess with an iguana! Especially me. I'm off to take a shower now because of those ecky and dirty snakes. Goodbye now hope you learned your lesson!

  22. IGUANA

    We had to get food. It was very late. I had to hurry because my family needed food.After trying to get a bug I wasted all of my energy. I stopped near a cave searching by my eyes. A plant? Or a egg? None. I stood thinking what to do next. While I was at it, the thought occurred.�� ������ ���� ���������� ��������.Then I felt something cold and slimy.My instincts kicked in and I ran. Looking back it was a snake yet that was not all.Thousands of snakes were coming too.Now we know that it is impossible to look two places at once(considering we have �� eyes) and a snake found that a opportunity to get me. The snake choked me and another snake joined the party. Then I found a hole and squeezed through! I Then ran as fast as I could up the mountain the snakes at my heels. Then the last one fell in those small gaps! I MADE IT!!!


  23. for some reason the ? mark came

  24. “lalalalala ,what a wonderful day,nothing could go wrong”said the iguana little did he know what was coming next.a couple minutes later he hears hissing,”A SNAKE” he screams!He runs and runs calling for help.he goes thru the mountains.”OUCH almost got bit!He looks back to realize the snakes gave up!He meets his family/friends.THE END =)

  25. I was minding my own business and a SNACK! Jumped at me and i was not one snack no no no there were 100 OF THEM! I ran and ran as fast as I could. I started to see a jump on the rocks that the snacks could not make I mean even if there wasn't even a jump there then how will you share like there are 100's of you. Is the snack that catches me is the one that eats me like what???? Oh well at least I survived.

  26. It was a hot day at the desert when i was walking on the sandy desert floor when i saw a snake it was slithering closer i had froze for a sec to see what the snake behind me was trying to do i was kinda scared to be honest but when i stopped the snake behind me jumped but i got away it hurt me a little .But anyways i had to run as fast as i could then more snake came from there tiny little holes i ran and ran then stopped just to catch my breath but a snake caught me .then i wiggled my way throw and ran to the top of the hill were i was safe good thing i survived or else i wouldn't be here to tell you my scary story .By iguana jadalyn

  27. we were all waiting for a prey eat soon we were as still as a rock so nothing could hear us soon we saw something sitting in the middle , i quickly slithered out and my sisters followed i circled they prey it was an iguana yummy i thought. the iguana must have known that it was done so it quickly ran away on top of a hill and i slithered really quickly to the top but sadly there was a hole and fell into it i wall get it next time but right now i was deppressed in a hole sadd!!

  28. I lurked in the grass waiting for a meal to come by when suddenly a iguana came so as soon as it left i slithered to its location.I had the element of surprise and i launched onto the iguana but it slipped away and starts running i cased after it when multiple snakes came after my meal so I had to be the first to get it.We all slithered at our top speed when the iguana slipped and a coiled onto it and had my lunch.

  29. So me and my snake friends where
    hungry for iguana.luckily for us there
    was one gust sitting there.we tried to
    sneak up on it.But gust as i got close
    the iguana me and my snake
    friends followed.we got it!But it
    slithered away.(get it slithered).It
    climbed the rock and
    what are we gunna eatwhat are we
    gunna eat?

  30. Ifiemi
    The Chase (Iguana’s perspective)
    It was a hot day, I was on my own trying to care for my family and then some snakes popped their heads out of some sort of little boulder in front of the entrance to a cave, then I saw a snake slithering towards me in it’s slimy body covered in scales started heading towards me, at that time I knew something was happening, so I stood still in my tracks thinking of what to do, and then I felt a snake crawling on my tail at that time I knew there was no more time to think, then I remembered in moments like this you don’t think but just start running, so I took off not knowing where to run to, I just continued running. The snake caught up with me and he wrapped himself around me, he thought he had won the battle, but I was not giving up. I managed to escape the clutches of dealth by snake.
