Thursday 13 February 2020

The best time of day

For your blog posts this week I want us to think about writing full paragraphs! No more skinny tiny posts! So..that being said I want you to think about “Better Answers” we can do that by following these simple steps:
1.Introduction: Start by restating the prompt.  Recycle as many words as you can.
2.Body: Provide some details WITH examples (so your reasons for thinking this way) You should have at least 2 reasons to give your paragraph some real depth!
3.Conclusion: Finally, add a concluding statement to let your reader know that your answer is finished.  Restate your restatement and add a touch of voice.

**Don’t forget to use TRANSITION WORDS so that we as readers know you are providing another example or you are finishing.**

Your writing prompt is: 

What is the best time of the day?  

Morning?  Afternoon?  Evening? Bedtime? Dinner time?  Another time?

Friday 7 February 2020

Dear 100 Year Old Me

Can you believe we have already had 100 days of school this year!! It seems crazy but this year has flown by. As I get older, the years seem to start going faster. I think back and remember my grade 5 class, and it feels like it was only yesterday. As we think about 100 and 100s day, I want you to think about what the world will look like when you’re 100, so 90ish years from now.  But don’t just think about the world, think about you: what will you have accomplished, what do you want to remember, what would you say to your 100 year old self.

For your blog this week, write a letter to your 100 year old self. In this letter, you can talk about things you hope you accomplished, things you want them to remember from this year, and hopes for the world.  This is your letter to you in the future, I can’t wait to read them!