Friday 31 January 2020

Air Hotel 3000

It is the year 3000, and the new ‘Air Hotel 3000’ is embarking on its maiden trip!
Can you write an advertisement for this new type of hotel? You could even do a newspaper article reporting on its first outing, perhaps interviewing some of the passengers on board!
Consider answering these questions in your blog post (DO NOT JUST DO A LIST!) Get creative, really ‘sell’ this trip of a lifetime! *What features do you think this new type of hotel has? *How is it similar/different to hotels/holidays we go on today? *How many people do you think can travel on the Air Hotel 3000? *Where do you think it might be heading on its voyage? *Who is flying it? How is it controlled? *How do you think the hotel is powered? *How do you think it lands?

Friday 24 January 2020

Stand Up

This week me and my fellow teachers had a strike day. We are striking to stand up for YOUR education and to ensure YOU get the best education you can with the resources we need. It takes a lot to stand up and have a voice. 

For your blog this week, I want you to think about something that REALLY matters to YOU! What would you stand up for and share your voice about? Why is this cause important to you? Are you currently doing anything to help make a difference?

Friday 17 January 2020

Good Citizen

We talked this week about citizenship and what it means to be a Canadian citizen. We learned that there are certain responsibilities we as Canadian citizens have that we are expected to follow. Such as -voting in elections -obeying the law -treating other citizens with respect and defending our country if there is a war. 

For your blog post this week I want you to think about our Classroom Community, you are all citizens of our community. What are your responsibilities as a member of our classroom community? Try to come up with at least 3 responsibilities you think we have and explain why these are important to having a good community. 

Friday 10 January 2020

One Word to Live Your 2020

In September we discussed our ONE WORD. It was a single word you chose to live by this school year, like a goal for life. Some chose to focus on their education, others their outside interests, and many a word that focused on an overall goal. We see this one word every single day as they hang in our classroom. 

Well, with it being the first month of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to go back and revisit this single word. How are you doing with your goal? Are you showing more confidence? Have you met your goal? Did you forget all about it and need to refocus? Think about this ONE WORD you chose and re-evaluate your feelings and ambitions. Tell us how you’ve done, how you plan to move forward with this goal, or do you need to focus your energy in a different area? It is important in life to reflect on your goals, alter your plans or make new plans. I look forward to hearing what your plans are next week.