Friday, 6 March 2020

Fake News!

Watch this video of a CRAZY jump that has over 6 million views on youtube. What I want to know is, do you think it’s real?  What proof do you have that this is true and accurate. What do the creators of the video do to give this video validity and authenticity?
We live in an era where we hear the term “fake news” constantly.  But can we recognize when news is fake and when it’s real? For your blog post this week, I want you to jot down how do you recognize when a story is fake, and can you post an example of “clickbait” (screenshot if you can) or describe how you know when something is clickbait.
I think that this video "is" OR "is not" real.  The proof I have for my opinion is …
Write your paragraph that talks about both the video and how you separate fact from fiction when you’re on the internet!

I can give you a prompt to start your blog:


  1. I think it was fake because you would never do it on the first try, and that got me thinking “Do I know the sign off something being fake” I do but it is hard to know if it is a “Red flag” So i’m going to tell you some warning signs of something being fake.
    .That is basically impossible to do.
    .It is to good to be true
    .It is physically impossible
    .That it is usually doesn't happen(E.g someone calling you to tell you your being sued)
    That are somethings to look out for.

  2. I think that it is fake because you could never do it on the first try and you would be crazy to do do it in the first place and these are some other reasons why i think it is fake

    It is possible that someone was all ready in the pool
    The water pressure can kill anyone from that high
    It can also be a doll that is flying
    He can not gain that much speed to go that high
    The whole body can not even fit all stretched out
    So that is why i think it is fake

  3. I think it is fake because his body is so big and to fit in the baby pool and there is no way he could go that high I think it is fake and the person did not go in he was hiding in the baby pool and a doll went up that high.

  4. I think the video was real

    I know when a video is fake when

    Something unlikely to happen when it has been done
    Titles that seem suspicious such as “I almost died”
    When it has such a persuading title that grabs you into watching it
    Using Thumbnails that look real but obviously not

    Now to the video. I think it is real because well it looks real to me.
    The person from the start ends up again at the end. Another theory that it is real is that the video didn’t get paused. So there is no way that there was someone else that can go so fast from switching the person. They were lucky to get the angle correctly and also they might have had test runs but with smaller ramps.

  5. OK


    because he could not exactly land precisely there.
    That is basically impossible to do
    also he slid on grass COME ON how is that possible????????
    he also could slide right off the start so that is clearly not real.
    there could have been someone in the pool and he could not have fit

    1. salam he does not slide on the grass


  6. This (for me) is REAL.

    Now, you might be thinking, How is that real??? He went down and landed? How? That’s when I started researching and found out that this is REAL. That knocks out the thought that this was an animation or photo edit and also knocks out the tought that this is a green screen. Then I thought and reaserched and then I got the thought that they might have did a crash dummy test before!

    And thats why I think the video is REAL clickbait image

  7. I think it is real because the person going down the slide at first doesn't look real but when he's in the air if you look closely you can see the arms of the guy moving so therefore it is not clickbait.but at first it was hard to tell because when they zoom out the guy shrinks but when the guy got in the air his arms started to move.


    Welcome to CHANNEL NEWS 7! Today we have an impossible case to solve! We have no clue if it is REAL NEWS or FAKE NEWS! That is why today we need all of you viewers to help us! The video that we just showed you about an hour ago is what will help us to figure out if this is REAL or FAKE! Everybody in the CHANNEL NEWS 7 area agrees that it must be fake, they all agree that it must be fake because how is it possible to perfectly plan going into the baby pool and ace it on the first try, especially because how do they to the perfect slide/jump into the pool on like the video. It looks clickbait and it seems PHOTOSHOPPED!!!! It looks like the man just made himself go in the air so it just looked like he went in the pool but he probably just

    That is why I think this news is FAKE NEWS!!!!


  9. I think the story is FAKE because he made it seem real in the same ways as he had safety gear, they all congratulated him, and they were pouring water on the slide to make it slippery so it seemed real. But, it was fake because the pool was way too small, the landing seemed off, and the camera zoomed out when he was doing the jump. There are alot more reasons to make this story seem fake.

    By: Zoreen:)

  10. whtryftsdywas

    1. sry miss Bourne accidnet can you delete the hting before this

  11. The video I watched is fake because they were putting water on the slide and the pool was very small or tiny. the man would be hurt if he actually did that.

  12. “Doing this type of stunt is impossible.
    My name is Ifiemi and welcome to NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS
    Today we saw a stunning video that went viral in less than 24 hours. If you haven't seen it take a look http: //
    Do you believe this video is real?
    Well we took to the streets and asked civilians this question and here’s what they said. Roll the clip Dave. “Today we are joined by the beautiful Amanda. Amanda we are going to be showing you a video and we want you to answer this burning question “Real or Fake” (The clip has been rolled) so it’s time for the answer to the internet’s burning question is this video “real or fake”.
    Amanda: This video is fake ‘cause who believes that a guy could actually go off a slide, at that speed lands in a kiddie pool and doesn’t break a bone. To me that was a dummy that was thrown on the slide and the video was paused from time to time for changes and when the dummy landed there was already someone in the water waiting because after a landing like that you’d want to get out of water as fast as possible but if you notice the person in the video took sometime. So up to me this video is fake.
    Thanks Amanda that was such a wonderful answer and I’m siding with you. To answer the internet’s burning question is the video “Real or Fake” go to NEWS NEWS NEWS to answer this question. Back to you Ifiemi.
    Thanks Dave for that. That’s it for this segment of NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS have a great day folks. See you next time on NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS. My name is Ifiemi and I’m out”

    In case you didn’t get my answer from the repert on top. My opinion is that this video is fake.

