Friday 6 March 2020

Fake News!

Watch this video of a CRAZY jump that has over 6 million views on youtube. What I want to know is, do you think it’s real?  What proof do you have that this is true and accurate. What do the creators of the video do to give this video validity and authenticity?
We live in an era where we hear the term “fake news” constantly.  But can we recognize when news is fake and when it’s real? For your blog post this week, I want you to jot down how do you recognize when a story is fake, and can you post an example of “clickbait” (screenshot if you can) or describe how you know when something is clickbait.
I think that this video "is" OR "is not" real.  The proof I have for my opinion is …
Write your paragraph that talks about both the video and how you separate fact from fiction when you’re on the internet!

I can give you a prompt to start your blog: