Friday 25 October 2019

How Scary!?

In class, we will be working on sentence structure, catchy introductions and using descriptive words to add excitement and convey feelings. Last week we worked on describing meaningful events  in our lives using the five senses, but I think we need some more work at it (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste).

Let’s talk HALLOWEEN!!  In a six sentence paragraph (opening sentence, four supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence), use descriptive writing to describe your or someone else’s point of view as they walk through a TERRIFYING haunted house. Eg. I smelled… I saw…. I heard…  

Use as many powerful adjectives as you can to make this writing exciting and BONE CHILLING!

Friday 18 October 2019

A moment in time

For your blog post this week, I want you to take us through an important or exciting moment in your life. What happened? What was going on? Why was this such a great moment? 

I want you to use DESCRIPTIVE writing when completing this paragraph. Remember a paragraph is at least 5-7 sentences. I want you to use your best descriptive writing, that means getting your sense involved!! What did you see? What did you hear? Were there any smells? Be as descriptive as you can, use adjectives to really describe your experience and make us as readers feel like we were there with you!!

Thursday 10 October 2019

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

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If you have not read it yet the book “Wonder” has an amazing lesson in it, that is to “choose kind.'' I believe in the power of these words and how that story really makes all readers want to be a little more kind and accept each other for our unique differences. 

I think it is time we explored kindness and throw it around like it is going out of style. Saying kind things, something as simple as “I love your new haircut” or “cool shirt bro” really can change someone’s day. 

For your blog post this week, explain to your peers and I what kindness means in your own eyes. What is kindness? How can you be kind? What are some ways that you can show kindness? Let’s scream it from our blog posts how much kindness means to us and share how we are going to “choose kind” each and every day here at EVP and in 5-1!!

Friday 4 October 2019

What are you thankful for?

With Thanksgiving weekend upon us, it is a time to reflect and show our gratitude for all of the amazing things each and every one of us have in our lives. Here at EVP we are so lucky to be part of a community where we have our basic needs, feel safe and come to a great place where we get to learn and have fun. 

For this week's blog post I would like you to watch the Kid President video on thankfulness. Then I would like you to write about 3-5 things that you are thankful for and why. Why are these people/ideas/things so important to you?

I don’t want you to think about your video games and toys. I want you to really think about what you are lucky to have, that maybe other people in other parts of the world may not have experienced. This week, really dig deep and share with us what you are thankful for this year.