  13. $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!ZAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$12 March 2020 at 16:01

    After watching and analyzing the video my conclusion is that its fake and i will prove my opinion by science and how he video looks lets get on with it. First with science it is almost impossible to plan where he will land unless they used a dummy but even with a dummy the weights could be different and the dummy might not be in the same position as the human so how could they predict where the human would land. Next when he went into the pool it was pretty tiny so he must have hurt himself by hitting the floor to hard because when you jump in water you don't stop at the top you sink the rise so the man should have hit the ground and been hurt but he immediately rose up. After if you saw they were umps in the slide which means even if they predicted where he would have landed the bumps would slow him down. Now onto how it looks,the people who edited it did it pretty well but the only thing I heard was that it looked like the water sounds was delayed. That is my fake news blog post!!

  14. The video in my opinion is fake because,i have several reasons

    Reason number 1.No one could make that jump! You would have to be a cheetah! A cheetah couldn't even make that jump!That was way too high!

    Reason number 2.The ramp! The ramp once the person rides his skateboard down the ramp you would completely fall off at the end of the ramp!Unless some crazy strong force pushed you really hard and threw you so far.

    Reason number 3. The pool At the end of the video as the person splashes into the pool the water comes out, but when the friends come to congratulate the person.the pool water completely disappears from the ground or plants.none of the grass or plants were wet.

    So thats why, i think the stunt video is fake.

  15. Fake News!

    At first it looked real. But slowly getting into the video it started to seem fake. At the middle part of the “slide” or whatever, they didn't show it which seemed suspicious, like maybe it included some photoshopping and acting in that. The people looked happy when he did it but that might just be him acting that out. My thoughts are that it's fake. Also, what kind of person can jump that high? I think it sounds and looks fake. But other reasons that I think its real would be that the sounds that it made while the guy was sliding sounded real, like when they added water. Speaking of water, they added water which makes it easier on him to slide to make it into the tiny swim circle. And they did look very happy when they jumped that but who knows it might just them acting that happiness out. And who knows, they might have just added sound effects to they’re video and they might have edited it and stuff like that. It's hard to decide , but i think i'm going with fake all though it did sound real but looked fake. And that's why I think that the news is counterfeit.

  16. The Fake News!!!

    This video of this crazy jump has over 6 MILLION views! Do you think it is real, or fake?! Well, I think it is fake, here are some reasons why. Number one, no one can go up the ramp, because, if you will go up, then there has to be some crazy kind of really strong force pushing you! Number two, when the person lands in the little kiddy pool, the grass or plants are not wet, because if the grass or plants were wet, it would kind of shimmery. Number three, I feel like the person went down the ramp, stopped where we couldn’t see in the middle of the ramp, someone else, or something else was released with some crazy force landed in the pool and another person came out, (not the same person that went down the ramp).
    I couldn’t really think of anything else, so those are all of my reasons.

  17. Fake news!
    I think that this video is not real. The proof I have for my opinion is because, to be honest, it looks super fake. Especially because, when the man was going down the slide, it didn’t look like a human at all. It looks more like a rock, or something else. And from the distance that the video was being filmed from, you could easily just slide a doll down the ramp. Also, the man would have to have a lot of momentum to go up that ramp and how could the landing be so precise? Plus, the pressure of the landing, and the water would definitely hurt the man who was sliding down the ramp. I also have multiple pictures stating my proof:

    In the first picture, that little balck dot on the ramp is actually supposed to be a human. But to be honest, it looks more like a bug. Sure it could be possible that the man who was sliding down tucked himself into a ball, but it would seem really uncomfortable and it makes more sense and be more believable to spread out while going down the slide. In the second picture, it shows the man who was supposedly on the slide soaring through the air after going on top of the ramp, heading for the small play pool. But how did he gain so much speed to be able to go up the ramp and through the air? It would make more sense if he was in a car, but he wasn’t. Without enough momentum to pull him up and over the ramp it isn’t scientifically possible to soar through the air like that. And since he was sliding down a water slide that curved at the bottom, he wouldn’t have enough momentum to pull him up to the rest of the slide, to the top of the ramp, or let alone over it. So, those are the reasons why I tend to think that this video is not real.

    Ways to separate fact from fiction online:
    Reread the article or rewatch the video
    Check which website you are using
    Check with different websites
    See who wrote it
    See if there is proper quality. (eg. in our video, the vision was blurred so you couldn't see if it was a human or no that was going down the slide)
    These are some of the things that you should look out for while trying to see if things on the internet are real or not. Remember, not everything you see online and on TV is true!

    i think this video is fake because first of all it looks super fake. the landing was so precise nobody could land it like he was going super fast on that big ramp thing and landed in a tiny pool without getting hurt! Thats like pyisicaly impossible Newtons 3 laws of pyisics explans that for every action there is an equal and /or oppisite reaction and that guy went super sonic speed and landed in a baby poopl that was so far without getting hurt thats wy i think this is FAKE NEWS!

  19. merry Christmas Mrs.Bourne.And Swara cause I like your name
