Friday 27 September 2019

Superman's Brother

Watch this video writing prompt to imagine the story of Superman’s brother, Carl, who left Krypton as a child but ended up on a deserted planet filled with space trash instead of landing on Earth.  First, create the character of Carl in your imagination. Think about his life. 
  • What was his childhood like?
  • How did he spend his days? 
  • How did he survive?  
  • What kinds of skills did he learn in this environment? 
  • How did he use his Superman-like superpowers? 
  • In what ways did his x-ray vision come in handy? 
  • How about his ability to fly?  
  • What did he build on his planet? 
  • What new ideas did he have? 
  • How did he recycle the space trash? 
  • What his coolest invention? 
  • What new discoveries did he make?  
  • What kind of personality did he develop living alone?  
  • Did he ever create imaginary friends? Or maybe make his own robotic friends?  
  • What were his hopes and dreams? 
  • What were his goals?

After creating Carl in your mind, now write the story of the reunion between Superman and his long lost  brother, Carl. Think about the elements of a good story:
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Problem or challenge
  • Events
  • Resolution

Can’t wait to read your stories!

Friday 20 September 2019

Terry's Journey

Terry's Journey (click the link)
Take a read through all the stops and journal entries Terry Fox wrote during his marathon of hope. I would like you to reflect on his journey.

Consider these questions as you respond:
1. What do you think it would take for you to take on a challenge as big as running across Canada?
2. What would you risk to do this?
3. What effect on cancer research do you think Terry’s Journey has had?
4. Any other feelings or thoughts after reading his journey??

Friday 13 September 2019

New Year, New Beginnings

Welcome to your first blog post of Grade 5! Your first task in your weekly homework will be to respond to a blog post. Sometimes it will just be a post and other times I will ask you to comment on a video. We will read through some of your posts on Fridays to share your thoughts with the class.

I can't believe how quickly the summer went by, I was super busy getting the portable ready for this year. I am excited to learn, grow and explore with all of you. I did a lot of reflection this summer about the type of teacher I wanted to be. The goals I set for myself and how I would achieve them to best help you all achieve your goals this year.

I want you to take some time now to think about your goals for the year. Who do you want to be? Both academically,socially and within our school community. What would your promises be for grade 5? Try to think of at least 3 promises. What steps will you take to achieve your goals this year?

Here are my goals for the far
1. Give you all 110% with the lessons, assignments and activities I plan. No short cuts for me, I want everything to be engaging, exciting, meaningful and most importantly fun!
2. Always listen. I want you all to feel like you can come to me at any time. Whether it be with an assignment, or you just need someone to talk to I will always listen to what you have to say and value your thoughts and opinions. Anytime, anywhere!
3. Be Encouraging. I promise to be encouraging of you this year because I truly believe you are all capable of amazing things. I want to be the one to help you figure out what you are capable of and push you to strive for more.